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  1. Bonzo


    Not for me. I hate clowns!
  2. Bonzo

    Jutter (NL)

    Welcome to the fold.
  3. Bonzo

    New interface thoughts and comments.

    Really? Because of that? It's a little annoying, but it takes less than 15 seconds to get to a table and start playing. How long do you play that table then?
  4. Bonzo

    The Olive Garden Analogy - my last post

    Pay once, come to our all you can eat buffet 24/7 for the rest of your life... Yeah, grrrrreat analogy o.O
  5. Bonzo

    Android V1.9.1: Bugs

    Yay,we were of use! *highfives Daniel*
  6. Bonzo

    An Afternoon At FarSight Studios

    I'd love a Vectrex version o.O Thank you very much SYT for doing this. And thank you very much FS for letting him in. :)
  7. Bonzo

    Android V1.9.1: Bugs

    During my first encounter with the new UI at first I thought so myself. But then I figured out that you have to touch the centered icon very, very, very briefly to select it.
  8. Bonzo

    Parting Thoughts for Farsight and Fellow Posters

    -1 ;P Welcome back to the fold, Mark!
  9. Bonzo

    Visual Pinball Tournament Thread

    Oh, would have thought that's the main source for Groni's tables. *browses to VPForums to DL updates*
  10. Bonzo

    What are your most loved and most hated sound quips?

    I love "Mama mia! They're straightening the tower of Pisa!" and I hate everything the ToM magican says, that voice...
  11. Bonzo

    Merry Christmas to one and all !

    Coolcoolcool! Merry Christmas, happy holidays! :) (Wait, didn't i say that already in a nother thread?)
  12. Bonzo

    Visual Pinball Tournament Thread

    I'd say we should allow all tables from, too. :)
  13. Bonzo

    Parting Thoughts for Farsight and Fellow Posters

    The paragraph you put bold because it's the most important to you says it all... You seem to don't think stuff through to the end and you don't listen closely enough. If FS gave a table away for free, they'd have to pay royalties for every single damn copy that's downloaded without earning a...
  14. Bonzo

    New hotness on iOS & Android: Revenge of the Rob-o-Bot

    Noooo! Almost had you Carl. 10m EB with the first ball. Then everything went down the drain. Finished with 14.7m. Guess, that's pinball o.O
  15. Bonzo

    New hotness on iOS & Android: Revenge of the Rob-o-Bot

    Dammit! Just you wait, I'll getcha!
  16. Bonzo

    What a challenge!

    You're bitter. Count me in so you got three people that wanted the tables harder ;P And a new frontend had been planned for months so you can't blame "us" for that.
  17. Bonzo

    Android 1.9.0: Bugs

  18. Bonzo

    New hotness on iOS & Android: Revenge of the Rob-o-Bot

    Not 100% sure but it seems to happen after I have raised and released the second flipper without releasing the first. The first flipper will stay up until you press it again. This happens frequently mid-game and can be dealt with quite often. It's only on the good balls that I drain because of...
  19. Bonzo

    What 2 tables would you be most excited to see FS announce to start off 2013?

    Total Dream: TAF, X-Files Realistic (kinda); Safecracker, No Fear

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