I hope the camera bugs and the nudging get fixed in the next update. I'm wondering on a eta on the Black Hole updates too. Physics seem to be more accurate in Black Hole after the latest update, but it's not yet on ROM emulation. It seems the plunger was changed to look more like the original...
I don't know how to say this the right way, but I hope Farsight uses some of the funds from Kickstarter to hire more staff (and some more experienced staff) if they get enough funds. I keep hearing the bugs will go away eventually, but given Farsight's track record, I'm skeptical. Even PHoF for...
Interesting. How hard is it to secure a license from WB? I'm curious becuase they own some of Midway's stuff (not pinball, though) and it's possible some of the material in a couple Williams games (namely the MK codes in Theatre of Magic) may be owned by them. I think Medieval Madness has the...
I noticed some elements from real tables in a couple other tables, as well:
Ghost Rider has a loop similar to the one in High Speed 2 (though with a flipper).
Paranormal has elements from Blackwater 100 and Banzai Run.
Aside from Rome, a few others like Iron Man and Epic Quest have elements...
The speed seems to be a slight bit faster with the HUD turned off (which isn't necessary for this table due to the back DMD). The real table may be slightly faster, but it didn't feel off to me. The 360 version looks to be closer in speed to the arcade, but it still feels close to the original...
fixed. As mentioned in other posts, the Pinball Arcade makers are FarSight. Before PHoF, they made games for NES and Genesis. I heard the Genesis NFL games might be good, but for a few of their Genesis and NES games, the less said about them, the better.
The rubbers are wrong for MM too. Farsight, this is what it's supposed to look like. Nudging has more options, but it still doesn't work right. Please test the nudging to make sure the touch nudging works whenever the screen is touched. Right now, I sometimes have to nudge left to nudge right...
I think they made it so you only have to watch 5 seconds of the ad before skipping. I think it's Hulu that has gotten worse with ads (and even their premium service has them, or so I heard).
I like Black Hole in TPA, but it's the only table that isn't currently ROM emulated. Farsight has a real Black Hole table now, so it will get more accurate soon.
I know there was a rumor in one thread about George Gomez having stuff on Lord of the Rings shown on his facebook page, but I'm not sure if it's Pinball Arcade related. How viable do you think F-14 Tomcat is as a license? That's definiltely one I want to see, though I just want to see Steve...
I think I like TAF better, but I love both tables. I like this topic better than the similar messages on Facebook. "What would you rather see, Jive Time or No Fear?" lol.
Cool! Tron is the LE as well, telling by the plaque above the DMD. I actually played both tables at Flippers in Grandy, NC. I liked what I played of AC/DC, but I liked tron better. I hope they get the LE of AC/DC. It looks to be more fun than the Pro.
I got a reply from my email:
"Yes, a few of the earlire tables that appeared in the Gottlieb collection are not emulated. There are some chipsets that we can emulate and some we cannot. And, as you have guessed, we are working to expand the tables we can emulate.
Black Hole has a few issues...
It was in reply to a post when I asked about shufflepuck bowling and Gottlieb re-releases were mentioned, so yes, we are sure. I even mentioned I rather see the Bally game in this thread.
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