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  1. Reagan Dow

    Table pack 33 speculation thread

    Knock it off pop! ;)
  2. Reagan Dow

    easiest and hardest pin in TPA

    BOP was the first game I achieved all the wizard goals but there are many other tables that are pretty easy. On the hardest side....where do I begin? Genie (3mil), flight 2000 tough to get a respectable score, and I. Think even Diner because it's a drain monster!
  3. Reagan Dow

    Party Zone first impressions

  4. Reagan Dow

    Party Zone first impressions

    Give me your email. Not sure how to post pics here
  5. Reagan Dow

    Party Zone first impressions

    Sure. What kind of views?
  6. Reagan Dow

    Rocky and Bullwinkle coming to IOS?

    I would love to see Zens version come to iOS. Sick to death of Marvel etc
  7. Reagan Dow

    Party Zone first impressions

    It is better then Dr "Dud" but that isn't really saying much.
  8. Reagan Dow

    Party zone is out on iOS

    At least the ramps look MUCH better then the prototype pics!!
  9. Reagan Dow

    Rocky and Bullwinkle coming to IOS?

    I would love to see it. I'm assuming your talking about Zen's version?
  10. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria has more updates than farsight $18.99 for 27 tables

    I have to agree with you sir. Remember Zac is ONKY dealing with one platform folks. Apples to orenges.
  11. Reagan Dow

    Table pack 33 speculation thread

    You've yet to steal me wrong sir. I believe you!
  12. Reagan Dow

    Starship Troopers Thread

    And f14 I believe. Thee were pictures too.
  13. Reagan Dow

    Table pack 33 speculation thread

    Now wait a second. You guys were convinced it was starship troopers a few weeks ago. Why now Earthshaker? Not that I'm complaining one bit!! That would be a great Christmas present.
  14. Reagan Dow

    Request General Wish List Thread

    Thank you so much for the info. I was wondering why the multi all kept screwing me up on Dr Dude.
  15. Reagan Dow

    Real Pinball Videos

    I want it I want it I WANT IT!!!! Gnr table that is ;)
  16. Reagan Dow

    Real Pinball Videos

    Me too. My most wanted table. I guess I'm going to have to buy a real one even though I'd through up to a grand for a TPA version but I doubt it would ever happen. W Axl being such an ******* I doubt it could ever be worked out. :(
  17. Reagan Dow

    Real Pinball Videos

    I would plunk down 500-$1,000 to see this table on TPA !!!!
  18. Reagan Dow

    Real Pinball Videos


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