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  1. Bonzo

    What a challenge!

    ProPinball The Web
  2. Bonzo

    AGE of TPA players

    Ha, I'm exactly 30 days older than you, PiN WiZ. Happy Birthday!
  3. Bonzo

    So, Attack from Mars has a Family Mode...

    Fair point. I think "getting hosed" is a little too harsh, though.
  4. Bonzo

    So, Attack from Mars has a Family Mode...

    Then go buy pro mode? You get full operator menu access. That makes it a "complete" table. If you're that much into pinball, then FS made pro mode just for you. You want it all? You pay more. What's all the fuzz about? I don't get it.
  5. Bonzo

    Touchscreen perils.

    Battery at 15% warning. Need I say more?
  6. Bonzo

    The Music Video Thread

    And regarding weird metal covers that's all for today.
  7. Bonzo

    The Music Video Thread

    Something light and upbeat to start the new year:
  8. Bonzo

    The Music Video Thread

    @ Timelord: Due to my short attention span I could do without the lengthy ambient intro and outro but the song is great. Will definitely look for more. @Bass Mummy: Hello fellow bass player! For me it was Cliff Burton who made me want to play bass. And early on i was impressed by stuff like...
  9. Bonzo

    happy new year everyone!

    All the best to all of you. Have a great 2013!
  10. Bonzo

    The Random Thought Thread

    New PC? Check! New xbox controller for the PC? Check! TPA on Steam? Check... no, wait... noooooooooooo At least I have to catch up on a few years of games. Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age etc I'm coming.
  11. Bonzo

    Hi from Boise

    Welcome to the fold.
  12. Bonzo

    My last post

    Nice one, Mark. It's good you're back after your rather long absence. ;P
  13. Bonzo

    It's All Your Fault FARSIGHT

    If Metalzoic made a joke it is a REALLY bad one. If he's serious, he's a little piece of $hit. I just feel sorry for Jutter :( I think you took his post the wrong way SS. And I like Bucci's videos.
  14. Bonzo

    TZ Tactics and Strategies o.O
  15. Bonzo

    Taxi: Strategy and Tactics o.O
  16. Bonzo

    No Good Gofers Tips and Strategies o.O
  17. Bonzo

    MB Tactics and Strategies

    PAPA Tutorial in one part on original site:
  18. Bonzo

    Medieval Madness Tactics and Strategies

    Here's a link to the same video, but on the original site. I read a comment by Bowen Kerins somewhere on that said he'd appreciate if people watched the videos there.

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