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  1. B

    Star Trek: The Next Generation Kickstarter Stretch News!

    Taxi is coming soon and that was from Mark Ritchie. Black Knight isn't far away either, though I hope for an announcement of a certain table with the similar name soon.
  2. B

    Official Twilight Zone News

    Video Pinball (arcade) did that too. I'm not sure if it's the odyssey. I don't think that had Jai Alai. I know one of the Coleco Telstar consoles had it, as well as the simplistic light gun game.
  3. B

    Round 2: Post Your Questions For Bobby King

    Are there any plans to do Bally's Star Trek? Would it be as expensive to license as TNG?
  4. B

    Hey You, With the Face! Step right up and cast your vote for the best Coaster around!

    If they pick only one, I would like to see Cyclone. I remember liking Comet quite a bit, but it has been awhile since I played. I still need to play Hurricane, but it looks like the most cluttered of the three games.
  5. B

    What's the Weirdest (or Worst) License / Theme You've Seen on a Real Machine?

    El Dorado is a good example of this. Aside from the usual Add-A-Ball with the same art, there was Target Alpha (space themed), Canada Dry (licensed from the drink company), and Solar City (mixing the space and western themes). The 80s SS version went with an Indiana Jones-ish adventure theme...
  6. B

    Bug Odd Extra Ball bug

    I'm guessing this isn't on 360, since, afaik, 360 didn't have an update yet. According to the rules here, the real machine only gives out 1 extra ball. Since the last iOS update, the rules were changed to be more like the real machine, so I'm not surprise if this is the case. This is what I...
  7. B

    Stern's X-Men Pics

    The right ramp is different. Telling from the pics, the LE has a pop up target in front of the right ramp. The bottom part of the right ramp looks like an Iceman bridge on the LE. Edit: Looked at the playfield again and there's a pop up target in front of the left ramp on the LE too.
  8. B

    Hey You, With the Face! Step right up and cast your vote for the best Coaster around!

    Both Cyclone and Hurricane have one, though Hurricane's is a double ferris wheel.
  9. B

    I have a stupid idea - Sound Board

    Don't worry sound modes, I love you. ;) Seriously though, I would love to see a sound test mode. A lot of games have them and it's especially cool for games with killer sounds/music.
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    Official Twilight Zone News

    I'm just getting frustrated with this. I don't want to argue with Actionball, but I want him to stop making rude posts every time I reply to him. I'm not trying to provoke or attack you. I never said you went on a tangent, I just felt you were replying in a rude way that was uncalled for, even...
  11. B

    Official Twilight Zone News

    I deleted my post before I even saw your reply. I wasn't purposely talking down to you, I just thought you were belittling other posts in a rude manner, which you still are. Everyone posts something that is wrong and constantly talking down to me and accusing me of saying wrong things on purpose...
  12. B

    Official Twilight Zone News

    I meant the first release thing when I said bribing (and you said strong armed, so same difference or whatever) and assumed that you would know what I meant. Please don't argue with me over semantics. And I was replying to this comment "Now that I know the PS3 DLC is all ready to go and the...
  13. B

    Official Twilight Zone News

    I edited my post becuase I said something that I thought it was silly having to do with "difference of opinion" that would probably give you bait to assume I didn't understand your post. BTW, you technically cherry picked my post when you chose only to reply to one thing from my post and talk...
  14. B

    Official Twilight Zone News

    This crap is why I deleted my post. This post pretty much talks down to me in a rude way that belittles and discounts everything I said.
  15. B

    Round 2: Post Your Questions For Bobby King

    This probably goes with the revamped sounds question. Will Black Hole have more of a loud clicky sound like the real machine when it gets updated?
  16. B

    Round 2: Post Your Questions For Bobby King

    I think he means mirrored tables like mirrored courses in games like Ridge Racer.
  17. B

    Round 2: Post Your Questions For Bobby King

    How far along is ROM emulation for early SS machines?
  18. B

    DLC Release Date

    The touchscreen nudging was fixed for iOS in the latest update.
  19. B

    Round 2: Post Your Questions For Bobby King

    This has been answered multiple times. The games come out at different times becuase of the differing approval processes. Handhelds have not been given top priority. I have a question. Are there any Steve Ritchie games planned that aren't in Pinball Arcade? Is Flash possible?

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