(An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores


New member
May 4, 2012
Any way the raw data could be dumped into say a Google Docs spreadsheet or .csv that can be shared? That way those of us who care to can grab it and slice and dice as we please.

I have tried doing this:

17 MB .csv:

5 MB .csv.gz:

I am new to Google Drive/Docs... I read some tutorials but it still seems confusing to me. In particular, apparently the spreadsheet part of Google Docs doesn't like .csv files? What? Maybe my file is too big?

Anyway... I think you can get the data now. I will try to set up the sharing better if someone tells me what to do :). This is more confusing than FTP...


New member
May 4, 2012
Here's what seems to have happened: The exploit was patched out of a later version of the TOTAN ROM. TPA didn't have that ROM version at first but later updated with it. It doesn't seem to be possible now. I've done what should be the correct steps three or four times but it hasn't worked. Which means anyone playing TOTAN now is screwed on playing for the leaderboard.
Thanks for the info.

TOTAN is table ID number 0 or 1. It's quite believable that hack attempts or glitches could land a score on the TOTAN leaderboard by way of a missing or invalid table ID value.
Good insight. It's table ID 0 on the leaderboard webpage, btw.

How far back do you have TOTAN data? Can you see if any 1 billion plus scores are still coming in for the table recently?
My data is a (mostly?) complete top 500 going back to Feb 2014 or Mar 2014, depending on table. I have at least one set for each 4-week interval, and a few more.

Quick answer: yes, big TOTAN scores are still coming in. Three of the top 10 were made after Aug 8. Well, here, look at some data. I think it explains itself, but:

- the Current Rank column checks to see if a score is still listed (on 2014-09-11). It may not be if the player has gotten a higher score; then a "(5)" means that the player is now #5 with their higher score. Or the player may have no scores for the table, which I assume means Farsight banned that user or their scores.

Some notes:
- Two players have actually improved on their top-5 scores: lkobyl and MAX-1262. MAX-1262 has actually improved his score twice: he had a ~#155 score of 2,552,999,810 before his 26B score. He also has a #210 score on Cactus Canyon. (lkobyl has only the two TOTAN scores.)
- Several of the current top 30 TOTAN players have one to four other top-500 scores.
- Frequent PAF poster pinballwiz45b has a 1.16B score, which is now #465. It was made before my data starts in February. (I think this means I made a misstatement somewhere about no Top 100 players having a top 500 TotAN score?) He currently has 41 top-500 scores.

Here's the data for the top ~30 TotAN scores:

Initial Rank Current Rank of Score or of (Player) Username Score When Score Was Made Number of Player's Top 500 Scores on 2014-09-12
1 missing: deleted? Fritz Hutterer 9,223,372,028,264,841,216 <= 2014-02-25 0
2 1 ronhiii 57,220,986,000 <= 2014-02-25 3
2 2 MAX-1262 39,734,882,090 2014-08-08 - 2014-09-05 2
3 3 casieliot4 36,383,162,450 <= 2014-02-25 1
3 4 lkobyl 32,586,656,080 2014-03-04 - 2014-03-11 1
5 5 klopynet 32,538,741,930 2014-08-08 - 2014-09-05 1
4 6 b32877 31,455,870,520 <= 2014-02-25 1
7 7 RockStarBear 31,110,244,280 2014-08-08 - 2014-09-05 1
5 (4) lkobyl 30,521,461,980 <= 2014-02-25 1
5 (2) MAX-1262 26,049,339,120 2014-05-23 - 2014-06-13 2
6 8 KimKom 24,436,594,450 <= 2014-02-25 3
7 9 vaughncg 24,297,878,570 <= 2014-02-25 1
8 10 Shaneus 23,461,008,530 <= 2014-02-25 3
8 11 Garethalion-71 22,925,335,850 2014-03-12 - 2014-03-21 1
9 12 madhamster76 20,919,260,910 <= 2014-02-25 1
10 13 Mollisen_B 20,596,585,800 <= 2014-02-25 1
11 14 LT-MOOKY 20,508,371,710 <= 2014-02-25 3
12 15 timeandeffort 20,327,019,570 <= 2014-02-25 5
13 16 Brillo_Mat 19,421,390,320 <= 2014-02-25 3
14 17 Koenraad1975 19,373,313,460 <= 2014-02-25 1
16 18 gmanrulz44 18,577,147,450 2014-05-23 - 2014-06-13 2
15 19 loxthefox 18,267,106,660 2014-03-21 - 2014-04-16 1
15 20 Kaustheviking 18,143,882,600 <= 2014-02-25 1
16 21 squeezetoy1231 16,663,322,760 <= 2014-02-25 1
18 22 CMarksch 16,033,578,140 2014-05-02 - 2014-05-16 1
17 23 squashopa1 15,728,451,270 <= 2014-02-25 1
18 24 jornlavoll 15,221,659,620 <= 2014-02-25 1
19 25 kenshiroisback 14,838,792,660 <= 2014-02-25 2
20 26 Tom92 14,226,998,650 <= 2014-02-25 1
21 27 bigoudcbr 14,182,132,970 <= 2014-02-25 1
22 28 abcdefgijklmnopq 13,867,376,230 <= 2014-02-25 2
23 29 pokeno 13,819,493,680 <= 2014-02-25 1
24 30 IDG1973 13,515,200,890 <= 2014-02-25 1

Here's the table for RBioN. All of the glitched 10,0xx,xxx,xxx and 20,0xx,xxx,xxx scores were made before Feb 2014.

Initial Rank Current Rank of Score or of (Player) Username Score When Score Was Made Number of Player's Top 500 Scores on 2014-09-12
1 1 II-Squid-II 34,968,401,190 <= 2014-02-25 13
2 2 vikingerik 24,444,010,660 2014-03-21 - 2014-04-16 40
2 3 FALCO12-QUEBEC 23,821,308,180 <= 2014-02-25 33
4 4 Mark_Miwurdz 21,735,357,000 2014-07-11 - 2014-07-31 15
3 5 goforthewall 20,060,251,020 <= 2014-02-25 2
4 6 Chad Bruhaug 20,054,897,540 <= 2014-02-25 1
5 7 Ownz 20,017,665,590 <= 2014-02-25 2
6 8 electricBLUE 20,010,896,730 <= 2014-02-25 1
7 9 Alex Hirsch 20,006,232,110 <= 2014-02-25 1
8 10 montana 20,004,487,710 <= 2014-02-25 2
9 11 정우재 20,003,959,070 <= 2014-02-25 1
10 12 lllIIlIllIllIll 15,228,039,940 <= 2014-02-25 5
12 (4) Mark_Miwurdz 13,354,724,710 2014-03-21 - 2014-04-16 15
11 13 arturodelvalle 12,332,372,350 <= 2014-02-25 7
12 14 Todd Thompson 10,069,742,180 <= 2014-02-25 2
13 15 Rene Kursawe 10,065,791,750 <= 2014-02-25 1
14 16 charlot 10,059,671,490 <= 2014-02-25 1
15 17 Rob Seanor 10,043,871,460 <= 2014-02-25 1
16 18 Jai Bifulco 10,031,095,220 <= 2014-02-25 1
17 19 Mathieu Merlin 10,027,047,240 <= 2014-02-25 1
18 20 Hans Peeneman 10,026,469,430 <= 2014-02-25 1
19 21 ccl78 10,022,736,270 <= 2014-02-25 2
20 22 David Hopwood 10,022,648,530 <= 2014-02-25 2
21 23 Hendrix27x 10,018,845,740 <= 2014-02-25 1
22 24 Peter Stu 10,009,552,610 <= 2014-02-25 1
23 25 slapfantomen 10,009,406,500 <= 2014-02-25 2
24 26 EvilBagheadMan 10,008,058,220 <= 2014-02-25 1
25 27 Ha Ly 10,007,641,620 <= 2014-02-25 1
26 28 黃科豪 10,006,453,910 <= 2014-02-25 1
27 29 bnist1978 10,004,383,830 <= 2014-02-25 1
28 30 Patrik Berglin 10,004,351,440 <= 2014-02-25 1

Ok, this is the last one. It's Theatre of Magic, and I thought you might be interested.

- I had marked the top 3 scores as glitched. Of these, dave_donati has many other high ToM scores that he improved on. CODERGB has one other. I have marked these as non-glitched now. This drops you to #4 on ToM :(. I'll probably be non-glitching some more scores, and I will probably re-run the last rankings. (dave_donati's other top-500 score is RBioN, #245, 417M.)
- The score of 16,891,131,580 is listed for four usernames... I guess this means that people can change their usernames (I wasn't sure if they could). And there is another option for the "missing; deleted?" case.

