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  1. SilverBalls

    Put Your Initial Thoughts Here

    Hey - many thanks BBIAJ :). It looks really good - big improvement on the lighting compared to PC version. It doesn't look quite as dark as the PS4 videos I have seen - it's a pity they don't allow an even darken environment. Apparently in the early PS4 version (demo for shows) they offered...
  2. SilverBalls

    Put Your Initial Thoughts Here

    Has anyone found (or could make :)) a video of the Xbox One version in the dark room setting (presuming it has that option)? Thanks
  3. SilverBalls

    Put Your Initial Thoughts Here

    Doesn't the game have the lighting settings to play in a dark room, etc. like in the PS4 version?
  4. SilverBalls

    Pinball Arcade with SweetFX - lightness control, bloom, etc.

    SweetFXIniSwitcher v1.2 To overcome the problem of having too many config files and not knowing which one you have selected, I have just uploaded a new version of SweetFXIniSwitcher (v1.2) which will look for a WAV sound file with the same filename as the settings file you are switching to, and...
  5. SilverBalls

    Pinball Arcade with SweetFX - lightness control, bloom, etc.

    They look good. Will try those files tomorrow when I am back home. btw: The files can be named anything at the end so you can use table names if needed.
  6. SilverBalls

    Pinball Arcade with SweetFX - lightness control, bloom, etc.

    Did anyone have time to try the ini switcher? If anyone does and has problems please let me know. It would also be good to try out some other ini files if people want to share them. btw: the source code is in the zip.
  7. SilverBalls

    Pinball Arcade with SweetFX - lightness control, bloom, etc.

    SweetFXIniSwitcher for PinballArcade I wrote an AHK script which can automatically cycle through different ini files after one keypress. I made it configurable via an ini file so it should work for any program, however the default ini is for Pinball Arcade :). If people have good config files...
  8. SilverBalls

    Pinball Arcade with SweetFX - lightness control, bloom, etc.

    Remember you can turn the SweetFX settings on/off with one keypress (Scrolllock key by default but that is configurable). I plan to assign a key in my cabinet so I can do that. It also should be possible to knock up a quick AHK script to switch between setting files. Have a button to skip to...
  9. SilverBalls

    Pinball Arcade with SweetFX - lightness control, bloom, etc.

    Thanks- they do seem like the ones to play with after a quick test. I also tried playing with the 'RGB_Gamma to float3' - for me a slightly increased value from PinballPersons setting to about 0.7 for each param seems quite good - obviously a personal thing so good to have the flexibility. I...
  10. SilverBalls

    Pinball Arcade with SweetFX - lightness control, bloom, etc.

    Many thanks for sharing that - it is certainly a big improvement. Even turning USE_GAUSSIAN to 0 (off) although the glow disappears the darker look is much better that the default. I tried toning down the glow/bloom but didn't have much luck - which settings should be changed for this?
  11. SilverBalls

    Obscure/forgotten Pinball recreation video games

    I used to dream of having this as a kid, but it was way too expensive back then:
  12. SilverBalls

    Obscure/forgotten Pinball recreation video games

    I have been playing virtual pinball most of my life since Atari Video Pinball and thought I tried every sim out therebut somehow I missed this one. It looks pretty good lthough similar to Visual Pinball from the same era although the clear advantage of this is it had is the top down view with...
  13. SilverBalls

    Pro Pinball

    Thanks Kevlar - great find. The audio seminar with Silvercastle has a great 15-min question and answer session with Adrian Barritt and the audience where he answers some stuff on the Timeshock Ultra re-make ((starts halfway through).
  14. SilverBalls

    timeframe on dx11

    Will it come before Xmas 2014?
  15. SilverBalls

    Pro Pinball

    I am lost with all this talk of cheese :confused: But I can say from what I have seen on the 2nd Alpha this is going to be the dogs boll**ks.
  16. SilverBalls

    Pro Pinball

    ....and here is the Kickstarter post mentioned above: Apple won't know what hit them.
  17. SilverBalls

    Version 1.32.7

    Maybe the artist was wearing shades when he did the table. :cool:
  18. SilverBalls

    Pro Pinball

    Great post Slam and thanks for the detailed write up - I would have loved to have been there. Reading the dev posts in the VIP part of the pro pinball forums it is quite obvious that they are the Grand-daddy of perfectionists. It is easy for KS supporters to become inpatient waiting for this...
  19. SilverBalls

    Pro Pinball

    Just found an interesting post on Pro Pinball site under the restricted VP section: The Kickstarter funds prob covers the salary of one developer. Might explain the slow progress, but at the same time it is pretty impressive when you see what they have done. The good news is they have been...
  20. SilverBalls

    timeframe on dx11

    The Pro Pinball chaps have certainly achieved that and that can be seen from the cabinet video posted online - the lights slowly fade in and out and you can see the filaments in the bulbs if you look close enough. Having said...

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