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  1. B

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    I want Whodunnit too! I played Big Guns again recently and that is a very fun, underrated table.
  2. B

    Those who think PHOF is bad - take a look at this!

    The copyright date on the title screen says 1988, but the dates online list 1990. There were at least two other pinball games, aside from Nintendo's Pinball, around at that time.
  3. B

    New VP version of Black Hole is out, and boy, are there differences!

    In an email from Farsight, they said that some Gottlieb games weren't emulated yet when I asked if it was using the ROM. They have a real one now, so, hopefully, it will have the emulation soon. The rules of the current version are different from the original, but with a real table, that may...
  4. B

    Turn Based Multiplayer Or Not?

    Turn based multi varies by game. Some games play very well with it and some don't, but I would like to see it for the ones that do it well. Flipper Football is one game I don't want to see without turn based two player.
  5. B

    Those who think PHOF is bad - take a look at this!

    I like the NES High Speed quite a bit myself. The physics are improved a bit compared to pinbot and the mini games are extremely fun. I also like the graphics of both games. They are limited in color, but have a lot of details for NES. Scoring isn't comparable at all to the original, though.
  6. B

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    I thought of another Williams game that starts with a G, Grand Lizard. It's probably not it, but I wouldn't mind if it was.
  7. B

    Pinball Fantasies HD to be released soon for iOS

    Which version of Dreams did you play? Physics are dated, but I wouldn't call the regular physics horrible. However, the DOS version tweaked the physics for the worse (and that one does have terrible physics), and the iOS has sped up physics by default (though they can be changed to the classic...
  8. B

    Round 1: Post your questions for Bobby King

    I'll add to that. Any Steve Ritchie games coming that aren't in PHOF? Anything from Barry Oursler coming that isn't in PHOF?
  9. B

    Request Pro tables?

    When I saw this topic, I was thinking it would be about newer Sterns becuase they have Pro and LE editions for most of the newer ones. If they ever get around to SAM emulation, which may be a bear since modified Whitestar is already one of the more demanding MPUs, it would be interesting to see...
  10. B

    New VP version of Black Hole is out, and boy, are there differences!

    The voice on the game reminds me of Q*Bert. Probably becuase it has a similar voice systhesizer, if not the same one. From my previous post: "From videos of the real table (I have played a real one, but didn't get to the bottom playfield as much), it looks like the rules are closer to the VP...
  11. B

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    I doubt it's in the next DLC, but it would be awesome if one of the games turned out to be Stern's Galaxy.
  12. B

    New VP version of Black Hole is out, and boy, are there differences!

    It looks like the new FS VP9 Black Hole is a mod of the VP8 version. I noticed some of the same things you mention in the VP8 Black Hole. From videos of the real table (I have played a real one, but didn't get to the bottom playfield as much), it looks like the rules are closer to the VP version...
  13. B

    Request Most Wanted Data East Tables - Pick Five

    I went with: Guns 'n Roses The Simpsons Star Wars Jurassic Park Tommy
  14. B

    Round 1: Post your questions for Bobby King

    It was Farsight that told me the Pinball Arcade Black Hole doesn't use the ROM. That's why it's missing some speech samples and why the sound effects and background sound play at the same time (they don't on the real machine).
  15. B

    Round 1: Post your questions for Bobby King

    Despite the Pinball Arcade version not using the ROM, the lower playfield "whoosh" may be something outside the ROM since the VP version doesn't play it either. One interesting thing is that the sound only roms actually have completely different sounds.
  16. B

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    I doubt this is the case, but it would be cool if one of the games turned out to be an Alvin G. game like A.G. Soccer or Mystery Castle.
  17. B

    Round 1: Post your questions for Bobby King

    Any eta for Gottlieb ROM emulation? How is the emulation for Black Knight and early Bally machines coming?
  18. B

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    Sorry about that. I thought it was better if I said nothing, since what I typed felt awkward. Yikes. It was better back in the day for me too. Even the local arcade in the mall shut down in favor of a lame cell phone store. It wasn't really the best arcade, but it had House of the Dead 1 and...
  19. B

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    Farsight mentioned that Strikes 'n Spares isn't coming right away. EMs like Slick Chick are coming later too. I don't think it will be one of those two.
  20. B

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    If possible, I would like to see a Mickey Mouse table inspired by Sorcerer, as well. ;)

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