Android - Bug Android VER 1.0.8 Bugs

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Staff member
May 8, 2012
How many times have I asked for this, only to be shot down with, Cloud save will come? - But when?
This surely is, the common sense, easier short term fix.

For the love of shiny silver balls +1.

I know, we have both been harping on about this for far too long now, probably since about the time this DLC version was released actually...

This is a much easier short-term fix that needs to be pushed much higher than it is on the development schedule. GPG Cloud is a stretch goal that will probably involve some deeper changes to the game code.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I know, we have both been harping on about this for far too long now, probably since about the time this DLC version was released actually...

This is a much easier short-term fix that needs to be pushed much higher than it is on the development schedule. GPG Cloud is a stretch goal that will probably involve some deeper changes to the game code.

Any chance Ryan?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
for this round I doubt it, we have had some internal resource shifting as of late and currently I have been assigned to other non-pinball related tasks. We are interviewing some programmers so hopefully soon we will have more resources.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
for this round I doubt it, we have had some internal resource shifting as of late and currently I have been assigned to other non-pinball related tasks. We are interviewing some programmers so hopefully soon we will have more resources.

Orballs!!!! :p <-- pure speculation, on my part BTW.

Seriously though, its such a shame that Stuart Webster is no longer with the company. I saw his announcement in the iOS forum, and it's a huge loss for the mobile platforms.

Everyone in Android owes Stuart huge props for producing such robust Alpha builds that Ryan could consume for the Android betas.

I wish FarSight luck finding a candidate that will live up to the high standards Stuart set for mobile development.
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