Beta (1.10.0 )

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Staff member
May 8, 2012
Before submitting builds to us, is the Android build submitted to an in-house Beta testing team for initial QA?

I'm only asking because a beta tester would have discovered the demo score ceiling bug immediately upon starting a game.

Is there such a "department", or does the beta testing responsibility fall on the developer for each platform? I know things run pretty lean and mean (or AGILE if you like) at Farsight.

If we are actually the primary beta testing/QE division supporting you, then I want a t-shirt. :p

(just kidding, but it would be cool wouldn't it ;) )


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Before submitting builds to us, is the Android build submitted to an in-house Beta testing team for initial QA?

I'm only asking because a beta tester would have discovered the demo score ceiling bug immediately upon starting a game.

Is there such a "department", or does the beta testing responsibility fall on the developer for each platform? I know things run pretty lean and mean (or AGILE if you like) at Farsight.

If we are actually the primary beta testing/QE division supporting you, then I want a t-shirt. :p

(just kidding, but it would be cool wouldn't it ;) )

A t-shirt would be nice, but having early access to the new tables is payment enough for me. :D

Nik Barbour

Have you tried force closing the game then logging in afterwards?

Yeah tried that, thanks for the suggestion though.

Problem is, as soon as you attempt to login you can't get past the first fire up of the menu - the app is either non responsive or crashes. And because the log in status is held in the 'save_data' file, each subsequent time you restart the app it crashes again, stuck in an uncontrollable loop.

Only way to break it, is to re-install 1.9.1, start TPA, log out within the app, re-install 1.10.0, then play as a guest.

As a guest, your transactions are restored, but you can't see or have your scores loaded into the leaderboards, or take part in tournaments.
Your goals and personal highscores are present, but I'd like to be linked to the boards.

Bit of a bugger really as the log in has always worked for me in every other release/version.

Am I the only one with the login problem?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
@Bass - To my knowledge nothing has been changed in physics, but Bobby does tune each table, ill mention it to him.

@Pin - Ok cool =) congrats, and thanks they do look much better. Star trek balls are in the build you have, but they have yet to be awarded.

@Jared - I released it sunday night when I was the only one here, figured you guys would want something to play with quicker than Monday so you can mess around with the table, but the score limit bug was my fault ><..>< sorry. There was an in app purchase bug when hitting the score limit and I did that to make my life easier. It will be gone with the next build, trying to fix as many of these things as possible before.

@Nik - If you (or anyone) can give me steps to get into that state I can try it on my end.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Right. As I was saying in the @Jared bit above that was my bad and will be gone with the next build. Shouldn't affect those who buy it but my apologies for those attempting the demo version.

Is this score limit fix in the next APK or what?

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
@Bass - To my knowledge nothing has been changed in physics, but Bobby does tune each table, ill mention it to him.

Thanks. I'm still trying to figure out if it's actually the physics or just something about the way I'm playing the tables. It wouldn't hurt to get other people's opinions on this one as well. I've never played either table IRL so that complicates things for me.

I did notice that on Genie the wires that run parallel to the bottom of the flippers don't seem to have any collision detection. That might be why the ball was able to bounce back up like that, too.

Big kudos on the interface, by the way. It's really slick and it's nice to have the familiar Pinball HoF menu music back. Plus these tables both look awesome. Excellent work.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
@Pin - Ok cool =) congrats, and thanks they do look much better. Star trek balls are in the build you have, but they have yet to be awarded.

No problem, I will patiently await access to the ST:TNG skin.

Nik Barbour

Anyone else having this issue? Nik are you rooted?

Yeah - rooted stock rom 4.2.1 on Nexus 7
& rooted (gingerbread 2.3.7) miui 2.4.2 rom on desire s

Have same issue on both devices.

Just tried password reset - but no good, have to play as guest or the app crashes.
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New member
Sep 22, 2012
I'm not and I'm pretty sure I have the same hardware and OS as him. Bummer.

I'm not having any login issues. My Nexus 7 is stock - I know Nik's is rooted. (Nik have you closed down all other applications in case something is clashing?)

On previous build I used to occasionally get a message saying the leader boards were not available. Not had any problems with this new build. Do we understand why the leaderboards are sometimes unavailable? Are the servers overloaded or something?

btw: loving the new front end portrait interface - much better.

Nik Barbour

.@Nik - If you (or anyone) can give me steps to get into that state I can try it on my end.

I'll happily PM you my email and password - but would that recreate the conditions?

You could try leaderboard login with my details???


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I'll happily PM you my email and password - but would that recreate the conditions?

You could try leaderboard login with my details???

given it's happening on both your devices, it does suggest something related to your user_id and some kinda code change related to .....perhaps kickstarter users....etc?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
@Nik - Sure ill try on my end. Sometimes (rarely) I have reports of rooted devices doing things I cannot reproduce =\ only reason I ask. That being said I have rooted before with no issues (galaxy nexus, atrix 4g for instance.

@Aza - We think it might be the scripts running on the server doing this. I think James is going to look into it.

Also, the rotation black screen issue, is anyone seeing this on jellybean? I seem to only be able to repro it on os versions lower than that.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
l am having tne same problems with loging on and crashing as nik. also it says i no longer own star trek when that was a kick startet reward i am using a galaxy 2 samsung thanks

Nik Barbour

If you get a screen blackout from too much screen rotation - pressing the 'apps' button on the jelly bean taskbar, then re selecting TPA in the running apps list restores the graphics on Nexus 7 running 4.2.1.
Even though the screen blackouts, the app keeps running.
I noticed this in 1.9.1 also, whilst flipping portrait to landscape to operate the then landscape only menu.

Yeah I can get black screen on JB 4.2.1 with a lot of rotations in both TPA 1.9.1 & 1.10.0 - but see above post for JB restore.

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
I'm not having any login issues. My Nexus 7 is stock - I know Nik's is rooted. (Nik have you closed down all other applications in case something is clashing?)

On previous build I used to occasionally get a message saying the leader boards were not available. Not had any problems with this new build. Do we understand why the leaderboards are sometimes unavailable? Are the servers overloaded or something?

btw: loving the new front end portrait interface - much better.

Ah. Mine is stock OS as well. Didn't realize Nik was rooted.
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