ATTENTION FarSight Studios! Regarding the trophy limit on PS3


New member
Sep 12, 2013
Hi all, first time posting here, and probably last. I'm a long time lurker here.

Just wanted to mention something on this forum I had posted over on Sony's blog, but I figured the FarSight team would probably never see it over there.

So anyway, trophies aren't really a big deal, and I'll continue to buy all the future DLC packs for Pinball Arcade with or without them (since pinball is all about leaderboards to me), but one of your long time members, spoonman, mentioned on the PS Blog that FarSight was going to cease adding trophies to future table packs due to a limitation imposed by Sony. Of course the best thing to happen would be to convince Sony to remove the barrier, but if that can't be done, then I figured the next best thing would be for FarSight to use up all 100 available trophy spots to provide the highest possible value for those who care about such things.

Currently, there are 96 trophies available on TPA, and obviously adding trophies for the upcoming table pack 16 would go over the 100 trophies limit by 2, and therefore can't be done, but if possible, I'd like to ask FarSight if they'll consider adding the usual 3 trophies for the Terminator 2 pack when it launches since it will be by itself, and then, if possible, to use the 100th and final trophy spot for either a gold or a platinum trophy that unlocks when all other trophies have been unlocked. At least this way there won't be any spots left unused and I also figure that adding trophies to the T2 pack would be extremely beneficial for increasing sales of that pack by adding increased perceived value to it since (I'm assuming) it will probably be a $5 table just like the previous "premium" tables were. Also, by adding a gold or a platinum for completion of all other trophies, I think that the completionists out there will be motivated to join the community once again (or for the first time) which could, by way of exposure, create a slew of new pinball fans who could generate loads of new revenue for FarSight once they get hooked on pinball like the rest of us silverball junkies and start buying the other DLC packs.

Just something to think about FarSight. Thanks for your time, and I appreciate all the hard work you've done already! I absolutely love the Pinball Arcade and play it more than any other game I own.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
What? DLC can't increase the number of trophies? (I know on Xbox, base games get 1000 points, but each DLC gets an additional 250-500 points for achievements).

I would've thought Sony may implement 100 trophies for the base game and each DLC gets you 20 more or something. After all, new DLC usually means new achievements to get...


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
That's a fairly solid idea Primero. I'm not a trophy hound, but if there were a Platinum to be gotten for TPA, I'd be all over it. Just wonder if it's too late to implement.


New member
Mar 26, 2013
I don't believe it has anything to do with the # of trophies, but the combined point values of the trophies. TPA is at 2400 points now, the most I've seen for any non-platinum game. If Sony won't let them go beyond that, they can't add anything else.


New member
May 26, 2013
How sweet would a TPA plat be? :cool: but im fairly certain vyrastas is correct. Based on trophy point values it seems tpa has reached the limit. But i +1 the op's idea/suggestion.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
Well... Sony may have a trophy limit, but Steam has none.

However... looking at the PC beta I'm not sure if they're actually even aware of that. So far every time I got a "High Five Score" or finished all standard and wizard goals an achievement would bump off. But what I did those on "Flight 2000" and "Going Nuts" nothing of that sort would happen.


New member
May 15, 2013
I can t see the reason they simply didn t put all tables after Whirlwind/CP under The Pinball arcade 2 brand, so "new" game n new trophies... plus new customers maybe would ve been lured by a "new" game. Infinite DLCs r only for the core fans...


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I would have to disagree. The Pinball Arcade is suppose to have a collection of pinball tables all in one game. Otherwise it would be inconvenient to have to start one game to play a couple tables, then exit and start another game to play the other tables. I don't see that as an option.


New member
May 15, 2013
I would have to disagree. The Pinball Arcade is suppose to have a collection of pinball tables all in one game. Otherwise it would be inconvenient to have to start one game to play a couple tables, then exit and start another game to play the other tables. I don't see that as an option.

To exit 1 game n enter another require 30 u can t spend that time... lol
Plus it could be 30 tables in TPA1 n 30 tables in TPA2 u need to constantly jump between the 2 with all those tables ???? Come on, 1 day u play volume 1 n another day volume 2...


Apr 12, 2012
I can t see the reason they simply didn t put all tables after Whirlwind/CP under The Pinball arcade 2 brand, so "new" game n new trophies... plus new customers maybe would ve been lured by a "new" game. Infinite DLCs r only for the core fans...

Well, besides being inconvenient, to do that, they would have to pay Sony to approve the "Pinball Arcade 2" title all over again through the submission process. Why pay money for something they don't need?


New member
Jul 1, 2013
My main beef with no trophies was that it was a convenient way to see if I had gotten a high score on the tables. The standard and wizard goals were easy as they are on the table select UI, but there is no way to see if a high score has been obtained. Would be great if they'd just add a little ribbon or something on the table select UI to indicate it.


New member
Aug 14, 2013
It's easy to tell if you got a high score. You'll be prompted to enter your initials at the end of the game.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
Well, yeah... And I can tell once within the table by going to the high score menu. But I'd like to be able to tell if I've ever gotten a high score on a table from the table select menu -- that way I can easily (as with the standard and wizard goals) tell if I still have work to do on the table (with a table being "complete" when I have a high score, all standard, and all wizard goals complete).


Nov 11, 2012
BigWeather's request above ties in with what I'd like to see.

Instead of the "Table Goals" or "Wizard Goals" item on the table selection screen (when you move right to it and press X) I'd like "Table Stats" that is customized to the particular table. It would show the High score list as used on the table (i.e. "Grand Champion" instead of 01.", special achievements (e.g. highest # of jumps on TCP) that the table keeps, and when possible: Play stats! # Balls Served, Total Play Time, etc. (whatever is interesting and is part of the "saving..." at the end of even your worst of plays).

Per table in Options you'd also have a "Reset table" where (if "you're sure?") the table gets reset to factory defaults (of course you get to keep your associated trophies).


New member
Sep 22, 2013
It's seems to me the solution would be to make each season it's own "game" in order to enable trophies for all tables.

Sent from my XT901 using Tapatalk


Apr 12, 2012
I would love to see some kind of stats function like you get in Zen. That game keeps track of tons of stuff.

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