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  1. Spork98765

    Android 2.11.6 Bugs

    - Removed all skill shot cameras to prevent users from being stuck in them at the start of the game. Bride of Pinbot was not updated, and still has the skill shot zoom TOTAN was not updated, same issue - Fixed the coin door menu buttons on Android. Still cannot access menu options on Cactus...
  2. Spork98765

    YEGpin 2017

    This was an interesting weekend. Competed in my first pinball tournament, that ended up being 2 tournaments; a DHPL Classics open and a WCPC Open. I didn't qualify in either but, with the likes of Robert Gagno in it, and not having touched an actual pinball machine in close to a decade, I never...
  3. Spork98765

    Bug Pro Mode Broken, Again :(

    IDK if this is a matter of again or still, honestly. I reported this same issue on Android in May 2016 and it's happening again/still, but is also an issue on Steam. Turning on pro mode overwrites local highscores - this isn't supposed to happen Pro Mode isn't retaining ROM state - which it is...
  4. Spork98765

    Request 2.07.5 update changes?

    Gladiators: there has been 5 builds pushed now and achievements are still broken. No - Dr Who: Masters of Time No - updated REZ files No - changelog on the play store No - information or communication.
  5. Spork98765

    Steam -TPA tables unlocking in SPA?

    OK, here's the situation ... On Steam SPA when you log in to your Farsight account the tables you have in TPA, so long as they were bought as DLC through the Steam store, will show as unlocked in SPA. Is this occurring for everyone? I found that any season that is unlocked for you as an...
  6. Spork98765

    Bug Table manager errors

    I've set up 2 new devices this week and found that the table manager won't download more than 4 rez files before it claims to have had an error. Once finally downloading all the rez files other menus cannot be accessed, viewed correctly, until the entire TPA app is restarted. Even after a...
  7. Spork98765

    2.05.3 features re-added

    Despite what the newsletter says the only place to find/access the controller option is in the table options; which cannot be changed via a controller :rolleyes: The Main Menu is the one you look at where manage tables etc is. If you have to load a table to access a particular option it's not a...
  8. Spork98765

    Bug Controller mapping broken

    When you try and trigger the secondary flipper buttons, like the magna-save, they do not work as mapped. Both the Left and Right are triggered by only the Left button; whichever Trigger or Bumper you have it mapped to. This is especially noticeable in Black Knight, but you will see it in any...
  9. Spork98765

    2.04.6 Bygs

    This never happened Big dead zone around the launch button The complete difference between the iOS and Android UI is baffling. Bad physics around flippers All the numerous issues I have raised that have yet to be addressed, but there is no interest in "legacy" problems is there?
  10. Spork98765

    2.03.10 Bugs

    Tournament screen claims user isn't connected to a network Redundant Arcade and picture of pinball machine, in the top left corner, buttons that do the exact same thing. The mid-screen start button doesn't always click through. You can see it doing the animated action as if it were touched...
  11. Spork98765

    Bug Inlane Rails are Blinding

    On the Steam version of EBD the lights(?) on the bottom rail of the inlanes are just blinding. This is very noticeable when the room lights, in DX11, are turned down to lower than 20% These light spots are so bright that it is blinding, and even when the bulb brightness is set to 0% they are...
  12. Spork98765

    Is there anyway to merge the goals etc from different devices?

    I have accomplished different sets of goals on different devices. I tried doing the Google save/load thing, but it doesn't merge the data. It merely overwrites it with the saved data from the other device. I want to get all the goals from the different devices onto one device. Surely the whole...
  13. Spork98765

    Request Why do different devices get different updates?

    I updated 2 different devices today, both had been powered off since before the update on the 8th, and each received a different number of updated tables. All done through Manage Tables: My Nexus 5 got 3 updates through Update All, and one, well 2 technically due to the "TX Sector downloaded"...
  14. Spork98765

    Why do in app purchases, or unlocked entitlements, not show as DLC in library?

    TPA is the only game I have on Steam that has this issue where any in-game purchased, or unlocked, DLC are not shown as in library DLC in the Steam client. Only the DLC bought through the Steam store will show in the library as owned DLC. If FarSight stops TPA, will this cause a problem on...
  15. Spork98765

    Request Why isn't the version number convention the same ...

    ... across all platforms post the release of the new UI. Prior to the UI change the numbering convention was 1.[table pack number].[build version] You still see this numbering convention on Steam Whereas post the new UI you see the numbering convention as 2.[beginning with season 6 table pack...
  16. Spork98765

    Season 6 Kickstarter Entitlements

    With Season 6 allegedly starting on the 24th, has anyone who backed Dr Who at the level to be awarded season 6 passes been contacted by FarSight yet to determine the platforms they are going to be getting the season passes on. I am hoping that FarSight will have the entitlements sorted out...
  17. Spork98765

    Bug Invert Nudge inverts Y axis

    With the release of TX Sector; turning invert nudge ON, will now also invert the Y axis nudge. So, nudging up will cause the table to nudge down. This is not normal expected behaviour. Only the X axis should be inverted.
  18. Spork98765

    Request How to generate crash log?

    TPA keeps crashing hard. IDK if it's the beta or something else. When it happens my controller goes into continual vibrate. Is there a way to generate a crash log so I can report what happens, with some detail, to support or Mike?
  19. Spork98765

    Bug Pro Mode resets HSTD

    Still/again, the Pro Mode separate data location for HSTD is broke, FUBAR'd The expected result is that turning on and using Pro Mode should create a separate HSTD list for games played in Pro Mode. This is how it functioned on initial release; unless you can show a changelog detailing the...

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