Initial Rank Current Rank of Score or of (Player) Username Score When Score Was Made Number of Player's Top 500 Scores on 2014-09-12
1 1 dave_donati 88,705,795,080 2014-08-08 - 2014-09-05 2
2 2 CODERGB 87,088,284,020 2014-09-05 - 2014-09-11 1
1 3 wissard 66,907,907,450 2014-03-12 - 2014-03-21 1
1 (2) CODERGB 60,217,748,320 <= 2014-02-25 1
3 (1) dave_donati 52,104,941,330 2014-06-13 - 2014-07-11 2
4 4 vikingerik 47,841,502,610 2014-06-13 - 2014-07-11 40
3 (1) dave_donati 41,723,785,190 2014-04-18 - 2014-05-02 2
2 5 Voof 37,132,582,870 <= 2014-02-25 20
3 6 PythonBruecke6 32,934,190,970 <= 2014-02-25 3
5 (1) dave_donati 30,342,905,030 2014-03-21 - 2014-04-16 2
4 7 -SVB- 28,200,247,160 <= 2014-02-25 36
7 8 NeonZwei 27,865,513,030 2014-04-18 - 2014-05-02 10
8 9 AntonR 27,208,119,460 2014-05-02 - 2014-05-16 49
5 10 plaugeK 26,596,198,890 <= 2014-02-25 10
6 (1) dave_donati 26,481,478,350 <= 2014-02-25 2
11 11 choset 25,778,852,080 2014-06-13 - 2014-07-11 19
7 12 felixlechat62 25,373,381,110 <= 2014-02-25 6
8 13 cheese 24,403,311,570 <= 2014-02-25 6
9 (4) vikingerik 24,101,953,210 <= 2014-02-25 40
10 14 SxyxS 23,685,521,040 <= 2014-02-25 8
11 15 henj1n 21,961,035,510 <= 2014-02-25 5
12 16 bossyman15 21,749,298,340 <= 2014-02-25 1
13 17 Heroic1911 21,577,932,220 <= 2014-02-25 1
14 18 onemotion 21,469,077,720 <= 2014-02-25 1
15 19 f1TZY63 21,240,572,170 <= 2014-02-25 1
18 missing: deleted? ChristofferB 21,204,940,200 2014-04-18 - 2014-05-02 0
19 20 Storm Chaser 21,204,940,200 2014-05-23 - 2014-06-13 43
16 21 porcepic01 20,627,985,410 <= 2014-02-25 11
17 22 John Monack 20,469,200,440 <= 2014-02-25 1
18 23 marktek1 19,371,366,700 <= 2014-02-25 2
19 24 Orakel 18,392,882,670 2014-02-25 - 2014-03-04 3
24 25 hailegwadada 18,165,161,510 2014-05-23 - 2014-06-13 1
19 26 GilmoresDaBird 17,896,776,940 <= 2014-02-25 2
20 27 ivanxoe3 17,804,950,700 <= 2014-02-25 2
28 28 TwitchDaWoof 17,710,531,930 2014-06-13 - 2014-07-11 19
21 29 Actionball 17,310,316,350 <= 2014-02-25 9
28 missing: deleted? Misery410-pc 16,891,131,580 2014-05-23 - 2014-06-13 0
26 missing: deleted? Captain_Cockup 16,891,131,580 2014-04-18 - 2014-05-02 0
27 missing: deleted? Misery410 16,891,131,580 2014-05-16 - 2014-05-23 16
30 30 CaptainMisery 16,891,131,580 2014-06-13 - 2014-07-11 16

(This is way too much fun.)


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Wow, when you dive in to something, you really go all the way. :)

- Frequent PAF poster pinballwiz45b has a 1.16B score, which is now #465. It was made before my data starts in February. (I think this means I made a misstatement somewhere about no Top 100 players having a top 500 TotAN score?) He currently has 41 top-500 scores.

I believe he's said he did that with the Harem/Battle stack before TPA updated the ROM to patch it out. I think he even recorded it for Youtube.

If a very few players are continuing to record TOTAN scores of over a billion, I could believe that's coming from some outdated code platform where Harem/Battle is still possible, or from the Lightning/Battle stack. It's odd that those players hardly participate in any other tables, though.

But there's no way all those older scores are legit, I can't believe that many players ever pulled off Harem/Battle when I and the other top players here have hardly managed it. The easiest explanation is leaks from other tables, although that still raises the question of why the board flattens out in the 30B range and never shows 100B-plus.

The Ripley's explanation is known at least, TPA falsely detected spurious 10B rollovers in an early version, a glitch that's been fixed but the scores were never removed. And I don't see anything suspicious about Theatre at all so yeah I deserve my #4 there. :)


New member
May 10, 2014
Wow, when you dive in to something, you really go all the way. :)

Amen. Thanks for all the crazy number crunching.

If a very few players are continuing to record TOTAN scores of over a billion, I could believe that's coming from some outdated code platform where Harem/Battle is still possible, or from the Lightning/Battle stack.

I've kinda just accepted that that leaderboard is screwed and that I'll never have a decent ranking on it. By far my worst - somewhere around 1850. No idea what happened, but there's no way in the world that that many people stumbled onto the Harem/final battle stack and then knew enough to keep the battle going. I know of the exploit and have never bothered even trying for it. (Good to hear that it's not even possible anymore.) I wish they'd just wipe the board for TotAN and RBION and be done with it. Ripley's is the other table where my ranking is just shot to Hell. (Fix the table too, please.)

May just crack the top 25 next month. Have put up three more scores in the 15-25 rank since the last time it was run. Man the girls are gonna be so impressed.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Wow, when you dive in to something, you really go all the way. :)

I believe he's said he did that with the Harem/Battle stack before TPA updated the ROM to patch it out. I think he even recorded it for Youtube.

If a very few players are continuing to record TOTAN scores of over a billion, I could believe that's coming from some outdated code platform where Harem/Battle is still possible, or from the Lightning/Battle stack. It's odd that those players hardly participate in any other tables, though.

But there's no way all those older scores are legit, I can't believe that many players ever pulled off Harem/Battle when I and the other top players here have hardly managed it. The easiest explanation is leaks from other tables, although that still raises the question of why the board flattens out in the 30B range and never shows 100B-plus.

The Ripley's explanation is known at least, TPA falsely detected spurious 10B rollovers in an early version, a glitch that's been fixed but the scores were never removed. And I don't see anything suspicious about Theatre at all so yeah I deserve my #4 there. :)

To be honest, don't count that score. I don't recall ever getting over a billion in TotAN, nor did I record footage of said score.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
For a while, there was a TPA bug where scores from one game would get posted in the leaderboards of another game. Very obvious in some cases (AFM scores in Central Park board), not so noticeable elsewhere.

Could be scores from that build of the game.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
To be honest, don't count that score. I don't recall ever getting over a billion in TotAN, nor did I record footage of said score.
Well THAT would be a pretty strong piece of evidence that scores on TOTAN's leaderboard came from wrong tables. I don't suppose you have a memory of scoring 1.16B on some other table sometime before 2/24/2015? :)


New member
May 4, 2012
If a very few players are continuing to record TOTAN scores of over a billion, I could believe that's coming from some outdated code platform where Harem/Battle is still possible, or from the Lightning/Battle stack.

But is "very few" appropriate?

Here's a table of the number of Top 30, 100, and 500 scores made on each table from 2014-03-01 (+/- 3 days) to 2014-09-11. All of these scores are over 1B (the #500 score on 2014-02-25 was 1.03B).

Top 30Top 100Top 500
TotAN 10 31 71
RBioN 3 32 133
ToM 21 54 183
BH 16 45 243
BoP 15 46 172
MM 25 76 315
CV 13 51 207
FH 25 65 302
MB 25 60 235
Gorgar 12 44 181
CftBL 7 35 192
BK 10 37 147
HD3E 24 64 228
Taxi 15 40 213
EatPM 8 21 118
NGG 16 54 203
BigShot 32 74 269
SS 10 35 122
TZ 19 50 171
STTNG 23 84 325
AFM 34 121 422
Genie 17 65 289
DrDude 14 43 136
FirePwr 13 36 177
CC 25 86 304
CentPark 16 46 194
WWater 16 59 242
SpSh 22 55 218
Centaur 16 55 211
Pin*Bot 25 57 188
CP 20 57 237
WWind 21 50 190
Fl2000 9 45 189
GoinNuts 12 64 244
T2 15 51 233
HH 19 59 230
TeedOff 16 52 190
Co1812 25 72 295
Victory 26 68 274
CBW 25 72 284
ElDor 28 74 353
FT 40 126 563
BRose 25 81 453
BK2K 30 92 524
WD 35 124 675
HS 27 82 380
JY 42 126 640
LCA 5 16 60
HRC 16 45 155
Diner 30 100 510

The rate of new high scores doesn't look -that- much lower for TotAN than for other tables, to me. There are some big factors that may make comparing these rates apples-and-oranges. (Perhaps there is some feedback on difficulty of a top 500 score that pushes all tables to have about the same rate: the less people that play a table, the easier it is to get a high score, and so high scores get made more often.)

