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  1. lio

    Request Swords of Fury

    I'd love to see this game in TPA as well. Recreated it for VP years ago (have never seen a real sof on location) and ended up really appreciating it - nice game, nice soundtrack.
  2. lio

    Pro Pinball

    Why the negativity? Sure, it has already taken 1,5 years longer than their original "before Christmas 2013" date but they are working on it and there's news on the forums every week (at least in the vip section) - it's certainly not a scam. Personally I'm not too happy that iOS and Android has...
  3. lio

    So Zen visited Stern today...

    I hope Stern stays with Farsight - ZEN tables look very nice but also very cartoony (i.e. not photo-realistic - not that TPA does but they are a lot closer to that look than ZEN) and ZEN table physics don't feel real, TPA does better than that department. I'm sure if Stern would privide Farsight...
  4. lio

    Kung Fury

    it was fun to watch - my girlfriend didn't really like it though ;-)
  5. lio

    Bad Cats (all platform request)

    Not the greatest table but it's still nice... wish it had multi-ball though. In any case I prefer it miles over Hurricane...
  6. lio

    Organized pinball tables format?

    I agree, it would be nice to be able to sort tables in different ways... years, manufacturers, alphabetically (even though "my tables" is sorted alphabetically already), solid state, dmd, em, etc. I'd also like to be able to create a favorite list - it's annoying to scroll though the whole table...
  7. lio

    Discussion thread about the FreeCamera Mod

    Thanks, that fixed my no-keyboard input problem - should have thought of that myself... :-)
  8. lio

    Pro Pinball

    I just hope that they will manage to tackle the other old PP games at all... I pledged at that level, fully aware of the risk and even if it all blows up and Timeshock! Ultra Edition is the last we see of it I'm glad I am/was a part of making it to wherever it is going to make it. Probably no...
  9. lio

    Discussion thread about the FreeCamera Mod

    Thanks for the release! I get to see the overlay on the title screen and can operate it (and also hide it with NUM0) but no matter if it is hidden or not TPA will not accept any key presses so I can't get any further than the main menu :-/ edit: TPA seems to accept button presses on the gamepad...
  10. lio

    DX11 Public Beta Bugs

    Can you please add 2400 as backbuffer width/height to DX11? Right now with 2160 I get a letter boxed view on my 1920x1200 screen (running at 3840x2400) and with 2560 I get black bars on the sides.
  11. lio

    DX11 Public Beta Bugs

    Not a bug, but please give the BK2K bumpers some more love... spice up the caps a little (for example swap the cap model/texture with those from sttng but keep the modeled srews) and make the bumper cast light like on TAF or T2... they are a big part of the upper playfield lighting. Also the...
  12. lio

    ASK interview.. when?

    That was a nice interview and now I'm even more impressed with the work that ASK delivers. It will be really interesting to see what a future table editor will look like... "pinball" from "baKno games" for Android allows you to create tables but it is really too limiting and cumbersome to work...
  13. lio

    Radical and Rollergames

    Radical! would get my vote - I remember playing it as a kid and it instantly clicked with me due to the skateboarding theme (used to skateboard back then myself). It has a nice lock mechanism, cool ramps (open on one side, criss-cross with diverter and a pool), (somewhat) unusual flipper and...
  14. lio

    DX11 Public Beta Now Available

    Wow! Really nice! Love it so far! I hope you are going to add 16:10 resolutions back in (1920x1200 / 3840x2400). TAF seems to be missing some GI light below the slingshot plastics as only the lower part of them seems to be illuminated. One other thing I noticed on TAF is that most of the...
  15. lio

    timeframe on dx11

    Just wondering: is the DX11 executable running the same table files as DX9 or are these tables with their own ressources? Basically: (Apart from the obvious API related stuff) will they share the same bugs or will you have to fix bugs twice then, once for the DX9 and once for the DX11 table?
  16. lio

    X-Files Return

    I'd like to see that table in TPA as well... and I'm super excited about the new x-files season :-)
  17. lio

    timeframe on dx11

    wouldn't mind doing a bit of beta testing either... Win8.1 x64, GTX670, i5 3570k @4x4ghz, 16g ram
  18. lio

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    Wow, this keeps getting better and better! You really surprise me with what is possible on mobile! Bring this to PC already! Take my Money! :-)
  19. lio

    timeframe on dx11

    Personally I never play offline... permanent connection, no dialup. Not sure how common this is around the world but I think it's pretty save to assume that at least in Germany most people have a permanent connection and their routers are online 24/7 and so any network PC will just be...
  20. lio

    Table of the Week Club...Week 11: BLACK KNIGHT 2000

    I just wish they would have gone with the medieval plastic set on the TPA recreation. Love the music though :-)

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