Battle of the Tables - Preliminary Round


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Space Shuttle v Central Park - I like Space Shuttle. Too Bad I way overplayed it for the tournament :)
El Dorado v Flight 2000 - TIE. haven't played El Dorado enough to judge.
Champions Pub v Harley Davidson - A lot to do. I just got a game of poker today. Never saw that before.
Gorgar v Goin Nuts - Played Gorgar when it was new. Talking pinball. It was awesome the first few times.
Cue Ball Wizard v Big Shot - Not by much here, but I do like the "Rowdy Ramp"
Haunted House v Class of 1812 - Much prefer the 3 tier layout.
Genie v Teed Off - Real close here. I like Genie, I think it's a great widebody with some tough play. Teed Off makes me laugh, so it squeaks by.
Victory v Dr Dude - I'll take the weak 'Victory!' over anything Dr. Dude says...
Firepower v Black Hole - Love the lower playing field and also I game I played brand new and played until great IRL.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
when you tell us the results of each round, will you also tell us what the wider community said about each pairing (ie IPDB or Pinside rankings)?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
For the win:

Space Shuttle
Flight 2000
Champion Pub
Cue Ball Wizard
Class of 1812
Tee'd Off
Dr Dude


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Space Shuttle - while I like EMs, I don't care much for Central Park. And Space Shuttle has awesome sound and a much better rule set.

Flight 2000 - this was a hard one for me, but when you get a good game of Flight 2000 going, it is one of the more exciting tables in TPA.

Harley Davidson - this was another tough one for me, but I had to vote for Harley because "How's about a ticket... To the policeman's ball." Nuff said.

Gorgar - I don't think Goin Nuts is as bad as everyone said, but I had to vote for Gorgar because it is my namesake.

Big Shot - my most played table in TPA. And I just don't like Cue Ball Wizard apart from the guy that sounds like a rapist.

Haunted House - one of my favorites. Awesome music and I personally love the gameplay.

Teed Off - I really like this one. Genie is pretty decent too, though.

Dr. Dude - this one was close. I think both tables are so-so, but at the end of the day, I prefer Dr. Dude. I like it's theme and challenge.

Black Hole - one of my favorites, although I don't play it as much as Big Shot nowadays. I think that the reason why I like these older tables is that I don't have to watch the same DMD animations a million times when I start getting good at them.


Jan 30, 2013
Space Shuttle - great game, needs no explanation.

Flight 2000 - harder choice but still not so hard.

Champions pub - easy choice, but one of these days I'm gonna really give HD an honest effort.

Gorgar - oh yeah

Big Shot - aiming practice galore

Haunted House - I like the mood and I'm already sick of 1812 - its ruleset sucks. Or I suck at it. Probably both.

Teed off - but this was toughest choice -as much as I like the gameplay, like going for the holes and jackpots, it's so incredibly stupid IMHO, from the groping to the gopher wheel.

Dr Dude - if it didn't framedrop on my device I would play it more, because I really like it. I like shooting for the right side targets and the jackpot. And that it's a non-restarter. By the looks of the leaderboard I'm pretty good at victory, (just got knocked down to 2nd) but I only played it when it came out and exploited the ball lock + extra ball feature which makes the table a neverending marathon. I was so happy when the game ended. Shame because I really love the checkpoint system.

Firepower - I'm such a sucker for firepower. Can't believe people have issues with this table. I love the sound but what I really love is the layout and how strategic every shot must be. Always come back to this one for more.


May 10, 2013
Space Shuttle crushes Central Park. It’s a choice between blasting off in a rocket or sitting on a carny merry-go-‘round. Oh sure, the merry-go-’round has its charm, but it’s no rocket.

El Dorado wins a controversial TKO over Flight 2000. El Dorado has made a strong first impression on me. I don’t know what I’m doing yet, but it’s fun. I turned on Flight 2000 just now and played a game for the first time in a while. I drained three balls in short order. Therefore, El Dorado is better.

Harley Davidson goes Buster Douglas on Champion’s Pub. I want to like Champion’s Pub but I don’t. I’ll admit that I haven’t bought Harley Davidson. When I discovered the TPA app and this forum everyone was so universally down on it that I opted to buy Taxi on its own. But, when Harley Davidson was the free table of the month, I couldn’t get enough of it. The theme and playfield art don’t impress but, at the time, it was the only multi-ball table I could actually get a multi-ball on. My one month playing Harley was more fun than my first 5 months on Champion’s Pub. This may be a case where I’m too intimidated to get into the ring with C-Pub, so I’d rather just go beat up H.D., but there it is.

Sorry Goin’ Nuts, Gorgar Beat You. Gorgar could not lose to squirrels, no matter how many extra squirrels you manage to get.

Big Shot knocks Cue Ball Wizard into the side pocket. Darn. I really like Cue Ball Wizard but Big Shot is perfect.

Class of 1812 scares off Haunted House. 1812 has more ghosts than Haunted House and it clucks like a chicken. Easy win.

Genie gets a slight nod over Teed Off. Maybe if I choose Genie, she will grant my wish and grant me the freaking 3 million Wizard Goal.

Victory runs over Dr. Dude, then backs up and runs over him again. I’m not a Dr. Dude hater, but I’d rather chew on pennies wrapped in aluminum foil than play a game of Dr. Dude. Wait. I guess I am a hater.

