Bug Android Version 1.6.0 Bugs And Feedback

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Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I found playing landscape helped, but because Tegra 2 appears to have a framerate issue with a rotated display :(


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Yeah I have to play in landscape on my Galaxy Tab 10.1. Unfortunately its relatively weak GPU (compared to the PowerVR unit on the OMAP4 found in the Nexus and Galaxy Tab 2 line or the Tegra 3 found on the Nexus 7 and TF300/700) is to blame for that one. Turn textures down to Normal and that'll help a little bit.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
  • Going into "options" and clicking "Our Mission" causes the menu to disappear and the app to become unresponsive requiring a force close.
  • Going into the Leaderboards, selecting the "My Score" tab, and scrolling up to load more scores will cause the application to hang on "Loading…" requiring a force close (or the app will eventually close after 30 seconds or so). Edit: Upon further investigation, this only happens regularly on the Black Knight leaderboards where I currently hold 105th place.

I can confirm point 1. But at least I can see the background picture without pinball machine blocking the view. :)

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
BK is beggered, if you finish the game with balls locked, it doesn't release them they just disappear, this presumably means it's not triggering the trough switch and the ROM gets confused.

On the next game it takes a couple of attempts for each ball to lock.


Had to quit two sessions of EATPM; when locking the last ball in the skull, nothing happnes, call atendant, no balls stuck, games starts search for balls, nothing, tilt the game and eventually two balls get released but will not continue to the next ball.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
are you referring to the BK multiball bug you just mentioned? I know there are a few bugs like these in the hopper.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
It affects a few tables where balls are locked when the game ends as far as I know.

BK and NGG and Elvira suffer from it.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I have seen an issue when playing FH where if you start a second game it will randomly release balls while still playing the first ball. It then has been treating these extra balls as ball 2 and 3. When all balls are drained the game is then over, even though it was technically still ball 1.

This issue does not occur if you exit out of the table and then go back in.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
I believe all of these are related and they are being looked into. Our testers can reproduce it but we have yet to find out what the issue might be. I will let you guys know if we find anything but there probably won't be a beta until the new tables are in since I am working on other things in the background. Thank you for the reports they have all been logged into our mantis bug database =)

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Unless BK is a special case, it's happening simply because the balls vanish, rather than getting released and allowed to naturally return to the trough.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I found playing landscape helped, but because Tegra 2 appears to have a framerate issue with a rotated display :(

I don't think the orientation issue regarding performance is limited to Tegra devices either Carl.

I remember reading in another Android bug thread that landscape (or was it portrait) orientation seems to result in better, smoother gameplay. Someone a lot more up-to-speed with Android vagaries suggested it was something deep within the Android kernel that made a certain display orientation work better. I think it might have been Serge who clarified that (just off the top of my head).


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I believe all of these are related and they are being looked into. Our testers can reproduce it but we have yet to find out what the issue might be. I will let you guys know if we find anything but there probably won't be a beta until the new tables are in since I am working on other things in the background. Thank you for the reports they have all been logged into our mantis bug database =)

Rock on! You guys have got Mantis Bug Tracker implemented! :cool:

That's an excellent step forward for QA internally: my little process-driven heart rejoices!

So when can we start pumping bugs into the tracker using the Mantis mobile app and stop using PAF like a glorified bug tracker?

Or is Farsight simply not ready for that level of crazy yet :p

Nik Barbour

I don't think the orientation issue regarding performance is limited to Tegra devices either Carl.

I remember reading in another Android bug thread that landscape (or was it portrait) orientation seems to result in better, smoother gameplay. Someone a lot more up-to-speed with Android vagaries suggested it was something deep within the Android kernel that made a certain display orientation work better. I think it might have been Serge who clarified that (just off the top of my head).

It's the opposite for me. Portrait is perfect - no issues.
Landscape, I get balls skipping frames, mainly on habitrails - switching compatibility off, improves this but hurts speed of play.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I only played briefly today after reading this post, and I've had no isses. This was with Bride of Pinbot, which seems to be one of the more GPU-intensive tables. Portrait and landscape, both ran fine.

As for a slightly related bug/quirk, in landscape, BoP, the camera doesn't pan up quite enough when the ball shoots up the shuttle ramp towards the machine or the Pinbot field. This is on the Nexus 7.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
LoL i mentioned it but for the time being we are taking baby steps, we had mantis before but died in the launching process. Now that we have more testers and help it should hopefully go smoother. *knocks on wood*

Rock on! You guys have got Mantis Bug Tracker implemented! :cool:

That's an excellent step forward for QA internally: my little process-driven heart rejoices!

So when can we start pumping bugs into the tracker using the Mantis mobile app and stop using PAF like a glorified bug tracker?

Or is Farsight simply not ready for that level of crazy yet :p


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I only played briefly today after reading this post, and I've had no isses. This was with Bride of Pinbot, which seems to be one of the more GPU-intensive tables. Portrait and landscape, both ran fine.

As for a slightly related bug/quirk, in landscape, BoP, the camera doesn't pan up quite enough when the ball shoots up the shuttle ramp towards the machine or the Pinbot field. This is on the Nexus 7.

Thank you for raising this one McGuirk (reminded me to comment more about this). I have noticed this, particularly in the Head animations. The camera doesn't pan as high as it does in landscape as it does in portrait.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Found a bug on Funhouse. The Mystery Mirror can only be completed once. Previous behavior was it would clear the lights after activating the Super Frenzy mode, allowing it to be completed again. Now, after completing the mirror and activating Super Frenzy, the lights don't clear and the mirror is now useless.

Also, more of a gripe than a bug, the new pop bumper sounds sound like poo. Nowhere close to authentic in my opinion. The old sound was better.

Also, I'm also getting the 2 balls in plunger on a second game bug. It'll fire them off, but the table doesn't know about the second ball out. Drain one and it advances the ball. Drain them both and it'll count as one ball, but it will stack 2 up in the plunger again.
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