(Note: look how LCA compares to HRC, and both of these to Diner.)

Here is a table of just TotAN scores, with time of score broken down. This doesn't say much other that the rate appears roughly constant across the subintervals of time.

Date Range # In Top 30 # In Top 100 # In Top 500
2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27 0 0 1
2014-02-27 - 2014-03-04 0 1 2
2014-03-04 - 2014-03-11 1 2 7
2014-03-11 - 2014-03-12 0 0 1
2014-03-12 - 2014-03-21 1 2 3
2014-03-21 - 2014-04-16 1 2 7
2014-04-16 - 2014-04-18 0 0 1
2014-04-18 - 2014-05-02 0 1 2
2014-05-02 - 2014-05-16 1 3 7
2014-05-16 - 2014-05-23 0 0 1
2014-05-23 - 2014-06-13 2 5 10
2014-06-13 - 2014-07-11 0 2 7
2014-07-11 - 2014-07-31 0 2 5
2014-07-31 - 2014-08-08 1 2 3
2014-08-08 - 2014-09-05 3 9 14
2014-09-05 - 2014-09-11 0 0 0


New member
May 10, 2014
Sigh. Faulty rollover detection on Creature from the Black Lagoon just cost me 20 billion points. 13.8 billion instead of 33.8 - 90th place instead of 25th. Feeling ripped off. Pay attention to VikingErik's post about it in the strategy thread for that table.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Since there's been talk of TotAN I'd like to note that I got the harem/genie battle stack a couple times while testing yesterday on the newest steam version. It seems to be less consistent than in the early versions, possibly because of changes to how the ball lock magnet works, but still possible. I didn't try to rack up any points with it, but confirmed that it still works.


New member
May 4, 2012
The Top 100 TPA players for Oct 3, 2014

Here are the latest rankings. Dracula is not yet on the leaderboard webpage.

Congrats to top debut EldarOfSuburbia at #34, who had a very big month.

