Well said HotHamBoy - especially the bit about the controller... I wouldn't nearly use my Gear VR as often without a controller - even the apps that don't require one are often a lot better with controller (I consider it to be essential for Stern Pinball Arcade).
devilmaycry: no, regular...
The stern app has not been updated for quite some time but it's working pretty well for me. If you've got a supported phone I'd say it's certainly worth it. Not sure if I'd recommend the older 2015 Gear VR at that price over the updated 2016 model though. The newer version has larger and better...
Farsight: I'd say ask them while they might be open...
Back in the day when I created all the 3D models for Future Pinball I ordered a lot of pinball parts and meassured them to create pretty accurate models of all sorts of pegs, bumpers, flippers, etc.
The parts are still back at my parent's place so I don't have access to these at the moment but...
I believe Data East flippers had the same size as standard sized wms/bally flippers of the same time:
7,75mm base radius (~10,5mm with rubber) and 2,9mm tip radius (~5,9mm with rubber) - 74mm long tip to tip (~80mm with rubber).
Same here - I thought it might be related to ios not allowing season passes in advance and figured we might have to wait for the season to complete... but then i saw this thread...
Swipe in from the bottom of the screen... it's one of the fast toggle icon next to wifi and bluetooth etc.
However I guess landscape views are not available for Android and iOS - don't know about the Vita.
I have this on my 2gb gtx 670 as well and the reason for it is probably that the game is loading stuff as it is needed for the first time so the stutter stopps once everything has been loaded. I also get a short stutter when the achievment popup comes in.
I run the game at 3840x2160 with the same resolution for the backbuffer and 4x msaa - pushing it higher will not really work well with the 2gb of ram on my gtx 670.
Before that I used 3840x2400 on my old 1920x1200 screen.
Oh well, I could just not resist and spent the cash on Star Trek - luckily I cannot confirm any of the performance issues so many others reported on that table. Physics/ball speed is on par with Ripley's and Frankenstein for me even during (3 ball) multi-ball.
So if you have the european s7 edge...
You can cycle through different view points when using a gamepad (3 heights at two different distances). Frankenstein and Ripley's play fine for me on the Exynos version of the s7 edge. Haven't purchased the other two. Would like to try Startrek first before possibly wasting 10 bucks...
Unortunately not. I only bought Ripley's so far because I know the real table and it cost 5$. After reading about all the problems people have with Startrek spending 10$ seems too much of a risk as long as I can't try how it would perform on my device.
Metalzoic: you can cycle through 6...
Wow, that's really polished! I take my hat off to you!
Is there any way to not run this at desktop resolution? My GTX 670 is not quite up to running this at 4K comfortably. (edit: just found about the unity launch options, ie: -screen-fullscreen 1 -screen-height 1080 -screen-width 1920)
Also is...
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