Bug Android Version 1.5.0 Bugs and Feedback

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New member
May 16, 2012
No, I can change the texture settings in the main menu before starting a table even on my puny device.

Nik Barbour

Tables are smoother for me now, but I've also tinkered with governor settings, so I'm not an ideal case. I'll get lag every so often, presumably when my phone checks e-mail, Market or GPS, but it will go away a short time later.

The texture settings are only available on Tegra devices, correct?

If email or market updates are slowing play, turn 'sync' off whilst playing TPA.

All devices should have access to the texture menu. To get at it you have to be in the upper level of the TPA menu (the one where you swipe to select a table), press options button here, and its right at the bottom of that menu.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
I have a few things to report for TAXI:

  • On at least two occasions I have had to end my game prematurely after hitting the express lane, because I am unable to plunge the next ball. The camera resets to the playfield view, leaving me with no option but to quit. I believe the last occurrence happened after successfully hitting the express lane 2 or 3 times in the same game. It sounded like the ball-delivery mechanism was trying to deliver a ball to the plunger, but that there might not have been a ball to deliver. That's just a guess since I could not see the plunger lane to verify.

I had this happen again last night. I'm pretty sure it happened once I hit Express Lane 1 after already completing Express Lane Multiball twice... so it would have occurred on the 3rd time locking a ball in Express Lane 1.

Russell Bergman

New member
Feb 29, 2012
Quick question Ryan......In Medieval Madness, has the gap in the flippers been fixed? It still looks like it is too wide and I am getting some constant drains. Sorry if this has been asked and answered recently.

Russell Bergman

New member
Feb 29, 2012
Thanks Ryan! So the the two new tables for Android for possibly the end of next week is No Good Gofers and.......?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
We made a pass at numerous tables unfortunately due to some technical difficulties on the art side we had to skip this one until the next iteration, hopefully I will get more of Jason's time in the near future to address these.

Quick question Ryan......In Medieval Madness, has the gap in the flippers been fixed? It still looks like it is too wide and I am getting some constant drains. Sorry if this has been asked and answered recently.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
we had reports of this too, we are currently looking into it

I had this happen again last night. I'm pretty sure it happened once I hit Express Lane 1 after already completing Express Lane Multiball twice... so it would have occurred on the 3rd time locking a ball in Express Lane 1.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
it's up to the gpu chipset, I query the hardware for the extension and if it is there the option is available. All tegra devices have it, but many other devices do as well (strangely, including some very old devices)

Tables are smoother for me now, but I've also tinkered with governor settings, so I'm not an ideal case. I'll get lag every so often, presumably when my phone checks e-mail, Market or GPS, but it will go away a short time later.

The texture settings are only available on Tegra devices, correct?


Staff member
May 8, 2012
So are the table graphics assets and things like that common across all platforms? So single-sourced if you like? Is fixing thing like the Medieval Madness flipper gap a fix once, deploy globally task? I know the ROM Emulator sounds Like it is common across all platforms, however I am curious about table fixes.

And feel free to not answer this if this is commercial in-confidence, Ryan.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Naw I think its ok, the rom is indeed global, and so are the collision meshes. However the assets that go into android & ios are separate, though they are derived from the console versions. The art is always done from the top down, with the higher textures and more dense meshes (3d models) being done first then we down-res them. So we do have to make sure that they propagate changes down to us, which they do. However the assets described are all located in the table files so they require a re-download so we try to fix as much as possible with a table before releasing a new version since we don't want them downloading for just one small art fix for example.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Speaking of textures. On Taxi, the left side ramp exit has a very noticeable low-resolution texture. I'm talking about the yellow/red stripe on top of the wall of the ramp, it's very jaggy. Additionally, that texture seems to disappear completely (not rendered) when viewed through the partially transparent ramp (only noticeable from certain camera angles).

Also, the highest score on TAXI (TOM - 8,334,120 ... in the table menu) seems to be hard-coded into 1st place. I finally beat that score (yay!), but my score still appears under the TOM score in the table menu. The table itself ignores the TOM score completely.

As always, I appreciate your work Ryan!
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