Just got all the wizard goals for Fish Tales. The double jackpot was a pain.
Having trouble with the 100K skyway in BK2K. Hints?
Also, Catch A Killer isn't registering when completed on Who Dunnit. Grrrr.
Get the penthouse key first by hitting the two targets. Then rolling shots to the elevator from the right flipper will make the elevator generally go up. Shots from a trap have more chance to exit the elevator. Get up to the penthouse, then try to exit. Eventually you'll get it.
Light...Camera...Action was cake. High Roller Casino was also a breeze aside from the Super Surpise goal which took me some time.
I refuse to tackle any more Wizard goals until I pass my last standard goal on Goin' Nuts. (Which it is driving me!)
I'm in awe of those who have done all the Wizard ones...