I think the changes were for the better. I recently played a good amount of time on a real Fish Tales and before the changes it just never felt like I was really in control of the game... some games were ok, most just felt too random.
Maybe FT is not the best choice for judging overall flipper...
At least if you haven't updated the TPA Android app WMS/Bally tables can also still be purchased... so for now I am waiting with the update just in case I want to buy some more tables...
Why would you pay 4x as much for a retail box?
I wouldn't complain about 25-30$ for really high quality single table (re)creations... but maybe you had to be there in the original 90's 'pro pinball day and age' to appreciate that ;-)
But I doubt anyone is going to have the WMS license and...
Anyone remember the nvidia 'soldier of the universe' pinball?
It was part of some nvidia hardware tied software package and only ran on certain geforce cards (first generation geforce(256) I believe) and...
I was a gold backer as well and would not mind if it was on sale or even simply unlocked for everyone... the unlocking never seems to have been working as planned anyway... I ended up having it on all platforms I received the regular table for and others apparently had it without having pledged...
First and foremost I wish there was a way Farsight could retain the license and keep on making WMS/Bally recreations.
Assuming this is out of question I hope someone else will be able to acquire the license and continue where Farsight was forced out (so I hope for option 1 but fear option 2 is...
In der "Bonanza Spielhalle" auf der Reeperbahn stehen eigentlich auch immer 3 Flipper. Als ich da zuletzt war standen da (noch immer, seit Jahren) "24", Lord of the Rings" und "Batman" - leider alle in schlechtem Zustand.
I'm not on my computer right now but I believe the highest portrait resolution available is the odd resolution 1900 (not even 1920)... I'm running the game on a 4K screen in portrait mode with a 8GB 1080GTX but 1900 res was the highest available as far as I remember.
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