Bug Android Version 1.4.2 Bugs

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Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
C:\Users\Carl>ping androidfiles.pinballarcade.com

Pinging hwcdn.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

Right server?

Nik Barbour

Same message as Carl.
Would prefer a download link to dropbox though!
Thanks Ryan - will next market release be without a bundled table (market file size visibility issue), or did management not go for it?

Nik Barbour

Ok here is the newest build : http://androidfiles.pinballarcade.com/beta/AndroidPinballActivity3.apk

-cirqus dmd covered.
-cirqus white line on the texture above the dmd.
-fixed multi ball.
-fixed demo score for Harley.
-Taxi – joyride camera fixed.
- Gorgar speech should play in full with no other sounds playing. Other sounds should not cancel Gorgar speech.
- Gorgars speech and hearbeat sound seem to be completely absent on random games when playing consecutive games.
- Sound sample that's supposed to play when you light all three top roll-over lights (A, B, C) is missing.
-taxi cameras tweaked.
-Harley score match fixed.
-fixed the Harley bug where the DMD freezes.
-fixed sling shot bug on bride.
All of these Gorgar issues were related to the same thing and are now fixed. The first one I believe is fixed, I haven't heard it happen since my change.
• Gorgar speech should play in full with no other sounds playing. Other sounds should not cancel Gorgar speech.
• Gorgars speech and hearbeat sound seem to be completely absent on random games when playing consecutive games.
• Sound sample that's supposed to play when you light all three top roll-over lights (A, B, C) is missing.
-black hole art fixes.
-sling shots work in bride.
-moved black knight buttons (that’s for you Nik ;) )
-hall of fame alignment on some devices were scaled improperly.
-hud optimizations are in place for taxi, bride, and funhouse that should help your performance. Note however I had to turn off the taxi hud on the backglass due to the new way I am generating the hud texture, however during gameplay you don’t really see it anyhow.

Appreciate the button move mate - thanks Ryan :) (Laughing) - looks like you've been busy!
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Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
its below 30 so it should be fine, next time I will though. Drop box won't help since the tables won't download =\ in contact with their tech support right now though....


New member
May 16, 2012
Just had a quick look at Taxi.

The good thing is: performance is stellar, no more stuttering, yay!!! But the alphanumeric display is far too big now, obscuring too much of the upper playfield (top-down cam, locked).


New member
Aug 17, 2012
The HUD on Taxi is pretty huge, but the camera angles are much better now. I can actually see where the ball is to spell C-A-B!

However, Harley locks up the moment I hit the third button (that orange button on the screen that activates the drain bumper). The application immediately stops responding and quits to the home screen after a few seconds. Edit: Audio continues playing, just video locks up.
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New member
May 16, 2012
Harley locks up the moment I hit the third button (that orange button on the screen that activates the drain bumper). The application immediately stops responding and quits to the home screen after a few seconds. Edit: Audio continues playing, just video locks up.
It's the same here.

Edit: HUD is bloated on Funhouse, too. Haven't tried BoP yet, but I guess it'll be the same there. Performance on Funhouse is smooth as hell, though. Thanks Ryan, great job! :)
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
I haved verified the same issue with Harley here as well with the pressing of the button for the drain stopper

Taxi looks a lot better. Not if I was just blind or just did not notice it before, but you can actually see the ball go all the way back when picking up Grobie now.

On CFTBL I noticed that the ball speed seems to be faster. Before I was able to catch the ball with the bumpers on both the left and right. That is no longer the case now. Is it possible to correct that issue?

Will keep playing to see what else comes up.

Thank you again Ryan for all of your hard work.
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