I really like the app on Gear VR - turned out better than I thought it would :-)
I just wish they would add a few more different player heights (at least 5 instead of 3) and allow you to walk up closer or further away with the stick instead of just offering two positions to cycle through (or at...
Very nice! I'm really so looking forward to playing this on PC!
However I will say that I think the menus look a bit cluttered - I prefer to have all the options in one column top to bottom rather than all over the place.
This is for PC and not some small mobile touch screen device so the...
I'm also surprised how little people have given so far... I guess some (looks like most) people are happy with getting tables for free for VP/FP etc. and are not willing to pay for the (same) tables.
I'm just as surprises/disappointed that the Pinball Labs kickstarter failed...
Ever since I saw the price tag on the first consumer version of the rift I'm somewhat less excited about this... had it been released with the originally announced 300-400$ price tag I would have pre-ordered it in a heartbeat... 741€ is something different... so now I'll wait and see what Valve...
I pick "Lio" as username where available, otherwise I go with "bdlio" - Lionel is the lead character in one of my favorite movies "Braindead" (hence the "bd" if just "lio" is no longer available).
The avatar is Ren from "Ren & Stimpy" which is a show I watched quite a bit a few years ago and it...
Wow, thanks a lot for the release of this beauty! It's really incredible what you have pulled off here on your own!
FPS seem really good on my system with everything maxed at 1920x1200 (120fps+ usually, 160+fps without the room and 200+fps at "night" - GTX 670 2GB, Core-i5 3570K @ 4x4Ghz, 16GB...
I tried it in 1920x1200 - not bad, at least as long as you are using a mouse (however I miss the mouse wheel to scroll through stuff!)... otherwise not nearly as good.
Luckily no problems with loosing score or anything else when joining the beta for me.
I noticed that the table icons appear...
I also wonder how the physic engine will deal with the required higher refresh rate... how does the current occulus rift mod handle this? maybe 60hz is still an option for the rift after all but I hope they will update the engine to run at higher fps...
I'm really looking forward to this!
And I really wonder how they want to pull it off with the pricing etc.
With Stern probably seeing this mainly as a way to promote the physical game and to raise interest (for people to buy the game or to go out and seek a real table) I guess they will try to...
I got a intriguing reply on Facebook to my comment (https://www.facebook.com/sternpinball/posts/10153578877964244?comment_id=10153581742859244&reply_comment_id=10153581788634244&offset=0&total_comments=211) :
>> Those seem to be computer renders rather than real photos - is this a playable...
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