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  1. DanBradford

    Tables you were completely wrong about.

    Don't worry, I was just being a dick
  2. DanBradford

    Eight Ball Deluxe - Tactics and Strategies

    Pretty impressive stuff but I play on a touchscreen so I can't control the nudges as reliably.
  3. DanBradford

    Marriage between Farsight and Heighway? Not very likely

    I've met him IRL a couple of times. The guy is definitely 'on the spectrum' and a bit unhinged, possibly borderline Tourette's. Not the sort of guy you'd want to get stuck in a lift with. Or a bar with. Or anywhere really.
  4. DanBradford

    Lethal Weapon 3 Kickstarter

    Seriously? LW3, some of you want to pay Farsight more than the purchase price to make it? You guys need to up the dose of your brain medicine. Next you're gonna be clamouring for Gilligan's Island, X Files, Monopoly, Super Mario Brothers and all the other crapolas. If they make it, I'll buy...
  5. DanBradford

    Tables you were completely wrong about.

    Thought I'd like: Black Rose, Champion Pub, Safecracker, Terminator 2. Can't stand any of em. Thought I'd hate: Roadshow, Indy 500, 8 Ball Deluxe. All great little games when I gave them a chance.
  6. DanBradford

    Eight Ball Deluxe - Tactics and Strategies

    Excellent news. Well now I know how to beat my best score, thanks. This is my favourite non-DMD game now
  7. DanBradford

    Eight Ball Deluxe - Tactics and Strategies

    I watched the Bowen tutorial video, and he mentioned that it was possible in the settings for that saucer to score the bonus ..... but in the table instructions it says it maxes out at 60K, look - I hope you're right though, maybe I misread it
  8. DanBradford

    Eight Ball Deluxe - Tactics and Strategies

    Why pound the corner pocket for score, if you only get 50K? You can get 70K a shot by just going left orbit all day and trying to rack up the 25Ks from the lit arrow shots.
  9. DanBradford


    Sounds like a lot of tweaks needed to make a new game playable
  10. DanBradford

    Wife Gave Me The Green Light!

    Congrats Jeff on your purchase. I got my first one in 2010 after longing and lusting for one for 15 years, and have never looked back.
  11. DanBradford

    Master List of Table Goals and HOF points (Starting Season 4)

    Indy500 - 3.5B Big Hurt - 13B (yes thirteen billion) 8BallDeluxe - 15M
  12. DanBradford

    Bug Big Hurt not unlocking for Season Pass 6

    Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about missing out on Big Hurt. It's like missing the equestrian sports on the olympics.
  13. DanBradford

    So ..... how do I get a good score?

    Thanks all. Stacking 10 EBs may be a little beyond my skillset but I appreciate the tips. I will probably bow out with my 782M for 60 points and call it a day tbh, as I enjoy other tables a lot more.
  14. DanBradford

    So ..... how do I get a good score?

    It all seems random, I can play for 3 minutes or for 15, and at the end of the game I've either scored 40M or 400M .... and not necessarily related to how many times I think I hit the flashing lights or how well I think I did. Where are the best places to aim? I don't know if I'm supposed to...
  15. DanBradford

    TPA Has 17 Tables Made Before 1985 And 58 Made After 1985

    I think they have it about right. The older the game, the simpler and less complex the rules (good or bad depending on your viewpoint) but also the older are the fans of that game. Sad to say it, but I don't think FS are chasing the silver surfers as (I'm assuming) they play less video games and...
  16. DanBradford

    Wizard Mode, the documentary, a review(ish) thread

    i can't find it for purchase either (to UK). stuff like this and Tilt and Special When Lit and Pinball 101 and King of Kong and Chasing Ghosts .... all the good stuff ..... i will buy my own physical hard copy as well as probably buying the file, as i like to support the community, but for now...
  17. DanBradford

    iOS - Request Troll bombs on iPad

    any update please FlippyFloppy on fixing MM and AFM? these are two of the top 5 games in the world, we need these fully functional please to best show off how great pinball can be

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