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  1. DanBradford

    iOS - Bug Lost all my tables

    Do what I did, dude, delete the old app by accident then keep pressing update and manage and restore on the new app
  2. DanBradford

    iOS - Bug Lost all my tables

    You feckin legend, that's it!
  3. DanBradford

    iOS - Bug Lost all my tables

    I haven't logged into TPA in months, just tried on my iPhone 6 and couldn't see the icon for the app so I redownloaded it, logged in, and tried to 'manage' and 'restore' all my tables. Nada. Hints please?
  4. DanBradford

    My two requests, Blackout and Roller Games 👍

    +1 for Rollergames, I recently bought my second one, after deciding it's a game that I'll wanna play long after my heart and brain give out. Pure Steve Ritchie fun.
  5. DanBradford

    Farsight what is the difference between the 0.99 and free version on IOS

    It's annoying isn't it. Because they look the same as icons, but if you need to reinstall for some reason (like, I dunno, a problem?) then it's hard to tell what is what. And that shouldn't be important, but if you get it wrong, it's back to square one. As soon as you decided to buy the game...
  6. DanBradford

    Very torn about Farsight as a company (sort of rant but also a question, confused)

    I like this thread. I love TPA and Farsight even though I betch about them sometimes too. We only complain because we care. Merry Christmas to all at Farsight and all on here. Cthulhu bless us, every one.
  7. DanBradford

    And then there were 3! (...4...5...6...7!)

    I also did the ones for Avatar and Sopranos
  8. DanBradford

    And then there were 3! (...4...5...6...7!)

    If my pin shack was on fire, I'd save BTDK as one of the very first games. Some cool dude wrote a rules sheet for it I believe.
  9. DanBradford

    Guinness World Record Attempt in Aid of Charity

    The best joke I saw in the chat stream was that he was clean shaven when he started (Wayne has a bushy beard)
  10. DanBradford

    Who am I?

  11. DanBradford

    Chicago Pinball Expo 2016

    Thank you. I followed a link and found myself reading about that Mike P bloke that organises it, and apparently he routinely pisses off his friends, shouts at vendors, and is generally an arsehole. Why doesn't someone else just take it off him?
  12. DanBradford

    Chicago Pinball Expo 2016

    Excellent write up, more of the same please. What was the vibe from the punters, the pinheads? Any news of the next Stern game? Any news on American Pinball, Houdini, Magic Girl, the whole JPop debacle? Anything from Dutch Pinball? Anything from Homepin? Any news of Multimorphic or Captain...
  13. DanBradford

    New JJP: Dialed In by Pat Lawlor

    There's pictures of it so I assume so. Another Dirty Donny art job, looks great but the theme leaves me cold.
  14. DanBradford

    New JJP: Dialed In by Pat Lawlor

    I think Dialed In looks like the most fun of all the games I've seen pics of so far recently - Batman 66, Alien, Hobbit, Houdini, Iron Maiden etc If only they didn't all keep hiking the prices up and up and up. People like me who will never buy a NIB and rely on the filtering down of second...
  15. DanBradford

    Bug Already finding issues

    +1 for flippyfloppy
  16. DanBradford

    Fun flipper technique tutorial page

    Excellent thanks for sharing
  17. DanBradford

    Bug Already finding issues

    Yay! I got my first point [emoji3]
  18. DanBradford

    Bug Already finding issues

    My 425M got me zero, though apparently I have 111 points from Star Trek, which hasn't been released yet. Hmmmmm
  19. DanBradford

    Impressions and Strategy thread

    That's a lot. My high score is 358 million but it doesn't seem to give me any points at all. I assumed that either the points thing is broken, or the game was sniggering at me
  20. DanBradford

    Marriage between Farsight and Heighway? Not very likely

    Back on the original title question, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be able to see Heighway games digitised in the future. Farsight is a business which intends to both make money and spread the word about pinball. Andy Heighway is a businessman who wants to make money and expand his...

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