Alien Tables coming


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Zen just announced that they have partnered up with fox to release 3 Alien related pinball tables. This is the first Zen license that I am actually excited about!!!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I am so happy about this, it's stupid. The only part that saddens me is if they use quotes from Hudson (which they absolutely should), they'll all be neutered of profanity. Wonder what the 3 tables will be though? With Heighway Pinball doing Alien, would Zen be able to? My guess is Aliens, Colonial Marines, and Aliens vs. Predator. Of course then I'd just want a Predator table too!



Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I really really hope they make a chest burster pop out of the play field. You know pop bumpers are gonna be alien eggs. I don't know why I didn't notice it the first time, but the pic clearly shows a Predator blade, so think of the possibilities there! Heat vision multiball are something? Balls that turn invisible? The sound package for this better be awesome. So many iconic noises that if you don't get right, ruins the whole experience. Would love it if they could use music from the movies too, rather than the typical generic Zen tunes.


New member
May 10, 2012
Great news! I hope they do the license justice.

The thought of this thing in 3d almost scares me.

The Heighway ed of Alien is even more exciting, though :p


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Really liked the AvP franchise games...and movies.
One of the few cases where the movie based on video game wasn't a total disaster.
Only a mild one ;)
Last edited:


New member
Sep 22, 2015
As I understand the Heighway game is both Alien and Aliens, and you choose which one you want to play before the first plunge. This Zen licence I actually read as Alien vs... So perhaps each table will be themed around Alien vs X, vs Y and vs Z, rather than based around any particular movie.

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012



Key Game Features

  • Join Ellen Ripley as she confronts her nightmares and help the Colonial Marines rid LV-426 of its Alien infestation in Aliens Pinball
  • Watch out for the merciless Alien stalking you on the Alien: Isolation pinball table
  • Defeat Xenomorphs and rise in Yautja society on the Alien vs. Predator table
  • Original iconic voiceovers and sound effects from films and videogames set in the ALIENS Universe
  • Leaderboards, score tracking, exciting social features, and more

The Aliens vs. Pinball pack will be released on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PSN, Steam, Windows 10, Mac, iOS, Android and Amazon on April 26th.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
This is awesome news!!, glad there getting away from Marvel tables to be honest, not sure on the AvP table though would have much preferred just a Predator table

Remind me again how Zen are able to get this license without the need of a Kickstarter??, cough....cough.....FarSight!!!!


New member
Mar 17, 2012
I am so happy about this, it's stupid. The only part that saddens me is if they use quotes from Hudson (which they absolutely should), they'll all be neutered of profanity.

Dunno Hudson still has some good lines that he doesn't swear in....

"We're on an express elevator to hell, going down!"
"They're coming outta the walls. They're coming outta the goddamn walls. Let's book!"
"Seventeen *days?* Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours!"
"Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man? "
"Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?"
"He's comin' in. I feel safer already."
"What do you mean, "*They* cut the power"? How could they cut the power, man? They're animals!"
"Smoking or non-smoking"

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Aaaaand literally everyone online is angry about it. I'm sorry, but why is it necessary to rage about pinball machines, of all things? Personally, I'm looking forward to this, the tables look great and there appears to be many cool features in them.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
After watching the vid I'm a little Luke warm on this. I expected more. I'm not sure just what I was expecting, just thought it would be better than what I'm seeing.

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