[SIZE=+1]The Top 100 TPA players for Oct 3, 2014 [/SIZE]
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#1[/SIZE] (no change)
244133 (31)
40 (40)
40 (40)
#1 BH, #1 FH, #1 MB, #1 CftBL, #1 Taxi, #1 NGG, #1 AFM, #1 DrDude, #1 CC, #1 WWater, #1 SpSh, #1 Centaur, #1 CP, #1 Fl2000, #1 Co1812, #2 HD3E, #2 EatPM, #2 WWind, #2 T2, #2 TeedOff, #2 Victory, #2 ElDor, #3 RBioN, #3 TZ, #3 STTNG
[SIZE=+1]#2[/SIZE] (no change)
234235 (32)
49 (48)
49 (48)
#1 ElDor, #1 FT, #1 BK2K, #1 WD, #1 HS, #1 Diner, #2 BH, #2 Gorgar, #2 NGG, #2 BigShot, #2 FirePwr, #2 SpSh, #2 Centaur, #2 Fl2000, #2 LCA, #3 FH, #3 Genie, #3 DrDude, #3 CentPark, #3 BRose, #3 HRC, #4 WWind, #4 JY, #5 MB, #6 BK
[SIZE=+1]#3[/SIZE] (no change)
[SIZE=+1]Tarek Oberdieck[/SIZE]
223624 (23)
25 (24)
26 (25)
#1 Gorgar, #1 BK, #1 Genie, #1 FirePwr, #1 Pin*Bot, #1 GoinNuts, #1 T2, #1 LCA, #2 FH, #2 Taxi, #2 DrDude, #2 CentPark, #2 HH, #2 Diner, #3 BH, #3 CftBL, #3 BigShot, #3 WWater, #3 SpSh, #3 BK2K, #6 WWind, #6 JY, #6 HRC, #9 HS, #50 BoP
[SIZE=+1]#4[/SIZE] (up 1)
[SIZE=+1]Space Tractor[/SIZE]
176415 (13)
38 (34)
48 (47)
#1 Victory, #1 JY, #2 CBW, #2 HRC, #5 Pin*Bot, #5 HH, #6 SpSh, #6 T2, #6 TeedOff, #6 BK2K, #7 BigShot, #7 BRose, #8 Gorgar, #8 WWind, #10 Fl2000, #11 Taxi, #11 FT, #14 MM, #14 FH, #14 LCA, #15 STTNG, #15 CentPark, #15 Centaur, #19 EatPM, #21 Diner
[SIZE=+1]#5[/SIZE] (down 1)
160810 (12)
45 (45)
49 (48)
#1 HRC, #5 HS, #5 LCA, #6 BH, #7 MB, #8 HD3E, #8 SpSh, #8 ElDor, #9 BRose, #9 JY, #11 CV, #11 Co1812, #11 Victory, #11 Diner, #12 Centaur, #13 TZ, #13 GoinNuts, #13 WD, #14 CentPark, #14 WWater, #15 T2, #15 FT, #17 FH, #18 FirePwr, #19 AFM
[SIZE=+1]#6[/SIZE] (no change)
156913 (14)
30 (30)
37 (36)
#1 CV, #2 AFM, #3 T2, #3 Victory, #3 ElDor, #4 MB, #5 Genie, #5 SpSh, #5 CP, #6 Fl2000, #7 FirePwr, #7 Pin*Bot, #10 NGG, #11 BigShot, #13 CentPark, #13 HS, #15 MM, #15 CC, #17 SS, #17 Co1812, #23 TZ, #28 GoinNuts, #38 STTNG, #65 Centaur, #67 Gorgar
[SIZE=+1]#7[/SIZE] (no change)
15249 (10)
49 (48)
49 (48)
#3 Fl2000, #3 GoinNuts, #4 HD3E, #4 HRC, #5 Diner, #6 ElDor, #6 HS, #7 LCA, #10 DrDude, #11 CBW, #11 BK2K, #12 CftBL, #14 TeedOff, #15 RBioN, #15 BRose, #15 JY, #17 WD, #18 FH, #18 Genie, #19 FirePwr, #19 CentPark, #20 SpSh, #20 Pin*Bot, #20 T2, #21 WWater
[SIZE=+1]#8[/SIZE] (no change)
145112 (8)
34 (33)
44 (43)
#1 CBW, #2 Co1812, #2 WD, #2 HS, #4 NGG, #4 SpSh, #4 T2, #6 Pin*Bot, #7 Fl2000, #7 FT, #8 LCA, #10 AFM, #17 CC, #20 Taxi, #20 WWater, #20 WWind, #22 GoinNuts, #22 JY, #25 SS, #25 FirePwr, #29 MM, #29 Centaur, #29 CP, #34 DrDude, #35 TeedOff
[SIZE=+1]#9[/SIZE] (no change)
[SIZE=+1]Just this guy[/SIZE]
133410 (9)
34 (31)
45 (42)
#2 JY, #3 NGG, #3 CBW, #6 WD, #8 Pin*Bot, #8 FT, #8 BRose, #8 HS, #9 HRC, #10 BK2K, #11 LCA, #13 HD3E, #14 DrDude, #15 CV, #15 FH, #16 CftBL, #20 SS, #21 TeedOff, #26 CC, #31 ToM, #35 WWind, #36 TZ, #38 SpSh, #40 Taxi, #43 AFM
[SIZE=+1]#10[/SIZE] (up 3)
131510 (4)
29 (25)
42 (40)
#3 TeedOff, #4 MM, #5 BRose, #5 WD, #6 Taxi, #6 FT, #7 CC, #7 BK2K, #8 MB, #9 LCA, #13 JY, #16 HS, #17 GoinNuts, #17 HRC, #19 Co1812, #20 CP, #20 CBW, #22 WWind, #26 AFM, #29 STTNG, #31 FirePwr, #36 WWater, #36 Fl2000, #37 DrDude, #45 Centaur
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#11[/SIZE] (no change)
12257 (8)
29 (27)
37 (33)
#4 RBioN, #4 EatPM, #4 Centaur, #5 Taxi, #7 CV, #8 WWater, #9 Fl2000, #11 HH, #11 HS, #12 ElDor, #12 JY, #13 CC, #15 Genie, #17 CBW, #20 Gorgar, #22 HRC, #27 BK2K, #29 FT, #32 ToM, #34 CP, #34 T2, #37 WWind, #38 BigShot, #40 DrDude, #59 MM
[SIZE=+1]#12[/SIZE] (down 2)
111210 (10)
28 (29)
40 (40)
#1 BRose, #4 DrDude, #5 FirePwr, #5 WWind, #7 SpSh, #7 JY, #9 CV, #9 WWater, #9 CBW, #10 TeedOff, #14 EatPM, #20 CftBL, #22 BoP, #24 T2, #28 NGG, #28 Victory, #28 HS, #39 Gorgar, #42 Centaur, #47 CentPark, #51 Genie, #53 ToM, #57 HD3E, #57 TZ, #66 MM
[SIZE=+1]#13[/SIZE] (down 1)
10433 (3)
36 (35)
46 (45)
#4 CBW, #5 DrDude, #8 JY, #11 Genie, #13 SpSh, #13 CP, #13 WWind, #13 Diner, #14 HRC, #15 FirePwr, #15 LCA, #19 HD3E, #19 Taxi, #24 WD, #25 TeedOff, #27 GoinNuts, #31 T2, #32 FH, #33 HH, #35 MB, #37 Victory, #41 WWater, #42 FT, #43 STTNG, #46 NGG
[SIZE=+1]#14[/SIZE] (no change)
9206 (6)
16 (16)
16 (16)
#1 STTNG, #4 AFM, #5 BH, #7 Genie, #8 FirePwr, #10 CP, #12 Gorgar, #12 CentPark, #14 BK, #15 SpSh, #17 Pin*Bot, #22 FT, #23 BRose, #25 BigShot, #26 RBioN, #31 SS
[SIZE=+1]#15[/SIZE] (up 1)
9104 (4)
25 (24)
41 (41)
#4 Diner, #6 DrDude, #7 HRC, #9 SpSh, #11 Fl2000, #12 Genie, #16 Victory, #16 LCA, #18 Pin*Bot, #18 Co1812, #18 BRose, #20 FT, #21 BK2K, #24 HS, #30 ElDor, #36 CV, #40 WWater, #44 Centaur, #44 CP, #45 CC, #58 MB, #64 NGG, #64 WD, #67 JY, #90 BigShot
[SIZE=+1]#16[/SIZE] (down 1)
9038 (8)
21 (24)
42 (41)
#2 FT, #4 Taxi, #5 GoinNuts, #6 WWater, #6 BRose, #7 WWind, #7 HH, #8 BK2K, #16 BoP, #17 SpSh, #21 TZ, #25 AFM, #30 Fl2000, #39 WD, #42 Genie, #56 TeedOff, #62 LCA, #65 HRC, #71 T2, #92 BH, #94 JY, #102 BigShot, #103 RBioN, #104 CP, #110 Diner
[SIZE=+1]#17[/SIZE] (up 17)
8293 (2)
34 (19)
48 (45)
#4 Victory, #5 CBW, #8 HH, #14 CV, #14 Co1812, #15 AFM, #17 LCA, #18 Diner, #19 WWater, #21 BigShot, #21 WD, #22 CP, #30 BK2K, #33 JY, #34 Gorgar, #36 HRC, #46 SpSh, #49 Centaur, #50 HD3E, #51 DrDude, #53 FH, #53 Genie, #55 Pin*Bot, #56 HS, #59 GoinNuts
[SIZE=+1]#18[/SIZE] (down 1)
7646 (6)
15 (15)
23 (25)
#1 TeedOff, #2 TZ, #3 HD3E, #3 CP, #5 Co1812, #7 CBW, #13 SS, #18 ElDor, #19 STTNG, #24 DrDude, #38 CC, #43 ToM, #58 T2, #61 Genie, #94 HH, #107 GoinNuts, #125 Pin*Bot, #127 BigShot, #143 WWind, #183 Centaur, #275 Victory, #284 SpSh, #293 WWater
