Alien Tables coming


New member
Apr 8, 2014
I want to get into Zen. I have 3 Star Wars tables, but I just never got into the game. Also tried Mars for a while.

If you guys could suggest the best table or pack to get me into the game that would be cool :).

Also is there an option to turn off the trail made by the ball?

Hey Snorzel ... not too long ago I wanted to get into Zen too, especially with the now supported cabinet mode. Cabinet mode a little bit raw on set up, but once you get it figured out, I like it a lot. Cabinet mode made all the difference for me. I have all the TPA tables and use NoEx Free Camera Mod for cabinet support, I also have ProPinball Ultra (Time Shock), and I am a backer for the indigogo Zaccaria Pinball as well so I'll be getting all the 38 tables there as well. In early January, Zen Pinball was half price on everything, so I bought all the packs. Zen is a neat change going from real tables on TPA and being able to come over to fantasy pinball with cabinet support. Physics are not as nice, but there are some great tables with in depth rules and really cool modes. I would say a good starter pack would be the Marvel tables ... in the end, the more tables the merrier ... its just a matter of getting caught up so when new stuff is released, it doesn't hurt the wallet as much.

Oh .. and yes, you can shut off the ball tracer in the options\setup menu


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
For those wanting an early look, I've posted up a bunch of gameplay for all three tables:

I show all the mission modes in Alien: Isolation and AvP. I don't really play them well, but you'll get the idea! With Aliens, I only show off the first 2 or 3 missions. I'm keeping pure on this one and only playing in story order, haven't gotten far obviously.

I'm absolutely loving these, will be doing a full review in this week's podcast. I truly think Aliens and Isolation are some of Zen's best ever. AvP is more par for the course with laughably terrible voice acting. It's fun, but not great. Physics in all 3 feel wonderful though, and there's a lot to do and shoot in all 3 tables.

Anyway, watch the video and lemme know what you all think.


New member
Jul 8, 2012
I want to get into Zen. I have 3 Star Wars tables, but I just never got into the game. Also tried Mars for a while.

If you guys could suggest the best table or pack to get me into the game that would be cool :).

Also is there an option to turn off the trail made by the ball?

Try South Park.

To turn ball trails off/on - Options/Help -> Settings -> Video -> Ball Trail.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
I want to get into Zen. I have 3 Star Wars tables, but I just never got into the game. Also tried Mars for a while.

If you guys could suggest the best table or pack to get me into the game that would be cool :).

Although Football (or as you would call it: Soccer) is not the most popular sport in the US, Football Super League is a really great table. Then of course the South Park Tables (I prefer South Park: Super Sweet Pinball). Epic Quest if you are looking for something unique without a licensed theme. Finally Bob's Burgers is a nice one too.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Anyway, watch the video and lemme know what you all think.

I might change my mind when actually playing the tables, but at the moment I am underwhelmed. Especially Aliens and Alien: Isolation look like so many other PBFX2 tables with ramps, spelling, combos - just with a new skin. Presentation is outstanding as always, everything I expect from a PBFX2 table, no question.

For those who always hated Video modes in Pinball, I don't know whether they will enjoy the driving in Aliens more than playing on a DMD - for me it's just showing how dull Video game modes are. While it can be excused on a DMD with it's limited options, I don't see a point in having a driving scene in 3D Graphics. It doesn't really add anything.

Those are just my impressions from the videos. As I said, maybe I will love them when I play them myself.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I might change my mind when actually playing the tables, but at the moment I am underwhelmed. Especially Aliens and Alien: Isolation look like so many other PBFX2 tables with ramps, spelling, combos - just with a new skin. Presentation is outstanding as always, everything I expect from a PBFX2 table, no question.

For those who always hated Video modes in Pinball, I don't know whether they will enjoy the driving in Aliens more than playing on a DMD - for me it's just showing how dull Video game modes are. While it can be excused on a DMD with it's limited options, I don't see a point in having a driving scene in 3D Graphics. It doesn't really add anything.

