Thanks to Pinwiz for the new 2013 updates just published, and for keeping us up to date on a regular basis during the past year.
For the 2013 update that came from FS facebook page, there is this comment on the PC version:
" PC : While FarSight still hopes to be greenlit by Steam (which seems...
Chris - Farsight mentioned previously they will be getting a virtual pinball cabinet at some point. Was there any mention of this during your visit?
Recently a video of Pinball FX 2 was posted running in cabinet and it looks really good, so can you imagine how good Pinball Arcade would be...
I agree totally - the little taps, clanks, etc add so much to the game and it just shows you how much Colormonkey know all the ingredients to create the perfect pinball sim.
It's a shame the android sales are so low - the word just hasn't got out yet about this I suspect. The other issue is...
Hi Nik - have you tried Revenge of the Rob-o-bot with the wireless controller too, and if so how does it play?
Does anyone know if an Xbox wireless controller can be used as cell?
There is a picture of a distinctive red cabinet with the extra high/wide siderails in the first picture and in a later picture in the same room you can see the right side of the same cabinet. It is familiar but I just can't place it, any ideas ? :)
Very interesting read and nicely put the together. Thanks for putting it all together.
What really came over from this is how the Farsight team are a real bunch on Pinball fans themselves and this was the impression I already had before.
They are also a small team handling so many platforms...
I am not getting that issue at all so maybe it is device specific or a difference in the way we play - I will try to re-produce it - is the flipper in an up position as you lose a ball and when the game goes into the ball lost routines or is it more random than that? btw - I am using a Nexus 7...
Small comment about the way it is presented in the play store. Why not put the word Pinball in the title because when people search for Pinball they might not realize it's a pinball sim from the title text and icon. We want it to do well so you make some more. :cool:
I am losing the mechanical sounds sometimes as well, although not always all of them. Usually its the slingshots and kickbacks that go. I have music on. Very addictive game still - great feel to it :)
and what a beauty it is! I read a lot about the iOs version but couldn't buy it as my iOs device died. I expected a lot from what I read and got much much more - playing on a Nexus 7. It reminds me of the real table Robowar with a similar retro feel. The ball is nice and weighty and the...
If by issues you are referring to the difficulty then that is certainly one of the issues for me to, and like you I want it to play like the real thing. We are only 10 months into the product on many platforms and I am sure they will add adjustments such as a pro-difficulty mode at some point...
I agree Paranormal is one of the best tables. Particularly good is the 'upright' playfield in the backglass which is similar to the real pinball table "Banzai Run'.
Groni did a great implementation of this in VP, and I would love to see Farsight do...
Thanks for the update - I was hoping it would be a bit higher by now. Do we know the date for the next batch of games to be announced..... BTW - who is Rose? :)
You list many issues but you only have a PC listed as your device owned, and that hasn't been released. I have PA on 3 devices and I have very little to complain about - minor issues have been fixed and others will follow. I recommend you try it and judge for yourself rather that take any...
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