[SIZE=+1]#19[/SIZE] (down 1)
7553 (4)
25 (25)
46 (46)
#3 LCA, #7 DrDude, #7 Co1812, #11 TeedOff, #12 BRose, #14 FirePwr, #14 FT, #16 Centaur, #18 CV, #22 Diner, #31 Pin*Bot, #33 GoinNuts, #35 CentPark, #36 HS, #51 WWind, #53 BK2K, #57 CP, #58 AFM, #58 SpSh, #59 ToM, #60 ElDor, #85 Genie, #85 T2, #87 BigShot, #89 TZ
[SIZE=+1]#20[/SIZE] (up 4)
7327 (6)
11 (10)
11 (10)
#1 BoP, #2 BK2K, #3 HS, #6 EatPM, #7 CftBL, #7 Diner, #8 DrDude, #15 SS, #15 WD, #23 SpSh, #81 FT
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#21[/SIZE] (down 2)
7257 (8)
12 (12)
21 (21)
#2 STTNG, #3 Gorgar, #3 Centaur, #5 TZ, #5 T2, #6 BoP, #10 MM, #11 Pin*Bot, #21 CftBL, #28 CV, #66 HD3E, #96 CBW, #182 Fl2000, #216 SpSh, #270 RBioN, #279 FirePwr, #288 AFM, #314 BK, #367 EatPM, #370 BigShot, #486 Genie
[SIZE=+1]#22[/SIZE] (up 1)
7123 (4)
27 (26)
41 (40)
#9 WWind, #10 HS, #10 LCA, #11 CC, #13 FH, #16 Diner, #20 BK2K, #23 T2, #23 FT, #23 HRC, #24 Centaur, #25 DrDude, #27 TeedOff, #27 BRose, #42 ElDor, #52 Co1812, #53 MM, #61 SpSh, #63 CBW, #65 ToM, #70 Victory, #74 Fl2000, #75 WWater, #76 FirePwr, #77 BoP
[SIZE=+1]#23[/SIZE] (down 2)
7075 (5)
14 (14)
16 (16)
#5 CV, #6 Genie, #9 RBioN, #10 FH, #10 Taxi, #13 BigShot, #15 Gorgar, #16 EatPM, #17 MM, #20 MB, #26 BoP, #27 STTNG, #28 HD3E, #60 NGG, #122 AFM, #134 BH
[SIZE=+1]#24[/SIZE] (down 4)
6972 (2)
28 (28)
43 (43)
#5 FH, #10 BH, #13 MM, #13 AFM, #18 Fl2000, #20 BRose, #22 NGG, #25 SpSh, #25 T2, #31 STTNG, #31 FT, #35 Co1812, #38 Gorgar, #38 CftBL, #39 BK, #39 FirePwr, #40 Centaur, #41 WWind, #41 TeedOff, #41 Victory, #50 TZ, #52 Pin*Bot, #53 Taxi, #54 WD, #70 RBioN
[SIZE=+1]#25[/SIZE] (down 3)
6894 (4)
17 (17)
37 (37)
#3 WWind, #4 Co1812, #4 FT, #9 BK2K, #14 Pin*Bot, #14 WD, #17 Centaur, #17 BRose, #20 BoP, #24 HH, #27 HD3E, #33 Gorgar, #42 BigShot, #81 WWater, #94 CV, #97 SpSh, #100 NGG, #108 CftBL, #113 TZ, #126 Victory, #130 GoinNuts, #133 Genie, #137 CBW, #171 T2, #177 ElDor
[SIZE=+1]#26[/SIZE] (up 1)
[SIZE=+1]Crusty Booger[/SIZE]
6472 (1)
27 (27)
46 (46)
#8 TeedOff, #9 Diner, #12 SpSh, #12 Co1812, #15 WWind, #16 GoinNuts, #19 Victory, #19 HS, #25 FT, #27 WWater, #37 Gorgar, #40 T2, #41 ToM, #41 Taxi, #43 WD, #47 FirePwr, #50 CV, #51 LCA, #58 Centaur, #65 Fl2000, #71 CBW, #82 BK, #86 HH, #95 SS, #97 TZ
[SIZE=+1]#27[/SIZE] (down 2)
6032 (3)
30 (29)
47 (46)
#7 ElDor, #10 Co1812, #12 CBW, #16 NGG, #18 HD3E, #21 GoinNuts, #21 HRC, #23 CC, #28 DrDude, #34 Genie, #40 Diner, #44 SS, #48 BRose, #49 Fl2000, #49 HS, #49 LCA, #50 FirePwr, #51 CV, #51 CentPark, #52 WWind, #57 FH, #58 Victory, #63 BigShot, #65 CP, #70 BK2K
[SIZE=+1]#28[/SIZE] (down 2)
5612 (3)
21 (20)
37 (37)
#6 LCA, #9 Centaur, #11 SpSh, #14 Genie, #15 HRC, #20 WD, #21 FT, #25 WWind, #26 ElDor, #28 BRose, #34 JY, #42 CP, #54 BK2K, #62 Pin*Bot, #65 CBW, #75 CentPark, #76 GoinNuts, #77 FirePwr, #87 Fl2000, #95 Diner, #97 HH, #113 Victory, #117 ToM, #132 NGG, #140 Gorgar
[SIZE=+1]#29[/SIZE] (no change)
[SIZE=+1]Tripple I[/SIZE]
5562 (3)
19 (18)
41 (41)
#4 TeedOff, #4 HS, #13 LCA, #16 BK2K, #21 SpSh, #21 WWind, #25 Diner, #26 BRose, #28 Centaur, #31 CC, #37 T2, #39 BoP, #46 FH, #49 TZ, #52 FirePwr, #71 AFM, #78 WD, #93 CV, #98 Fl2000, #108 GoinNuts, #108 JY, #131 BK, #139 Pin*Bot, #155 CentPark, #159 HRC
[SIZE=+1]#30[/SIZE] (down 2)
5232 (2)
24 (24)
41 (40)
#8 Co1812, #10 HRC, #14 Fl2000, #21 BRose, #22 CBW, #24 SS, #26 HS, #32 TeedOff, #34 FT, #36 FirePwr, #40 Gorgar, #42 LCA, #44 WWind, #45 SpSh, #45 BK2K, #50 Victory, #50 WD, #62 BH, #62 WWater, #65 DrDude, #67 CV, #67 T2, #69 Diner, #93 NGG, #104 CC
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#31[/SIZE] (down 1)
5174 (4)
10 (11)
15 (15)
#4 BoP, #5 RBioN, #9 FH, #9 T2, #12 HS, #13 STTNG, #20 EatPM, #28 TeedOff, #37 TZ, #77 WD, #104 WWind, #228 CV, #288 MB, #371 Taxi, #382 Gorgar
[SIZE=+1]#32[/SIZE] (up 3)
4893 (2)
16 (16)
27 (27)
#7 Victory, #8 CP, #10 STTNG, #15 GoinNuts, #24 ElDor, #26 BigShot, #27 FH, #28 Co1812, #29 WWind, #34 WWater, #37 CBW, #42 TeedOff, #61 T2, #75 RBioN, #77 Genie, #78 SpSh, #102 CC, #112 DrDude, #122 Pin*Bot, #125 HD3E, #171 CftBL, #220 BoP, #280 HH, #317 Taxi, #320 CentPark
[SIZE=+1]#33[/SIZE] (down 2)
[SIZE=+1]Storm Chaser[/SIZE]
4751 (1)
23 (24)
43 (42)
#10 GoinNuts, #16 WD, #18 Victory, #19 ToM, #25 HS, #29 RBioN, #29 BK2K, #31 TeedOff, #33 Genie, #33 FT, #36 ElDor, #38 CBW, #41 Diner, #42 WWind, #45 Fl2000, #50 LCA, #65 Taxi, #68 FirePwr, #77 JY, #79 CP, #80 WWater, #89 NGG, #92 BRose, #101 Gorgar, #105 HH
[SIZE=+1]#34[/SIZE] (up 323)
4553 (0)
21 (6)
36 (19)
#9 Co1812, #10 FirePwr, #10 CC, #12 LCA, #14 Diner, #27 ElDor, #31 WWind, #36 DrDude, #43 CentPark, #51 BRose, #52 Victory, #64 TeedOff, #68 STTNG, #72 AFM, #75 Centaur, #77 RBioN, #78 CP, #78 HS, #79 FT, #82 WWater, #100 Fl2000, #115 CBW, #118 Pin*Bot, #128 BK2K, #148 Taxi
[SIZE=+1]#35[/SIZE] (down 3)
4453 (3)
11 (11)
13 (13)
#3 CV, #3 MB, #8 CC, #15 TZ, #18 T2, #28 WWater, #36 RBioN, #36 AFM, #39 MM, #59 Gorgar, #92 BoP, #130 ToM, #234 CftBL
[SIZE=+1]#36[/SIZE] (no change)
4405 (5)
6 (6)
17 (15)
#3 HH, #5 Fl2000, #7 BoP, #7 Gorgar, #7 Taxi, #21 Centaur, #134 BigShot, #196 HS, #213 Pin*Bot, #226 EatPM, #269 FirePwr, #274 AFM, #289 MM, #348 BK, #442 NGG, #456 WWind, #484 BK2K
[SIZE=+1]#37[/SIZE] (down 4)
4332 (2)
14 (15)
33 (34)
#8 Centaur, #10 CentPark, #14 MB, #14 T2, #16 CBW, #23 CV, #26 GoinNuts, #27 HS, #34 BRose, #56 DrDude, #66 BigShot, #89 Fl2000, #91 FirePwr, #98 HD3E, #104 MM, #140 JY, #143 ElDor, #152 Co1812, #199 RBioN, #201 BK, #213 BoP, #215 Gorgar, #223 CC, #227 HH, #254 FH