Those are just my impressions from the videos. As I said, maybe I will love them when I play them myself.

The spelling combos aren't a main feature though, as they only boost stats like health, reload time, damage hit points from aliens. Completing them is purely optional. There's a really fun 'hacking' mode in Isolation (the table opens up to a lower playfield) that is essentially Arkanoid lite. Maybe I'm biased toward the license, but ignoring that I think this is one of the best 'feel' games Zen has ever had. I really like The Force Awakens too, but this surpasses it. I'm sure once you try the demo you might change your mind.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I watched most of Captain B Zarre's twitch stream the other day (thanks). It seems that each table has enough cool things going for it that most people will want to pick up all three. My favorite is the heat vision mode from the Alien vs Preditor pin.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
I watched most of Captain B Zarre's twitch stream the other day (thanks). It seems that each table has enough cool things going for it that most people will want to pick up all three. My favorite is the heat vision mode from the Alien vs Preditor pin.

On psn your only choice is to pick up all 3 because it only is sold as a bundled pack. On mobile you can puchase individually. I personally am ok with the bundle, it doesn't necessarily equate to saving money as the tables are more expensive on consoles - i just always want them all.

The bundles only becomes a problem when someone doesn't want to spend that much money or absolutely doesn't want one of the bundled tables as in the case of family guy in the fox ent pack.

BTW shouldn't the aliens go in the fox entertainment folder? There are folders on the mobile version - psn has no folders and the table selection icons are the size of ants...


New member
Feb 16, 2015
Interesting reading the early thoughts on the tables, I'm looking forward to trying them. The Droids comparison worries me a bit, not a fan of that table. The driving video mode doesn't look great either, wish they wouldn't bother with these personally.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
The tables are pretty good so far. The Alien one is really nice; it has a bit of an unique layout, voices straight outta the movie (I'll never get tired of hearing 'Game over, man!') and lots of variety in the scenes. I don't get the point of the video mode, honestly. The controls are pretty bad and it just ain't very fun to play.

Alien Isolation is a bit similar, but there's a lot of depth to it. You have to evade the alien often by getting the right shots, if you don't your Hp gets lower and so does your scoring. You also get to shoot a lot of enemy targets in the playfield, I just love doing that.

Alien vs Predator is a bit more standard compared to the other tables, something that's new is a bit of a puzzle you have to solve by spinning things in the pyramid. Not sure what this does.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Alien vs Predator is a bit more standard compared to the other tables, something that's new is a bit of a puzzle you have to solve by spinning things in the pyramid. Not sure what this does.

Spin each column to match the symbol before the timer runs out. It's part of the 'story' which has to do with the pyramid itself. There's another mode where the 'walls' are shifting and you need to find the right path by shooting lit lanes or something. This is what I find par for the course with this table...a lack of clear instruction for both what to do and why you are doing it. Can't tell you how many of the Marvel tables I've done the exact same head scratching to.

As for the video mode on Aliens; yes, it's fairly pedestrian. It does work for advancing the story though, and the controls are purposely loose as that replicates Ripley's driving in the movie. At least it's not 3 eggs with one having a facehugger and then you have to follow which one it's in as the eggs shuffle.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
At least it's not 3 eggs with one having a facehugger and then you have to follow which one it's in as the eggs shuffle.
Hey, I like that one 'Choose Wisely' video mode from Indiana Jones. Something like that would've been better, yeah.

But there's a lot more to these tables than it looks. There isn't a single bad one in this pack, it's gonna be hard to pick my favorite.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Props to the new designer of Alien Isolation. The table is quite open aside from the occasional targets that pop up and you have to hit them when they switch the a certain side. (Behind I think) The missions and modes are pretty interesting. Definitely one that I like with required accurate shots at targets and certain lanes.

AVP has a lot aspects that would make you think the Deep (Star wars IV, V, VI, South Park, American Dad etc) with stackable modes etc. It's actually by Ndever (Wild West Rampage, Family Guy, Butter's Very own pinball) I think It's my favorite table so far in the pack. The modes and missions are really fun and interesting. Again it's got the same qualities as Deep's tables but It has it's very own style.