Firepower escapes the event horizon, Black Hole collapses in upon itself. That’s about as clever as I’m getting on this one. Black Hole is awesome, Firepower is awesomer.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Space Shuttle v Central Park - Not a fan of either
El Dorado v Flight 2000 - Not a fan of either
Champions Pub v Harley Davidson - HD is dumb. Champion Pub is a cool theme and idea, and unique.
Gorgar v Goin Nuts - I think Gorgar is a great table, I love the heartbeat.
Cue Ball Wizard v Big Shot I only really played Big Shot, IRL, and on TPA its kind of a hum drum experience. The real thing is fun hearing all the bells and whistles. And ker-thunks.
Haunted House v Class of 1812 I actually really like 1812, and most horror themed tables in general. I like the voice and music experience more than haunted house, and I'm not a fan of reverse playfields.
Genie v Teed Off - Neither one.
Victory v Dr Dude See, I actually like both Victory and Dr. Dude this time around. Dr. Dude for the color, voices and music, and overall vibe, and for giving me the gift of gab.
Firepower v Black Hole - Easy peasy. Firepower is fun when you get on a roll, and I like the sound/design. Black Hole is just aggravating and I hate the sound.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
space shuttle vs CP
harley davidson vs CPub... this one was tough for me. if it was based on real life machines, it would of been CPub.
gorgar vs GN
teed off vs genie... i almost chose genie
black hole vs FP... once again if this was based on real machines i'd go firepower all the way, the unresponsive bumpers just ruin it for me.

since the last two packs weren't released for the ps3 yet i felt it was unfair to vote on the following,
ED vs F2K
HH vs 1812
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New member
Apr 17, 2012
Space Shuttle v Central Park
El Dorado v Flight 2000
Champions Pub v Harley Davidson
Gorgar v Goin Nuts
Cue Ball Wizard v Big Shot - THis was the hardest, I hate both.
Haunted House v Class of 1812
Genie v Teed Off
Victory v Dr Dude
Firepower v Black Hole


New member
May 27, 2012
Space Shuttle - more skill based.
El Dorado - drawn to the upper drop targets
Champions Pub - love the fights and multiballs
Gorgar - Goin Nuts can die a long and painful death
Big Shot - Taught me how to nudge and appreciate EMs
Haunted House - Love the multiple playfields and doubling strategies
Genie - I like the layout and extra ball earning strategy
Dr Dude - I like the theme and the gameplay is unique. Victory bores me.
Black Hole - Love how it feels so different from normal pinball. Also love that building the bonus is a key strategy


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Space Shuttle v Central Park - CP is not a good EM but better than SSHTL. The real CP provides a different experience anyways.
El Dorado v Flight 2000 - I prefer drop targets
Champions Pub v Harley Davidson - The pub is interesting and has good entertainment. HD is as regular as regular gas.
Gorgar v Goin Nuts - The monster from the snakepit has a nice playfield.
Cue Ball Wizard v Big Shot - With a different ruleset I would prefer CBW but as it is BS wins.
Haunted House v Class of 1812 - Don't like either.
Genie v Teed Off - both have poor fx but the playfield of Genie has its charme.
Victory v Dr Dude - bad vs. ugly
Firepower v Black Hole - the latter is more creative. I prefer the real live table Firepower, though.
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Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
Space Shuttle v Central Park
Central Park isn't much fun and Space Shuttle is a blast.

El Dorado v Flight 2000
I haven't played much of El Dorado but Flight 2000 is a lot of fun and I was really surprised how much I enjoyed it.

Champions Pub
v Harley Davidson
Harley Davidson seems too easy and the constant loop of born to be wild but not actually getting to the lyrics just seems cheesy. Also Champion's Pub is fun. That table seems to really divide people on this site.

Gorgar v Goin Nuts
I'm not voting on this because I don't really like either that much. If I can't do that then put it for Goin' Nuts.

Cue Ball Wizard v Big Shot
Cue Ball Wizard is confusing. Big Shot is simple and pretty fun.

Haunted House v Class of 1812
I got bored of Haunted House pretty quickly, not so much with the Class of 1812.

Genie v Teed Off
Teed off but not by much, I don't have a ton of love for either table.

v Dr Dude
See above

Firepower v Black Hole
Again not voting, but if I have to it's Black Hole. No love for either table but at least I kind of understand Black Hole a little better.


Apr 12, 2012
Picks in bold:

Space Shuttle v Central Park
El Dorado v Flight 2000
Champions Pub v Harley Davidson
Gorgar v Goin Nuts
Cue Ball Wizard v Big Shot
Haunted House v Class of 1812
Genie v Teed Off
Victory v Dr Dude
Firepower v Black Hole


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Picks in bold:

Space Shuttle v Central Park. Clearly knocks it out of the park.
El Dorado v Flight 2000. I like El Dorado, but Flight 2000's multiball action beats out City of Gold's ruleset.
Champions Pub v Harley Davidson. Tough call, as I like both tables.
Cue Ball Wizard v Big Shot. Similar layout, but CBW takes the place. "What kind of cow pie shot was that?"
Haunted House v Class of 1812. MILLION!!! (I also give HH respect.)
Genie v Teed Off. Childhood game, and I easily experienced nostalgia.
Victory v Dr Dude. Grab the Gift of Gab for the awesome rap!
Firepower v Black Hole. Tough call again.

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