[SIZE=+1]#38[/SIZE] (down 1)
4334 (4)
9 (9)
10 (10)
#2 BRose, #3 AFM, #3 FT, #7 ToM, #25 MM, #36 BoP, #42 CV, #58 EatPM, #62 TZ, #140 STTNG
[SIZE=+1]#39[/SIZE] (no change)
4184 (4)
8 (8)
10 (10)
#1 WWind, #3 Co1812, #6 STTNG, #7 TZ, #22 EatPM, #37 WWater, #43 Pin*Bot, #95 Taxi, #142 DrDude, #143 SS
[SIZE=+1]#40[/SIZE] (down 2)
4101 (1)
12 (11)
26 (24)
#7 T2, #14 HD3E, #14 Victory, #18 BigShot, #18 HH, #19 Centaur, #21 Fl2000, #23 CBW, #62 DrDude, #66 ToM, #80 HRC, #96 GoinNuts, #113 MB, #118 Genie, #120 HS, #174 JY, #184 SpSh, #200 Co1812, #216 FT, #262 SS, #299 BoP, #305 LCA, #337 RBioN, #346 EatPM, #402 AFM
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#41[/SIZE] (no change)
3731 (1)
11 (10)
27 (26)
#7 CP, #12 WWater, #15 BoP, #18 WWind, #27 FT, #33 Victory, #33 WD, #33 HRC, #35 BK2K, #39 Pin*Bot, #72 NGG, #112 CBW, #117 LCA, #134 DrDude, #135 SpSh, #137 Diner, #167 SS, #184 Centaur, #195 HS, #200 CV, #232 Taxi, #305 GoinNuts, #326 CC, #326 JY, #332 FirePwr
[SIZE=+1]#42[/SIZE] (down 2)
3692 (2)
13 (14)
16 (16)
#8 RBioN, #8 FH, #14 STTNG, #19 BH, #25 Gorgar, #29 ToM, #30 MM, #30 BigShot, #69 BoP, #71 MB, #76 CV, #83 SS, #100 Genie, #101 HD3E, #143 Taxi, #287 T2
[SIZE=+1]#43[/SIZE] (up 1)
3561 (1)
15 (18)
39 (38)
#9 BigShot, #15 NGG, #19 SpSh, #21 Genie, #23 CP, #24 GoinNuts, #34 CentPark, #40 HD3E, #43 Gorgar, #50 HH, #63 Taxi, #72 MB, #74 CV, #82 BoP, #100 Centaur, #101 WWind, #102 Fl2000, #103 Pin*Bot, #110 TZ, #126 MM, #133 EatPM, #177 DrDude, #177 BRose, #191 BK2K, #193 STTNG
[SIZE=+1]#44[/SIZE] (down 2)
3482 (2)
14 (14)
28 (28)
#4 CC, #9 MB, #16 Pin*Bot, #25 BH, #27 CentPark, #29 Fl2000, #42 CBW, #52 EatPM, #59 CP, #59 Co1812, #63 GoinNuts, #72 Victory, #85 BigShot, #91 HH, #109 SS, #110 FirePwr, #126 ElDor, #132 MM, #147 Gorgar, #154 T2, #170 Genie, #231 HD3E, #236 FH, #273 BoP, #316 NGG
[SIZE=+1]#45[/SIZE] (up 5)
3343 (3)
9 (8)
23 (22)
#4 FH, #4 LCA, #10 CBW, #15 Diner, #25 Genie, #70 ElDor, #79 BRose, #86 CP, #99 HS, #145 BigShot, #155 Taxi, #166 EatPM, #176 MM, #180 FT, #191 BK, #200 WWind, #221 NGG, #286 AFM, #289 TZ, #304 WD, #314 STTNG, #381 HD3E, #432 MB
[SIZE=+1]#46[/SIZE] (no change)
3312 (2)
11 (12)
17 (17)
#3 CC, #10 MB, #11 HD3E, #11 NGG, #48 ToM, #50 AFM, #53 DrDude, #54 MM, #69 SpSh, #81 SS, #88 T2, #101 CV, #115 TZ, #205 STTNG, #236 WWater, #458 TeedOff, #491 EatPM
[SIZE=+1]#47[/SIZE] (down 2)
3292 (2)
14 (15)
29 (29)
#4 ElDor, #5 FT, #17 Victory, #28 WWind, #37 BigShot, #43 Centaur, #47 T2, #48 FirePwr, #52 Fl2000, #68 SpSh, #71 RBioN, #74 MB, #81 AFM, #91 TZ, #104 CftBL, #105 CV, #137 TeedOff, #148 EatPM, #149 Genie, #169 Gorgar, #181 Taxi, #187 STTNG, #206 NGG, #215 Pin*Bot, #253 HD3E
[SIZE=+1]#48[/SIZE] (up 35)
3262 (1)
8 (5)
17 (13)
#3 WD, #6 Diner, #16 Co1812, #18 HRC, #19 GoinNuts, #47 TeedOff, #74 STTNG, #96 AFM, #123 MB, #130 LCA, #131 FH, #136 MM, #195 NGG, #290 ToM, #325 BRose, #339 TZ, #409 JY
[SIZE=+1]#49[/SIZE] (down 6)
3230 (2)
19 (20)
43 (42)
#11 FirePwr, #11 HRC, #23 LCA, #25 CentPark, #32 CBW, #37 TeedOff, #38 NGG, #42 HH, #54 GoinNuts, #55 WWind, #58 BK, #61 Centaur, #62 MB, #66 CC, #69 Gorgar, #85 FT, #86 Fl2000, #99 Diner, #100 WWater, #101 SpSh, #103 DrDude, #109 Taxi, #123 HS, #125 BK2K, #135 BigShot
[SIZE=+1]#50[/SIZE] (down 3)
3040 (1)
13 (15)
31 (30)
#12 Pin*Bot, #14 RBioN, #14 ElDor, #22 BRose, #34 CV, #37 SpSh, #40 CentPark, #47 CftBL, #47 WD, #56 Genie, #75 CP, #90 JY, #93 AFM, #101 BoP, #101 T2, #112 EatPM, #130 BK2K, #132 TeedOff, #147 ToM, #153 CC, #157 MM, #164 WWind, #172 Taxi, #203 Victory, #223 Centaur
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#51[/SIZE] (down 3)
3043 (3)
4 (4)
4 (4)
#3 MM, #6 MB, #6 NGG, #14 SS
[SIZE=+1]#52[/SIZE] (up 13)
2990 (0)
16 (12)
25 (24)
#12 WD, #17 NGG, #17 CP, #26 HRC, #33 HD3E, #33 WWind, #43 TZ, #47 FT, #49 BRose, #50 FH, #63 AFM, #65 BK2K, #73 CV, #78 JY, #85 EatPM, #92 Diner, #150 BoP, #151 MB, #194 BH, #196 Genie, #209 LCA, #241 BK, #283 Taxi, #395 ToM, #433 STTNG
[SIZE=+1]#53[/SIZE] (up 3)
2962 (2)
10 (9)
19 (19)
#2 WWater, #10 ToM, #23 NGG, #29 SS, #30 STTNG, #39 CV, #44 MM, #53 BH, #76 RBioN, #78 Genie, #124 FH, #154 MB, #159 Gorgar, #168 HD3E, #169 AFM, #273 TZ, #378 BigShot, #431 BoP, #498 EatPM
[SIZE=+1]#54[/SIZE] (up 30)
2881 (0)
5 (4)
10 (9)
#1 RBioN, #12 CC, #16 MB, #17 AFM, #26 HD3E, #126 NGG, #157 ElDor, #272 ToM, #423 GoinNuts, #487 Gorgar
[SIZE=+1]#55[/SIZE] (down 6)
2871 (1)
7 (7)
8 (8)
#10 RBioN, #12 TZ, #16 STTNG, #21 T2, #24 TeedOff, #26 FH, #57 EatPM, #405 SS
[SIZE=+1]#56[/SIZE] (down 3)
[SIZE=+1]Jake Alt[/SIZE]
2822 (2)
10 (10)
25 (25)
#4 BRose, #7 WD, #12 BK2K, #29 CV, #48 GoinNuts, #51 CBW, #64 FT, #73 ElDor, #86 STTNG, #95 Co1812, #195 BigShot, #196 HH, #218 TZ, #224 FH, #249 NGG, #262 WWater, #287 SS, #302 Victory, #318 HD3E, #362 TotAN, #391 T2, #392 Pin*Bot, #425 RBioN, #437 TeedOff, #486 CP
[SIZE=+1]#57[/SIZE] (down 5)
2812 (2)
11 (10)
25 (24)
#6 Centaur, #8 HRC, #12 Victory, #32 FT, #45 WWind, #47 CP, #54 Diner, #70 LCA, #73 CentPark, #78 BRose, #82 BK2K, #129 TZ, #160 WD, #161 WWater, #177 STTNG, #180 Co1812, #181 CftBL, #261 DrDude, #305 T2, #357 TeedOff, #363 Pin*Bot, #364 HS, #373 AFM, #404 SpSh, #479 GoinNuts
[SIZE=+1]#58[/SIZE] (down 7)
2771 (1)
11 (11)
31 (31)
#10 BRose, #16 Fl2000, #19 FH, #23 BK2K, #27 T2, #29 Taxi, #38 WWind, #79 BK, #90 FirePwr, #94 CentPark, #100 RBioN, #117 CftBL, #132 STTNG, #136 CV, #139 HH, #141 Centaur, #152 Diner, #157 Pin*Bot, #171 WWater, #173 BoP, #177 HD3E, #235 BH, #299 NGG, #325 FT, #362 Gorgar
[SIZE=+1]#59[/SIZE] (up 4)
2610 (0)
15 (14)
39 (39)
