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  1. lio

    Worst Pinball Experience?

    Apart from downright broken tables that just eat your money and have broken flippers or ball ejects my worst experience was probably stern's "striker extreme" (in working condition)... I had never played it before, put in 5 bucks for 7 games and walked away after 3 or 4 games because I just...
  2. lio

    $10 for GB on PS4? Try Again, Farsight!

    Some people are just spoiled by mobile app prices... I remember paying full price for each of the pro pinball games back in the days... 40-50 bucks PER table... 10 is still cheap... and I'd gladly pay that if it finally were available on steam.
  3. lio

    Table Pack #65 Speculation

    My head is spinning because I really wanted WCS94 but only got Striker Extreme :-D
  4. lio

    Black Flaggers (Pinball Wicked)

    Wow, that lighting looks fantastic! Can't wait for it :-)
  5. lio

    The Random Thought Thread

    "parks and recreation" was/is a great show... just watching random episodes of it again...
  6. lio

    Pinball Arcade and 4k

    All depends on the supported version of the output/input. HDMI can do 60hz 4K as well in 2.0+. Display Port has been capable of this since 1.2, I believe (at least my old GTX 670 had no issues). I guess you currently have v-sync enabled and hence the "slow motion" on TPA as it is designed for 60...
  7. lio

    Buying a PS4 just for Pinball Arcade

    Not sure how locked down you are on playing on a console but if PC is an option at all I'd go with that. PC has the fastest and most frequent updates, you can run at higher resolution/image quality settings (if you've got a halfway decent video card) and the tabled are cheaper (steam sales...
  8. lio

    License expiration for TZ, STTNG and T2

    Didn't they say the license was renewed in the Swords of Fury twitch stream?
  9. lio

    Table Pack #60 Speculation Thread

    Am I the only one who just hates the Gottlieb flipper angles?! They just feel wrong... way to stop-and-go.
  10. lio

    Physics 4.0

    Memento... need to watch that one again...
  11. lio

    Favourite books

    It's quite old (from the 1980's) and a not your average King story (medieval setting with a kingdom and all). However it features re-appearing characters like Randall Flagg so it's relevant for the whole "King universe" The individual chapters are all quite short which makes it really easy to...
  12. lio

    Favourite books

    Thumbs up for Thief of Always. One of only 2 books I have read start to finish without a break. Also the only book I've read 3 times. My other favourite is Stephen King's "eyes of the dragon".
  13. lio

    Steam -TPA tables unlocking in SPA?

    I have purchased all the pro season passes via steam and all the tables unlocked for me in SPA after logging in. However due to the bundle price vs the price of the individual missing 3 tables that are not in TPA it doesn't really matter if they are unlocked if you want all of them anyway.
  14. lio

    Tommy Pinball ( Like you have never seen it before )

    Any news? Are you still working on these tables?
  15. lio

    Dirty Harry?

    I'd love to see that table in TPA! A friend of mine used to own a Dirty Harry and we played it a lot... really nice game.
  16. lio

    Black Flaggers (Pinball Wicked)

    Looks great! Incredible you've done this with just 2 people working on it! You've got my support :-) Also great to see this is coming from Berlin!
  17. lio

    Request Bad Cats: Love it or leave it?

    Nice table... only thing it lacks is multi-ball.
  18. lio

    Best Monitor for portrait play

    TN panels do funky stuff to colors if you look at them at a 90° angle. So if portrait mode is important to you stay away from TN panel screens - which then leaves you with IPS/PLS etc. and unless you are willing to spend extra with 60hz. Portrait mode played a big part in my decision which...
  19. lio

    Modern pinball tables and VR Support are coming!

    Nice! It's really amazing how quickly you get things done at such a high level of quality!

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