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  1. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - Star's Phoenix Bugs & Feedback

    Zorgwan, I agree. It IS an almost impossible shot, I've been able to make it on camera view 2 only twice, never on one. How does one get the flipper to operate at the top of the ramp? Is it the roll overs on the top of the table? This is quite a challenging table.
  2. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.0

    Way to go Zsolt....,you guys just keep rockin' and rollin!!! New table and new glass looks great!!!
  3. Reagan Dow

    Pinball FLYERS

    Well....... ? ;)
  4. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v2.9

    I have turned the glass Off on all the tables. It seems to give the clearest/best picture quality IMO.
  5. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - Star's Phoenix Bugs & Feedback

    I agree. It's damn near impossible to get up the ramps as well. And no, I've yet to lock even one ball and have played the table quite a lot. I thought it was just me sucking all of a sudden. ;)
  6. Reagan Dow

    Party zone is out on iOS

    Cough up the five bucks and support these guys. C'mon. They do a phenomenal job recreating the tables. :)
  7. Reagan Dow

    Party zone is out on iOS

    Nope. Pretty stingy w the HOF points
  8. Reagan Dow

    Disappointed: POTO still broken!

    Out if curiosity. What operating system and device are you using? What has far sight said about this issue?
  9. Reagan Dow

    Table pack 33 speculation thread

    Dr Dokken. I must correct myself in an earlier post. I was preoccupied and said getaway blows getaway out of the water. I was speaking of Getaway blowing it's predecessor High Speed out of the water. Also you have some valid points but in this case we have to agree to disagree. Mmmmmkay?
  10. Reagan Dow

    EARTHSHAKER ! Shake us up !

    So pumped for Earthshaker.
  11. Reagan Dow

    EARTHSHAKER ! Shake us up !

    Five weeks is plenty of time
  12. Reagan Dow

    EARTHSHAKER ! Shake us up !

    Unfortunately I'm not married so I can't get the "shaken iPad effect", not going there. ;-)
  13. Reagan Dow

    EARTHSHAKER ! Shake us up !

    I love whirlwind. Plunked many quarters into that machine as a "yute"
  14. Reagan Dow

    easiest and hardest pin in TPA

    I agree with you. For some reason I blanked on scared stiff. Great game if you want a 20 min + game
  15. Reagan Dow

    Table pack 33 speculation thread

    Dokken - there is a "getaway" table two minutes from my house. I have to blows the getaway out of the water and is quite fun. I almost always agree w you but what's up? Why don't you like it?

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