#19 WWind, #20 Centaur, #30 FH, #30 T2, #30 TeedOff, #35 TZ, #36 Diner, #39 CC, #41 NGG, #41 SS, #77 Fl2000, #77 Victory, #86 GoinNuts, #97 MB, #99 CV, #157 HH, #158 CentPark, #160 Taxi, #173 MM, #217 BRose, #224 BK, #227 CP, #238 WWater, #243 Genie, #251 FirePwr
[SIZE=+1]#60[/SIZE] (down 3)
2602 (2)
7 (8)
15 (16)
#2 CV, #9 Taxi, #22 RBioN, #34 Centaur, #39 SpSh, #49 EatPM, #56 Gorgar, #105 MM, #121 CftBL, #169 Fl2000, #187 BigShot, #195 FirePwr, #281 BoP, #325 CBW, #431 Genie
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#61[/SIZE] (down 7)
2572 (2)
8 (8)
22 (21)
#4 FirePwr, #7 CentPark, #22 CV, #30 FT, #45 BigShot, #57 HS, #61 Co1812, #74 Gorgar, #112 Diner, #123 BRose, #139 GoinNuts, #159 CftBL, #165 HRC, #179 CBW, #272 TeedOff, #279 SpSh, #380 Victory, #393 CP, #425 ElDor, #457 Pin*Bot, #495 BoP, #498 DrDude
[SIZE=+1]#62[/SIZE] (down 4)
2552 (2)
11 (12)
31 (31)
#7 GoinNuts, #10 HH, #20 Fl2000, #34 FirePwr, #42 Pin*Bot, #45 Genie, #48 Taxi, #67 ElDor, #71 Co1812, #99 JY, #100 Gorgar, #106 Victory, #132 HD3E, #143 CentPark, #155 SpSh, #171 BigShot, #172 DrDude, #210 WD, #238 FH, #248 RBioN, #249 BK, #251 CBW, #271 BH, #288 TeedOff, #316 WWind
[SIZE=+1]#63[/SIZE] (up 9)
2530 (0)
18 (17)
42 (42)
#23 FH, #27 SS, #30 ToM, #30 HD3E, #31 ElDor, #33 Taxi, #37 HRC, #45 Victory, #47 MM, #48 TeedOff, #55 FT, #64 RBioN, #64 Gorgar, #70 NGG, #78 CV, #81 TZ, #86 WWind, #99 BK, #102 Diner, #111 BK2K, #112 WD, #142 BoP, #160 STTNG, #165 HS, #170 GoinNuts
[SIZE=+1]#64[/SIZE] (down 9)
2520 (0)
14 (14)
28 (27)
#11 WWater, #13 BK2K, #31 HS, #32 BRose, #33 SS, #39 CP, #46 TeedOff, #48 HRC, #61 GoinNuts, #65 FT, #73 WD, #94 CC, #96 CV, #98 TZ, #107 Diner, #109 BoP, #112 Pin*Bot, #121 NGG, #152 RBioN, #293 JY, #308 BK, #327 MB, #339 AFM, #350 BH, #383 CftBL
[SIZE=+1]#65[/SIZE] (up 43)
2481 (0)
7 (6)
12 (12)
#7 HS, #20 FirePwr, #20 CC, #24 Pin*Bot, #31 Gorgar, #33 BK2K, #54 Centaur, #130 Fl2000, #142 TeedOff, #265 ElDor, #344 BigShot, #382 BRose
[SIZE=+1]#66[/SIZE] (down 7)
2471 (1)
8 (8)
13 (13)
#2 RBioN, #13 BoP, #19 CV, #27 MB, #51 TZ, #61 SS, #73 CftBL, #90 NGG, #117 CP, #204 ToM, #306 EatPM, #400 T2, #464 MM
[SIZE=+1]#67[/SIZE] (down 6)
2441 (1)
7 (7)
15 (15)
#3 EatPM, #16 Taxi, #22 MM, #27 Genie, #35 ToM, #47 AFM, #84 FH, #103 HD3E, #130 CftBL, #151 STTNG, #214 TZ, #216 CV, #307 MB, #355 BK, #378 RBioN
[SIZE=+1]#68[/SIZE] (down 8)
2410 (0)
13 (14)
31 (31)
#12 BH, #12 FirePwr, #18 DrDude, #38 CV, #47 SS, #50 BigShot, #52 WWater, #55 STTNG, #63 CC, #70 FH, #78 MB, #84 HD3E, #88 Taxi, #104 NGG, #111 Pin*Bot, #120 Diner, #124 Gorgar, #126 Genie, #129 SpSh, #141 EatPM, #159 GoinNuts, #167 BK, #173 ElDor, #179 TZ, #183 BoP
[SIZE=+1]#69[/SIZE] (down 5)
2391 (1)
12 (13)
41 (41)
#5 ElDor, #19 CP, #28 Genie, #36 BigShot, #37 HH, #39 Victory, #51 MB, #57 Gorgar, #68 HD3E, #89 MM, #94 BoP, #100 BH, #108 FT, #112 BRose, #114 GoinNuts, #124 CBW, #127 FH, #137 HS, #141 WWater, #144 CentPark, #146 EatPM, #159 RBioN, #173 SS, #174 Pin*Bot, #185 CV
[SIZE=+1]#70[/SIZE] (down 3)
2383 (3)
5 (5)
12 (11)
#4 BK2K, #9 NGG, #10 Pin*Bot, #45 FirePwr, #72 CC, #134 BRose, #145 JY, #168 FT, #199 BoP, #300 WWind, #430 WD, #457 CV
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#71[/SIZE] (down 1)
2361 (1)
6 (7)
14 (14)
#2 CftBL, #11 CP, #24 RBioN, #29 Genie, #43 MM, #95 BK, #104 FT, #122 BH, #255 ToM, #263 AFM, #320 T2, #367 HD3E, #397 WWater, #410 BRose
[SIZE=+1]#72[/SIZE] (down 6)
2360 (0)
12 (12)
20 (20)
#17 Gorgar, #23 MM, #24 CV, #31 BigShot, #35 Taxi, #35 NGG, #42 CC, #42 CentPark, #46 FirePwr, #66 BoP, #74 EatPM, #85 RBioN, #166 SS, #174 CftBL, #220 AFM, #228 DrDude, #258 ToM, #353 BK, #366 TZ, #382 HD3E
[SIZE=+1]#73[/SIZE] (down 11)
2340 (0)
10 (10)
21 (22)
#17 TeedOff, #22 Genie, #25 CBW, #26 T2, #27 HH, #36 Taxi, #36 WWind, #46 GoinNuts, #81 ElDor, #91 Centaur, #132 Pin*Bot, #161 STTNG, #179 CP, #186 HD3E, #216 BK, #272 Victory, #286 TZ, #339 Co1812, #376 Fl2000, #467 CV, #471 MB
[SIZE=+1]#74[/SIZE] (down 6)
2321 (1)
8 (9)
17 (17)
#6 AFM, #28 SpSh, #29 BH, #30 FirePwr, #31 Fl2000, #34 GoinNuts, #41 HH, #57 Genie, #102 FH, #112 MB, #121 CV, #149 CentPark, #204 RBioN, #211 MM, #373 DrDude, #434 NGG, #498 STTNG
[SIZE=+1]#75[/SIZE] (down 6)
2251 (1)
9 (10)
16 (16)
#5 WWater, #15 Pin*Bot, #30 CP, #39 Taxi, #40 CC, #47 BK, #48 Gorgar, #70 EatPM, #78 SS, #103 FirePwr, #113 RBioN, #170 CV, #179 SpSh, #253 Centaur, #398 BigShot, #491 MM
[SIZE=+1]#76[/SIZE] (up 24)
2170 (0)
14 (13)
34 (33)
#13 BRose, #20 Diner, #23 Fl2000, #24 BoP, #46 Co1812, #49 Taxi, #60 Victory, #63 HS, #71 TZ, #82 SpSh, #87 Centaur, #92 HRC, #93 FirePwr, #98 JY, #112 TeedOff, #121 FT, #143 Gorgar, #147 WWind, #168 CV, #177 CBW, #182 STTNG, #184 BK2K, #214 T2, #217 CC, #219 DrDude
[SIZE=+1]#77[/SIZE] (up 16)
2150 (1)
11 (12)
32 (32)
#11 BRose, #12 FT, #14 BK2K, #40 JY, #67 WD, #70 HS, #71 DrDude, #80 AFM, #87 EatPM, #88 NGG, #92 WWater, #102 Victory, #114 MM, #135 T2, #137 RBioN, #153 BK, #163 FH, #182 Centaur, #182 TeedOff, #206 Taxi, #206 BigShot, #219 HD3E, #252 Co1812, #300 SS, #308 BH
[SIZE=+1]#78[/SIZE] (down 7)
2100 (0)
11 (11)
30 (30)
#13 BH, #20 HH, #26 Pin*Bot, #38 BK2K, #38 HRC, #41 Fl2000, #48 HS, #61 Victory, #66 GoinNuts, #78 TZ, #80 Diner, #101 LCA, #114 HD3E, #131 NGG, #142 Co1812, #157 STTNG, #161 TeedOff, #232 FT, #235 Centaur, #254 DrDude, #255 Taxi, #291 FH, #297 BK, #310 CftBL, #313 T2
[SIZE=+1]#79[/SIZE] (up 41)
2092 (1)
7 (6)
19 (19)
#5 STTNG, #10 Diner, #27 ToM, #40 HRC, #56 LCA, #71 MM, #82 T2, #119 BK2K, #144 GoinNuts, #167 Pin*Bot, #194 FH, #221 HS, #259 AFM, #303 Taxi, #373 TZ, #451 WWater, #469 WWind, #474 BRose, #484 WD