I may have to agree on Captain b zzare on the Aliens table. It does have good flow. It's lacking from how incredibly unique the other 2 tables are. I guess the best aspects is the quotes from the film and you can choose whether to do the mission in order or select-able. It's ok typical of Thomas Crofts. Just fun and nothing too spectacular. Which is kind of disappointing after X-men which is much deeper table than I thought.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
[MENTION=4311]nudnick[/MENTION] and [MENTION=825]Tron[/MENTION] thank you for your input I will take your advice.

So where would you guys rank these Alien tables overall in the Zen library?


New member
Mar 17, 2012
So i havent played a Pinball FX 2 table for well over a year and just fired it up to play the Aliens table.....and Pinball FX tables still feel lifeless, soulless and just very muted with the minute to minute gameplay going by with not much happening on the tables, the audio design just seem very low key and an after thought.

When you compare it to the flashing lights and the audio feast/attack on your ear drums that almost all Pinball Arcade tables have its just a night and day difference!, which is sad really as i quiet like a lot of the themes that Zen have gone after.........just a shame that there sooo god damn boring!
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
[MENTION=4311]nudnick[/MENTION] and [MENTION=825]Tron[/MENTION] thank you for your input I will take your advice.

So where would you guys rank these Alien tables overall in the Zen library?

I've made my opinion loud and clear in that I think Aliens and Alien: Isolation are probably my favorites Zen has done. I think Force Awakens is the best Star Wars table they've done. I highly recommend Super League Football for it's unique game mechanics. I'm a fan of Wolverine and Iron Man, but in the minority on the latter for sure. Fear Itself is wonderfully deep, and Civil War is fun for the tug of war nature. Those always seem to be the tables I gravitate to, but there's a bunch more that I casually enjoy. I loathe V12, desperately wanna like Tesla but can't make any sense of it, and think Paranormal has the least ball real estate of any table.

In general, the tables Zen has released in the past year or two have been really solid, have a much better feel to them. Best bet is to pick up a pack or two to get used to Zen in general. Then wait for a sale (they do have 'em on PSN now and then) and scoop up a bunch then.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
So i havent played a Pinball FX 2 table for well over a year and just fired it up to play the Aliens table.....and Pinball FX tables still feel lifeless, soulless and just very muted with the minute to minute gameplay going by with not much happening on the tables, the audio design just seem very low key and an after thought.

When you compare it to the flashing lights and the audio feast/attack on your ear drums that almost all Pinball Arcade tables have its just a night and day difference!, which is sad really as i quiet like a lot of the themes that Zen have gone after.........just a shame that there sooo god damn boring!

You can't please everyone. I on the other hand enjoy Zen much more that TPA yet I love both equally. There's something about the originality and unique design that Zen has that recreating old tables doesn't compare too. There are certain things about TPA that irk me. Mostly the ball still feels floaty and there isn't that much weight. Then there are tables that bore me too and those are the EM tables but that's a matter opinion. All in all pinball fans should enjoy both. I know I do.

[MENTION=4311]nudnick[/MENTION] and [MENTION=825]Tron[/MENTION] thank you for your input I will take your advice.

So where would you guys rank these Alien tables overall in the Zen library?
It's too early to tell for me. Since the tables are still fresh and new I'd say AVP is one of my new favorites so far. American Dad, Archer, Fear Itself, South Park, and Might of the first order are tops to me.
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Staff member
May 29, 2013
Ok, so I bought the table pack right at release today. So far I like them. Too early to name a favourite table out of this pack. All I can say at the moment is, I want to play them all more often.


Nov 23, 2013
Should have fun with these. Not sure about Alien vs Predator though. Just wish they had better voice actors it means so much. Alien Isolation is maybe the table that made the best first impression. Hope it makes it to FX VR having face huggers running around you or the queen may seriously make it hard to focus ;)

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