Beta (1.10.0 )

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Somehow my crashed score made it to the leaderboard but not to my local list.


New member
Sep 11, 2012
Haven't tried AFM/Genie tables, but this new version does seem to fix the flipper/launcher issues on Star Trek on my Nexus 10 (the flipper buttons not moving the "ball launch selection", the incorrect mode being selected in a "Command Decision", launching balls via cannon)! I can do Battle Simulation now! THANK YOU!

Bug on Nexus 10: In portrait, menu selections on the table are "one off" -- for example, on Table Menu, if I click "Options", the "Extras" menu actually comes up, if I click "Wizard Goals" the "Options" menu comes up, etc. In addition, upon finishing a game in portrait, when the "Final Score" window is shown and your options are "Hall of Fame" and "Continue", clicking "Continue" takes you to the Hall of Fame Scores -- meaning there's no way to exit the game unless you go to landscape and click continue there.

Thank you!


Oct 29, 2012
Device: ASUS TF700T

OS: OTA 4.2.1 with latest firmware

Bug: Black screen on menu rotate (confirmed for Ryan)

Frequency: Hard to place, probably less than 10% and I really have to rotate the tablet a lot to make it happen.

Otherwise this version is pretty stable. ATM ball plunge button is very glitchy as already mentioned. Genie plays nice and is very enjoyable. I have already purchased both tables through Googleplay.

Please take a look at scaling down the HUD on the portrait view of Big Shot. It still obscures the top of the table so that I cannot see the lanes and the bottom left out lanes so I cannot play it in portrait. Thanks to Ryan and the TPA team at FS!

Timelord ...


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Free mode ends as soon as any poonts are scored on each table.

Attack from mars plunger requires you to pull back and let go.

Samsung galaxy s3. Jellybean 4.1.1

Ui is much improved in its responsiveness. Button presses can be less quick. Draghing seems to worj as expected. Only tried in portrait mode.


The score kimit issue affects all tables not owned. Just tried on sttng and cv and the exact same issue even after logging out and in to my farsight account
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
Won't open on Nexus7. (4.2.1)
Get the farsight flash screen, can hear a few chords of music, briefly see modified menu - then CRASH! everytime.
This happens in both Portrait and Landscape.

I am having the exact same issue on my Nook as well (not sure of the version of Android it is running). I see a brief view of the new UI, and then a crash.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Its the leaderboard thats causing the crashes on my devices.

If I play as guest, its ok.

Soon as I log in crash every time. (whats changed there?)

I can login under 1.9.1
Can't login in 1.10.0

What i have to do to get working is..
Install 1.9.1 log out within the app.
Install 1.10.0 and play as guest.

Any chance you could fix this for me Ryan? Cheers.

I can confirm that these steps worked for me to play as well. Now if I could only try the new tables because the demo ends as soon as you launch the ball in free play :(

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Got it working. You can't buy the tables seperately? I wondered how they'd handle a trash/treasure pairing with two non-licensed tables.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Got it working. You can't buy the tables seperately? I wondered how they'd handle a trash/treasure pairing with two non-licensed tables.

Trash/treasure pairing? That's a matter of opinion as I happen to enjoy Genie very much.


Oct 29, 2012
Originally Posted by Richard B
Got it working. You can't buy the tables seperately? I wondered how they'd handle a trash/treasure pairing with two non-licensed tables.

Trash/treasure pairing? That's a matter of opinion as I happen to enjoy Genie very much.

I totally agree.

Genie is a Gottlieb System 1 game, and a representative of one the better EM to SS transition period tables. Give it a chance and you may find that you like it a lot. I can remember spending time in the late 70's at the "gin mill" playing for a shot and a beer to make it more interesting. I'm very happy to play it again.

Timelord ....


New member
Feb 25, 2012
Gave it a quick turn again on my Nexus 7 (for the most part, I'm done playing on my SGS II). I may have some more insight on your bug in the OP, Ryan. I turned my tablet once, from portrait to landscape, to try the new menu look and see how quickly it transformed. Unfortunately, my screen went black, yet the music for whatever table I had selected kept playing. I tried to flip again, and the bottom dock switched, but the screen didn't do anything. I was able to swipe where the table select 'wheel' is, and it recognized the swipe, changing the table music. I tapped start (where it would normally be), and the game loaded the table while keeping my screen black, then suddenly quit to my home screen.

I'll try some more, as I want to give Genie another go.


Had a strange thing happening on the Nexus 7 playing AFM. Table freezes with the ball half way up the ramp. A few seconds later, tablet went black and restarts. Never had my Nexus turning itself on and off before.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Seems to be working okay so far. The only issues I've noticed are the missing sound samples in AFM (the civilian population remarks are absent), the ball rolling upwards on the upraised flippers whether it has sufficient momentum or not (similar to MB), and a floaty ball on Genie, similar to complaints about CV. Tables from this era do tend to be slower (at least the ones I play), but is this too much?

Also, in case you didn't discover it, MM is the TOTM under this beta.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
thanks guys! The demo score limit is fixed, was a debug setting that got fubar'd. The other stuff I will be taking a look at today.

Nik Barbour

If you get a screen blackout from too much screen rotation - pressing the 'apps' button on the jelly bean taskbar, then re selecting TPA in the running apps list restores the graphics on Nexus 7 running 4.2.1.
Even though the screen blackouts, the app keeps running.
I noticed this in 1.9.1 also, whilst flipping portrait to landscape to operate the then landscape only menu.


New member
Sep 9, 2012
I cant press the left flipper while plunging on afm so i cant get the super skill shot, and the hud on big shot is still all messed up in portrait, it is always blocking something important in all the angles
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New member
Sep 22, 2012
Also, in case you didn't discover it, MM is the TOTM under this beta.

thanks - first time I've played it on anything but the Xbox. Amazed how high the scores are considering the reduced reaction times with a small screen + lack of decent nudging.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Gah! 2 shots away from destroying mars I get Total annihilation. In a split second, balls drain, end game screen comes up, no bonus count, can't enter initials, no entry on leadborad, only HoF-points.

I had a similar issue just come up on my Nexus 7 running 4.2.1.
I had cleared three space ships, was on my second extra ball of ball 1 and started Total Annihilation mode. A few seconds later, I got enough pop hits to trigger Super Jets.
Just as a message about Goal 2 appeared on my screen [first time I'd reached super jets], so did the Final Score/HoF points overlay. All my balls drained, but the emulator kept running in the background, so I'm in the weird position of looking at the table menu while the music plays and the DMD flashes between my score and "PRESS LAUNCH".

Update: Since I had balls remaining, pressing "START" seems to have taken me directly back to the game to play my last two balls. Was able to earn another ~500M points, enter my initials, and earn a few more HoF points, but I lost a very promising ball in Total Annihilation and could presumably have done quite a bit better.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
ok, they are looking into the total annihilation bug. Today I will fix the back button, skill shot, and look into the stability issue (black screen)

Nik Barbour

Strange bug at end of AFM.
Entered my initials, the app went straight into a new game of AFM but with the enter initials gui still on screen. All controls were dead and couldn't get out of the locked state.
Had to remove app from active memory.
This is playing signed in as guest as I can't login for scoreboards in 1.10.0 (I could login in 1.9.1)
Nexus 7 JB 4.2.1
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