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  1. DanBradford

    First Impressions etc

    I think it's a stinker [emoji14] But different strokes for different folks and all that.
  2. DanBradford

    Big hurt baseball is up for iOS

    I confirm the problem with a high score crashing the game. I managed 292M for a paltry 22 points, and that managed to stick. Then I got 527M for 40 points. I thought it stuck as it showed me the 40 in the all-tables-HOF-points view, but then it disappeared. Later I scored 540M for 41 points but...
  3. DanBradford

    Bug HOF points

    I see you fixed the HOF points - thank you [emoji2][emoji2][emoji106][emoji8]
  4. DanBradford

    iOS - Request Troll bombs on iPad

    Me again. First time in ages I just played AFM again, my favourite table in real life, I'd been avoiding it until you got everything working again, so I thought I'd check out whether the bombs worked or not. Guess what? That's right, no troll bombs from that poxy red button, and no smart bomb...
  5. DanBradford

    Request Ghostbusters 2016 (Stern)

    I'm the exact opposite. While I look forward to playing the games, recent forum activity suggests that nobody would be happy if they released it before it has been fully tested as 100% working on all platforms. That could damage the reputation of Stern and make them see the release of digital...
  6. DanBradford

    Tips & strategies

    In Bowen's tutorial video he plays it twice and gets 30 and then 27, for 57/60. The only tips I get from watching him is that he is always moving, and that he cannot be a human with the same central nervous system reflexes as the rest of us. Same as when I watch him throwing toast at Spike the...
  7. DanBradford

    Bug HOF points

    Thanks Floppy. I'm guessing the mood at Farsight HQ is a bit glum (if they actually read or hear any of the new user interface feedback). It must suck to see everyone here apparently just complaining on what used to just be a fanboy forum. It seems you are the only one from FS who bothers to...
  8. DanBradford

    Request TPA Website Issues / Requests

    Mr Tann, your inbox is full so it won't let me message you. It was really important. About a lottery win in Nigeria. You just need to forward me a fee to release the funds, or something. The bit about your inbox is true.
  9. DanBradford

    Request Ghostbusters 2016 (Stern)

    I hope we only see it when it's ready.
  10. DanBradford

    Bug HOF points

    Well for Indy500 it shows this - and yes, I'm online when I play. and look it's doubling up in the local high scores table and for a couple of other tables it clearly knows I've been higher than the points its awarding me (AFM is 110B for the 1000, and Gorgar is 1.5M) so it doesn't...
  11. DanBradford

    iOS - Request Troll bombs on iPad

    Thanks FlippyFloppy, how are you all getting on with this? Seems you all have a lot on your plates these days
  12. DanBradford

    Bug HOF points

    How about today?
  13. DanBradford

    Tips & strategies

    Joris, empty your messages inbox so we can continue our chat? I was trying to send you this- What do you mean 'always progressing the modes'? And which easy instant EB do you mean? I know there's one from a mode but I think all the others I get from the random click-click-click-click-damn...
  14. DanBradford

    Wizard Mode, the documentary, a review(ish) thread

    Yay! There you go, I knew you could do it. Joris for President! I'm looking forward to seeing this, Robert Gagno is an inspiration. But my favourites are still 1 Bowen 2 Keith and 3 Daniele
  15. DanBradford

    Bug HOF points

    Any update please?
  16. DanBradford

    Wizard Mode, the documentary, a review(ish) thread

    I starting reading but got bogged down by a lack of paragraphs, sorry. My autism probably.
  17. DanBradford

    Bug HOF points

    Any update? I keep going to the AppStore to see if they've just rolled it back to before the 'update' so people can get back to enjoying the games ...... and then they could re-release it maybe (as an optional update) when they fixed all the bugs in it
  18. DanBradford

    Tournament leader board access missing in new UI

    The Shadow knows
  19. DanBradford

    Bug HOF points

    I hope they fix this soon. I'm on holiday with a few days off and nothing much to do. While the wife sunbathes I wanna play my TPA, but it's kinda frustrating when you have a good game to know that you have zero chance of beating your top points score. I know I know I should just play for the...
  20. DanBradford

    Bug HOF points

    Are they back yet?

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