[SIZE=+1]#80[/SIZE] (down 6)
2081 (1)
7 (7)
20 (20)
#4 SS, #11 T2, #23 HH, #61 ElDor, #62 GoinNuts, #63 MB, #69 CC, #131 ToM, #131 EatPM, #143 CBW, #153 WWater, #197 BigShot, #199 DrDude, #246 Centaur, #263 Co1812, #308 Genie, #345 Pin*Bot, #409 TeedOff, #424 Victory, #435 STTNG
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#81[/SIZE] (down 1)
2041 (1)
7 (7)
18 (18)
#10 CV, #21 RBioN, #26 Gorgar, #28 EatPM, #42 ToM, #43 FT, #51 BigShot, #123 BoP, #138 MM, #185 Pin*Bot, #249 SS, #251 TZ, #311 Taxi, #342 STTNG, #350 Centaur, #455 NGG, #472 CC, #500 WWind
[SIZE=+1]#82[/SIZE] (down 5)
2042 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
#4 Gorgar, #6 FirePwr, #22 CentPark, #138 RBioN
[SIZE=+1]#83[/SIZE] (down 8)
[SIZE=+1]Roy Wils[/SIZE]
2030 (0)
11 (11)
16 (16)
#16 CV, #20 FH, #29 HD3E, #36 NGG, #38 BH, #44 BoP, #46 AFM, #56 Taxi, #58 SS, #63 Gorgar, #96 EatPM, #188 STTNG, #246 BigShot, #340 MM, #401 ToM, #443 BK
[SIZE=+1]#84[/SIZE] (down 2)
2011 (1)
6 (6)
9 (9)
#10 Gorgar, #11 CftBL, #21 Taxi, #28 ToM, #73 BigShot, #97 Pin*Bot, #122 EatPM, #146 RBioN, #347 MB
[SIZE=+1]#85[/SIZE] (down 4)
2010 (0)
7 (7)
10 (10)
#11 MB, #13 NGG, #14 WWind, #49 FH, #52 CC, #71 STTNG, #81 CftBL, #180 TZ, #221 FT, #241 CP
[SIZE=+1]#86[/SIZE] (down 13)
2000 (0)
16 (16)
33 (34)
#18 TeedOff, #27 CV, #36 CBW, #37 HD3E, #42 Victory, #45 WWater, #47 BRose, #55 ElDor, #56 FirePwr, #57 SpSh, #60 Co1812, #64 Taxi, #73 RBioN, #73 ToM, #81 CP, #91 NGG, #108 FH, #119 WWind, #137 STTNG, #149 TZ, #156 Pin*Bot, #158 Genie, #168 EatPM, #209 T2, #210 FT
[SIZE=+1]#87[/SIZE] (up 44)
2002 (1)
6 (5)
9 (8)
#5 HRC, #8 Diner, #39 BK2K, #43 BRose, #54 LCA, #73 HS, #107 WD, #118 JY, #123 FT
[SIZE=+1]#88[/SIZE] (up 22)
1980 (0)
12 (8)
22 (15)
#19 TeedOff, #23 HS, #27 Fl2000, #35 FirePwr, #37 Pin*Bot, #46 Gorgar, #48 T2, #49 DrDude, #64 Victory, #66 NGG, #78 BoP, #89 CP, #107 BK2K, #128 STTNG, #140 Genie, #154 HH, #187 JY, #191 BRose, #192 WWater, #224 SpSh, #309 CV, #447 CBW
[SIZE=+1]#89[/SIZE] (down 13)
1940 (0)
15 (16)
40 (39)
#22 TeedOff, #24 FirePwr, #28 RBioN, #29 WWater, #38 Fl2000, #42 FH, #50 Centaur, #55 HH, #75 WD, #85 Victory, #88 Co1812, #89 GoinNuts, #93 HS, #96 CC, #98 HRC, #102 BK, #104 Taxi, #114 CBW, #118 Diner, #124 BH, #131 WWind, #139 ElDor, #155 LCA, #165 DrDude, #171 Pin*Bot
[SIZE=+1]#90[/SIZE] (down 11)
1940 (0)
9 (9)
27 (28)
#15 HH, #21 CBW, #25 GoinNuts, #32 FirePwr, #36 T2, #49 Genie, #53 WWater, #76 SpSh, #83 MM, #110 MB, #115 CP, #132 AFM, #154 STTNG, #154 Co1812, #161 Taxi, #210 Pin*Bot, #215 WWind, #243 RBioN, #243 SS, #250 BigShot, #307 CV, #321 FT, #372 CentPark, #397 BK, #429 HD3E
Rank (Change)
Points# of Scores in the Top:
Best Scores
[SIZE=+1]#91[/SIZE] (down 5)
1930 (0)
7 (7)
14 (14)
#13 FirePwr, #17 Genie, #27 BoP, #27 CftBL, #33 CV, #69 Taxi, #91 EatPM, #136 HD3E, #153 CentPark, #181 GoinNuts, #190 ToM, #243 ElDor, #251 RBioN, #360 BigShot
[SIZE=+1]#92[/SIZE] (down 14)
1920 (0)
13 (13)
35 (33)
#12 NGG, #22 Victory, #24 JY, #48 CftBL, #48 BK2K, #51 Co1812, #58 CC, #64 HS, #66 Pin*Bot, #69 WWater, #86 Centaur, #92 WWind, #95 TZ, #109 TeedOff, #123 Taxi, #127 HRC, #129 BH, #156 RBioN, #160 CV, #170 BRose, #174 LCA, #195 T2, #215 GoinNuts, #266 EatPM, #272 SS
[SIZE=+1]#93[/SIZE] (down 6)
1910 (0)
7 (8)
16 (17)
#11 Centaur, #14 SpSh, #22 Pin*Bot, #41 Genie, #41 FirePwr, #86 Taxi, #94 DrDude, #102 Gorgar, #121 WWind, #126 Fl2000, #156 BK, #205 BigShot, #260 T2, #300 HS, #313 CC, #420 HD3E
[SIZE=+1]#94[/SIZE] (down 3)
1902 (2)
2 (2)
2 (2)
#2 BoP, #2 Pin*Bot
[SIZE=+1]#95[/SIZE] (down 10)
1890 (0)
10 (10)
40 (40)
#13 Fl2000, #13 ElDor, #29 BigShot, #47 Pin*Bot, #51 Taxi, #53 BoP, #62 Genie, #62 Co1812, #85 DrDude, #89 Victory, #110 CV, #114 RBioN, #124 T2, #125 GoinNuts, #140 SS, #175 Gorgar, #175 CP, #184 CC, #200 AFM, #209 ToM, #209 TZ, #223 STTNG, #225 Centaur, #228 BK, #234 TeedOff
[SIZE=+1]#96[/SIZE] (down 8)
1891 (1)
6 (7)
14 (15)
#1 SS, #16 ElDor, #28 Taxi, #64 CV, #80 Centaur, #83 BRose, #103 SpSh, #130 WWater, #150 CBW, #238 WD, #244 STTNG, #356 FH, #398 JY, #474 TZ
[SIZE=+1]#97[/SIZE] (down 8)
1861 (2)
6 (6)
10 (10)
#10 HD3E, #11 SS, #36 ToM, #37 CV, #41 FT, #75 Gorgar, #108 BigShot, #134 AFM, #165 MB, #283 MM
[SIZE=+1]#98[/SIZE] (down 1)
1832 (2)
2 (2)
5 (5)
#1 HD3E, #5 BK, #112 SS, #221 Victory, #315 AFM
[SIZE=+1]#99[/SIZE] (up 162)
1830 (0)
6 (4)
10 (8)
#12 CP, #19 HRC, #23 MB, #34 BigShot, #47 ToM, #49 MM, #252 CV, #269 CentPark, #312 AFM, #461 CC
[SIZE=+1]#100[/SIZE] (down 2)
[SIZE=+1]Nelis Bakker[/SIZE]
1811 (1)
4 (4)
5 (5)
#4 WWater, #18 TZ, #21 BoP, #51 SS, #182 CV


New member
May 10, 2014
:D I was thinking the same. For the top 20, I'm wondering how many people are over 35 with a family (kids) and a full time job :D

Well, I really just meant too much time if they're copying someone else's name while still being good enough to put up those scores. (Assuming the scores are legit.)

Can't speak for the married with kids thing. I'm rather predictably single. Over 35, employed, and I do live with my girlfriend but no kids. More cats than needed, but they are all fine with my pinball addiction. Frankly, the cats don't care at all.


New member
May 4, 2012
:D I was thinking the same. For the top 20, I'm wondering how many people are over 35 with a family (kids) and a full time job :D

28, thrice divorced, maybe a few kids but I don't know their names so I doubt if they're really mine, retired and living off sports gambling winnings.

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