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  1. lio

    What's your favourite table you know will never come to TPA?

    I'm glad Radical! has been mentioned quite often so maybe there's more interest in it than I thought - I'd like to see that one as well! Also Swords of Fury, Transporter The Rescue, Banzai Run. So this is mor eof a wishlist rather than fearing these might not make it but then I guess most of...
  2. lio

    Request Bally Embryon wide body please

    +1 I'd also like that one in TPA - much like Fathom or Xenon I like it most for the artwork though - it's simly a beautiful table.
  3. lio

    The Addams Family - Progress Thread

    It's still there (or at least something very similar) - and more shockingly has been fundend: sorry if anyone else had pointed this out - I didn't read the thread to the end to find out...
  4. lio

    What table kicks off Season 4?

    Out of that list I'd hope for HS2 or POTO and I hope it's not going to be Bone Busters or Cyclone :-) But since ES and Cyclone were part of the last poll that Diner won I guess it's likely that one of them might be the first...
  5. lio

    Steam question

    But only if you have transferred money to your steam wallet first... at least it used to be that way and I haven't read about any changes to that.
  6. lio

    High Roller Casino ~Twitchstream~

    I wonder how much of a difference it would make that a lot of the Simpsons staff are pinball fans - if you listen to simpsons/futurama dvd audio commentaries they will quite often reference pinball and also mention that they have some games in their office...
  7. lio

    PC - Bug WHO Dunnit issues.

    It seems I can't get the "flashlight" standard goal - had the flashlight lit plenty of times now but will not be awarded the standard goal for it.
  8. lio

    Steam summer Sale?

    I'd like to buy a season 4 pass right now :-)
  9. lio

    Lights Camera Action

    thanks for the quick fix!
  10. lio

    Lights Camera Action

    The thing is I don't like those event cams - they discract during regular gameplay... also on Scared Stiff the spider wheel camera lookup works just fine with event cams turned off.
  11. lio

    Lights Camera Action

    The camera does not look at the backbox during gunfight it seems - no matter if the camera is set to locked or not (I have action cameras turned off though but it works fine on scared stiff with the spider wheel).
  12. lio

    I've Had It With Farsight Studios

    It seems to... even though on my first try to verify this I had a camera problem where the camera would point down at the ball in the shooter lane that came in via the left ramp - however I could not reproduce this afterwards so far. edit: However I just had my first game of "lights, camera...
  13. lio

    PAPA Fathom Tutorial

    I would really like to see it in TPA as well (and I'm saying that as someone who is mostly interested in System 11 and later games). Fathom is just so beautiful that the artwork alone makes it a classic.
  14. lio

    I've Had It With Farsight Studios

    Maybe not in the way that new table packs do but I think they do hurt their sales by not fixing more than they do. Imagine a new user trying any buggy table as his or her first TPA table, it leaves a poor impression and that person moves on without bothering to try other tables or buying...
  15. lio

    Bug 1.26.11 - texture filtering

    I just took 2 screenshots (deleted my nvidia specifig game profile first so it should not be interfering with the game settings): 1. 1920x1200, Post Processing ON, 8x Anti Aliasing, 8x Anisotropic 2. 1920x1200, Post...
  16. lio

    Bug 1.26.11 - texture filtering

    AA and post processing settings work just fine - just the texture filtering options don't make any difference... And yes, the Junkyard playfield texture looks sharper than anything before however the crisp texture also adds moire the further away from the camera the object is due to having more...
  17. lio

    Bug 1.26.11 - texture filtering

    Same here on a GTX670 - however on my system (win 8 x64 with varying versions of then up-to-date nvidia drivers) the texture filtering option never worked for me, not just in 1.26.11 - no visible difference regardless of the settings - it seems I can't even force different settings on TPA via...
  18. lio

    Request Texture question

    1024x2048 should be good enough most of the time I guess - especially since the next step would be 2048x4096 which is probably overkill for todays screen resolutions. But just because the texture has a resolution of 1024x2048 doesn't mean it takes advantage of that... you can also just blow up...
  19. lio

    Viewing angle question

    I uploaded a little video demonstrating the camera settings in Unit3D Pinball - the point of the video is only to show the easy setup with the 3 sliders and nothing else. The table shown has not been created by me nor do I have anything to do with the Unit3D project, I just love how intuitive...
  20. lio

    Viewing angle question

    The absolute best way of camera control I have seen so far is in the current alpha version of "Unit3D Pinball" - I wish the TPA guys would take that as an example :-) Basically you get 3 on-screen sliders where one controls the distance of the camera to the backbox, the next raises/lowers the...

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