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  1. lio

    Table pack #38 speculation

    Out of all card themed tables I know I'd hope it's Jack*Bot but there are too many... I don't see how that clue could point to Xenon...
  2. lio

    PBA : Free Camera Mod

    I really cannot wait for this! nice screenshots!
  3. lio

    Reconsidering forum name

    I don't think it needs a name change... "pinball arcade fans" is pretty generic if you think about it... might as well just have been a coincidence that there's a game by that name.
  4. lio

    timeframe on dx11

    I really hope the DX11 version will allow PC users to adjust some of the new lighting effects - what I have seen from PS4 videos so far looks way too strong, too colorful and just overdone way over the top... so unless it can be toned down at least a little I don't even necessarily see myself...
  5. lio

    [ANDROID] Zaccaria Pinball update v1.04

    The cam editor "test" does not seem to work for me (Samsung Galaxy S5, Android 5.0) - I just get the empty background image but no table visible. However while I am typing this I noticed you should probably use the cam editor while you are running a table and not from the main menu... would make...
  6. lio

    Zaccharia for Android: Initial Release Discussion

    Wow, very nice! Haven't spent that much time with it yet but went "gold" after a couple of minutes! It's amazing how polished all of it looks, how quickly the tables load and how beautiful they are... top notch app quality! I don't even care all that much for tables of that time but the devs...
  7. lio

    Table pack #37 speculation

    I so hope it's not Cyclone... (to be honest until I looked it up now I didn't even know "Cyclone" was an english word for a wind phenomenon) so my first uneducated guess was "Hurricane" (which I'd greatly prefer over Cyclone)... even Twister would be preferable :-)
  8. lio

    The Addams Family released

    ah, thanks... seems I had not scrolled down far enough... so the otion ist there after all :-)
  9. lio

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    I am not complaining but it seems I received TAG Gold on (at least) 3 platforms (PC Steam, iOS and Android) even though the survey only offered GOLD on one platform (where I chose PC Steam) and Pro copies on the others. The funny thing is that on iOS and Android I can't even toggle between TAF...
  10. lio

    The Addams Family released

    I am not complaining but it seems I received TAG Gold on (at least) 3 platforms (PC Steam, iOS and Android) even though the survey only offered GOLD on one platform (where I chose PC Steam) and Pro copies on the others. The funny thing is that on iOS and Android I can't even toggle between TAF...
  11. lio

    Did Farsight give out codes for Kickstarter backers yet?

    Not sure if there are codes... on all platforms I have TPA on (PC Windows Steam / Android / iOS) I just logged in with my TPA account and had TAF/TAFG there unlocked for me... No idea how multiple copies of the game on one platform are supposed to work (in theory I should receive 2 steam gift...
  12. lio

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    I think Fester looks ok but could be better (could have been a lot worse though, too so I'm not complaining) - I just think he's a bit too bright overall, not enough shading going on, StrakaC'S version would have been perfect...
  13. lio

    Version 1.34.8

    I experience flipper lag in the current version - how bad it is seems to vary from table to table. In BoP I can't make heart ramp loop shots because my timing is off. In T2 shots from a ball cradled on the right flipper tend to go up the left ramp or hit the peg right of it when I aim for the...
  14. lio

    Swords of Fury?

    I'd really like SoF in TPA as well... nice game! unfortunately I have never played in reality but had a good time recreating it for VP.
  15. lio

    Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

    I Xenon actually part of the "official" list? Technically it's not even pre-1980... Considering I voted for Xenon I should not complain if that works, I guess - on second thought I'd probably change my vote to Fireball though...
  16. lio

    timeframe on dx11

    I don't really know much about the current state of TPA on PS4 but I think they only have the polished "new lighting 'DX11' tables", right? So unless on the PC there will be a way to simultaneously play the "old DX9" versions of tables alongside any finished "DX11" versions of a table they would...
  17. lio

    Obscure/forgotten Pinball recreation video games

    wow, that is the weirdest thing to only show the ramp parts when you hit the supercharger-ramp entrance...
  18. lio

    Party Zone first impressions

    I have never played a real PZ, so I can't comment on how accurate the gameplay is but with every new release the TPA table quality seems to rise a little in terms of visual quality so even if PZ is not a table I'm too much into I can appreciate the increased (visual) quality of the recreation...
  19. lio

    What is your favourite FX2 table/tables?

    I keep coming back to "fear itself" (have all tables minus the different soccer team themed ones). The darker theme appeals to me and I like that it does not take too many "not-possible-in-reality" liberties - it restricts itself to a regular shaped pinball cabinet for the most part and the...
  20. lio

    Pinball Arcade in 4K Resolution with new nvidia driver

    what kind of glitch are you refering to? edit: nevermind, should have read your earlier post... never noticed anything like that on my setup.

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