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  1. R

    Last 4 Tables of Season 4.

    WOW!!! I never noticed how similar Pinbot and Jackbot are. That is a real bummer even if it plays sort of different, they are all the same shots. Serious bummer.
  2. R

    The Pinball Arcade table ratings

    Yeah, seriously?! And a 3 for Medieval Madness and 2s for Creature from the Black Lagoon and Twilight Zone. Just stop, go home, you are obviously drunk. And I stand by my 3 for Cirqus Voltaire. It's a bad table and that stupid ball taking up so much space and completely throws off gameplay...
  3. R

    Last 4 Tables of Season 4.

    If F-14 is definitely not this season then I say JackBot, Getaway, Xenon and Bonebusters Inc.
  4. R

    Bram Stoker's Dracula sucks

    And BSD can't be the worst table. The things you don't like about it are 10 times worse in Phantom of the Opera.
  5. R

    Bram Stoker's Dracula sucks

    You must not be very good at it yet. It is one of the harder ones to figure out. Once you get BSD going, it is one of the most exciting tables.
  6. R

    Last 4 Tables of Season 4.

    Is there always a Gottlieb table in each season? If that's the case, than I am going to go with JackBot, Xenon, F-14 and Bone Busters Inc. I don't see them doing Stargate and Starship Troopers in the same season.
  7. R

    The Pinball Arcade table ratings

    My Pinball Arcade table ratings —————————— 10 — The Addams Family 10 — Monster Bash 9 — Gorgar 9 — No Good Gofers! 9 — Ripley's Believe It or Not! 9 — Scared Stiff 8 — Bram Stoker's Dracula 8 — Creature from the Black Lagoon 8 — Elvira and the Party Monsters 8 — The Machine: Bride of Pin•Bot 8 —...
  8. R


    I only nudge if it appears to be going down the middle or to try and knock it out of the outlane. So in those cases I always nudge right because I'm right handed and it is the only one I can do fast enough on a Kindle Fire or my phone.
  9. R

    Last 4 Tables of Season 4.

    What do you think the last 4 tables of Season 4 will be? The next one is looking like JACK-BOT, then maybe XENON? Any EDUCATED guesses on the last two? Not just what you wish it would be.
  10. R

    Season 5 Most Wanted.

    I thought Dr. Who was not do-able because of all the rights to not just the music and audio rights the 12 doctors different likenesses. **Wow, I just noticed my join date. I can't believe I have only been playing TPA for less than 7 months. Thanks to whoever it was that wrote the review for...
  11. R

    Measure your devotion to TPA: How many tables do you own?

    Yeah, High Roller Casino needs to be fixed. It's really insulting how poorly done it is.
  12. R

    Measure your devotion to TPA: How many tables do you own?

    If CP is Central Park, that works its way into play rotation. If CP means Champion Pub... yeah, I own it but that is hands down the worst table. All gimmick, no substance.
  13. R

    Anyone have a game they find hard that a lot of people say is easy?

    I was thinking that today about Black Rose. I just don't get the scoring. I am a silver, boarderline gold in most tournaments and just seem to do terrible on Black Rose. It took me a little while to figure out Twilight Zone too but once I did I saw what everyone liked about it. And yeah...
  14. R

    All tables are jamming at beginning and end

    The last couple days the game jams for about 1 minute right before it switches from the my tables menu to the selected table and then jams again for about 1 minute after the game right before the restart menu (or high score if a new score ranked). It is the only program acting odd on my kindle...
  15. R

    What the heck is up with the new updates?!?

    First and most upsetting is that the update of Earthshaker (at least on Kindle Fire) makes the ball move all unnaturally. The best way to describe it is that it doesnt seem to roll but wiggle along like the extra ball in Dracula being dragged by the magnet. Second is that Phantom of the Opera...
  16. R

    Which Tables are best on a small screen?

    I bought it originally off Amazon. When I log into my account through the main menu it doesn't add any tables, it just asks me to buy them when I try and play.
  17. R

    Which Tables are best on a small screen?

    I have all the tables on my tablet but only a couple on my cellphone during the 99cent sale. So far I have found Space Shuttle and Taxi are easier to play on the small screen than White Water or Harley Davidson. Which other tables are best on the smaller screens or really bad?
  18. R

    Complete reinstall all high scores and goals lost. How would you react?

    If anyone cares... I eventually went through all four emotions from top to bottom.
  19. R

    Hardest multiballs to maintain

    Space Shuttle is so easy to keep going, they block the center drain for petesake.
  20. R

    Most difficult Wizard Goal - a poll

    The Central Park Wizard goals are probably the easiest of any of the games. I am not a very good player, there are a dozen tables where I can't even finish the standard goals but Central Park I finished out the first month I bought TPA. Central Park is about raising the left and right...

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