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  1. A

    FarSight should announce something...

    That's strange, as when I had the Gear VR devkit on the Note 4 some of those early apps seemed to handle a certain degree of leaning forward even with just the positional tracking.
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    Site is Unencrypted Connection

    There is definitely a problem as its happening here too and I have made no changes to Firefox. I also notice that if I add www. to the start of the domain the site renders correctly again, although still no encryption. But once you do anything like login or click a link it breaks again as it...
  3. A

    Switch Version Doesn't Sell Individual Table Packs, Only Seasons

    Might be it actually seeing as they supposedly said it was a "licensing issue". Seems unlikely its licensing as in licensed content in the game, as surely that is secured well before launch, so maybe they meant license as in buying a table unlock?
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    Black Flaggers (Pinball Wicked)

    Somehow I missed this, but I'm finding most of my pinball time on Switch lately so its a hard sell even when the games look so much better in 4K portrait on PC.
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    Worst Pinball Experience?

    What modern recreation of Pinball Dreams is that? I have always been sad that Pinball Dreams/Fantasies isn't on mobile as they were fun games. I hated how basic and fast it was, it felt like the playfield was literally vertical.
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    Zero delay encoder not working can't remap buttons

    Does that actually work? Because when I tried to do that via Steam in-home streaming it didn't seem to.
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    Pinball FX3 released - first impressions

    Wow that's a horrible move as my laptop can "just" manage FX2 (although the Windows Store version seems lighter so generally runs better) but has huge slowdown on FX3. I thought that too initially, but then I went back and played FX2 and the difference was pretty huge. eg playfield artwork...
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    Jurassic Park coming Feb 20th

    The movie audio is what sold it for me. I couldn't bring myself to buy Back to the Future for the reason the knock-off voice acting was just too jarring.
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    Bug What even?

    Have you tried using the option in Steam to verify the game files?
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    Bug I no longer have credit for owning season 6

    Have you tried logging out of your Farsight account in the game and back in again?
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    Will TPA and/or SPA be released for Nintendo Switch?

    Well this is good news, but if they aren't willing to outright announce it I hate to think how long its going to be until release. :(
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    Best Monitor for portrait play

    I think its pretty unlikely TPA will support HDR or higher than 60Hz. HDR, how would that even work? The tables scans aren't HDR, so the only real use would be to make flashers look brighter and quite frankly, I think they look bright enough already. As for 60Hz, that would require a complete...
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    Version 1.55.x

    Nice to hear you ARE still working on older table fixes.
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    New 3DS

    Its still a weak CPU though, I doubt very much the game could run as-is. They would have to ditch emulation and just simulate the tables, that's a lot of work for a developer that always comes across as overworked on the platforms they already support.
  15. A

    converting FROM ps3 TO ps4

    Unfortunately I believe you have to buy everything again. There is no improvement on the audio that I'm aware of, they only have two sound packs across all platforms - mobile quality and normal quality. They even accidentally used the mobile pack on PS4 at one point. :rolleyes: (fixed now)...
  16. A

    Wow! - Pinball Arcade coming to Oculus Rift in 2016 - confirmed

    Its clear you are new here or you wouldn't be so enthusiastic. We have been promised big things before. Still waiting on the promised cabinet support years later. I may be wrong, but I believe the idea is they use frame interpolation for games that cannot do the higher frame rate natively...
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    Linux version status

    Ironically, back when games on Windows were still being written with OpenGL support you used to get better performance under WINE than on Windows. That was mostly because the Windows OpenGL drivers were a bit crap due to focus on the DirectX drivers, whereas Linux only had OpenGL to worry...
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    Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA

    Yet more excuses from Farsight. Seeing as the Stern game is going to be independent from the main game, any licensing issues there with cabinet support would NOT affect adding it to the main game. Just keep it out of the Stern build, job done. They have no right to make demands about what is...
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    Will High Resolution textures be include for PC Season 1 and 2 games in DirectX11 ?

    That's my biggest pet hate for No Good Gofers, the playfield (particularly backlit parts) and some of the other artwork look terrible IMO. You can't read the text, the compression artifacts are glaring at 1080p and it seems the table they scanned has major decal burn from the bulbs that I...
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    DX11 slow performance?

    Speaking of Avast, but I'm really SICK of its popups now. Keeps wanting me to use their VPN service (I have a VPN to my home connection when on public WiFi thanks, way more useful) and upgrade to their version that fixes issues with my PC (don't trust anything that doesn't tell me WHAT it...

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