Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

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New member
May 10, 2012
And then there is the WiiU, Ps 4, Xbox One, 360 development and all the other versions. A lot of balls to juggle for a small company. I am truly impressed that they still manage to be on time every month with 2 new tables for Ios/Android. I guess we need to put things in perspective now and again and appreciate that we still get 2 new tables every month. To me that is pretty impressive. I just need to stop focusing so much on the PC version and be happy when it gets here. At least there is not any long submission time on Steam like the consoles so when it gets here we should be occupied for a long time ;-)


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Now that they've been greenlit, they're working hard to get the PC version ready for release.

Anything you know that we don't? Obviously even Jeff didn't get any news since weeks from that department. Or are you just assuming.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Anything you know that we don't? Obviously even Jeff didn't get any news since weeks from that department. Or are you just assuming.

Hmm? It's wellknown that they are greenlit and working on the Steambuild. They already have a PC-build, but it's the implementation of the steam SDK that is currently taking up their time. Mike has commented as much in several posts on this PC forum.


Jan 28, 2013
At least there is not any long submission time on Steam like the consoles so when it gets here we should be occupied for a long time ;-)

I'm curious, generally just how long does it take for a Steam build to be made live after submission?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I'm curious, generally just how long does it take for a Steam build to be made live after submission?
Not very long. When the Magicka game first came out, its developer was releasing patches every few days. It's the initial implementation of the Steam SDK that takes time.


Jan 28, 2013
Not very long. When the Magicka game first came out, its developer was releasing patches every few days. It's the initial implementation of the Steam SDK that takes time.

I can understand patches not taking very long to clear submission but what about a full initial build? i.e. Version 1.0.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I can understand patches not taking very long to clear submission but what about a full initial build? i.e. Version 1.0.
I assume the first submission would take a little while, since the developer has to implement the Steam SDK, and then Valve has to verify that the developer correctly implemented it before it can go live.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Hmm? It's wellknown that they are greenlit and working on the Steambuild. They already have a PC-build, but it's the implementation of the steam SDK that is currently taking up their time. Mike has commented as much in several posts on this PC forum.

I was more referring to the "working hard to get the PC version ready" part. ;)

Since there were no news whatsoever the last four weeks since the Greenlight and their hands seem to be tied until the SDK arrives. And I don't know if I've mentioned it, but there's still no beta either. ;)
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Apr 3, 2012
Contrary to what most people think, FarSight has not been working on the PC version for the entire past year. They were just geenlit a little over a month ago and hired more help just a few months ago. Until recently, FarSight didn't have the resources to focus on the PC version especially since they didn't know when they would be given an avenue for release. They had to focus their resources on the platforms they already supported to keep the revenue flowing. Now that they've been greenlit, they're working hard to get the PC version ready for release.

Actually I hate to say this, but somebody from the Farsight Pinball Arcade Facebook account did state on Facebook that the PC version was ready and that they were just waiting to be greenlit. This was stated months before they were actually greenlit. Knowing this, I still anticipated a wait on Steam of at least a month. Because afaik Valve doesn't release the SDK until you actually greenlight. At any rate, this would be the reason most people believed this including me.


I just realized in addition, Farsight posted this last December too.

"Special News about the PC version of Pinball Arcade: While we still hope to be greenlit by Steam and use them as our distribution portal, we are creating a special build for the $500+ kickstarter backers that will allow them to play a PC build containing Star Trek, Twilight Zone, and the four pack of launch tables. Everyone that selected the PC version as a backer reward of either Star Trek or Twilight Zone will get the opportunity to play the PC version of the table you backed very soon. We’ll be sending out emails to download these builds via email in January."

This would also tend to make people believe that the PC version was at least ready for testing if nothing else. Here we are closing in on 6 months later with hardly a whimper about the progress. Clearly a lack of resources, nor any mention of needing an avenue before they could focus their attention on the PC was mentioned. They were simply hoping Valve would greenlight, but still planned to release something anyway.

This isn't what people simply "think", this is what they were told. I'm sorry guys but plain and simple, this is a very sad and disappointing turn of events. Farsight, I hope you're able to resolve these issues real "soon". You'll have to excuse my sarcasm with the quotes around soon there, because that word lost it's meaning with me a long time ago regarding TPA.
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New member
Aug 30, 2012
Now that you posted that December Farsight update I recall reading that somewhere also.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
"We’ll be sending out emails to download these builds via email in January."

What a joke , nice way to treat your customers. May and nothing yet. I want my money back.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Now I didn't say that :). Just wish they would get their chit together. I don't want bs, I want the truth. I just want to play it on the cabinet the way it was meant to be played. Don't tell me next week if it still 6 more months away. The beta is out of the question by now. Just put the damn thing out already, or give us the truth, enough of the BS!!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Heard back from Bobby. They're waiting to send out the beta until they can do it through Steam.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I suppose you already knew someone would ask that question: ;)


But why ask that question? Isn't that what everyone is saying, quit announcing dates that then don't get met? How 'bout this instead, FarSight quits with telling us things are on the way and instead 2 weeks before it's a lock, THEN they make the announcement?

I know, you were just having some fun, but others aren't, so I'm just piggy backing on you.

C'mon folks, we can't have it both ways. Either live with FarSight speculating (and 9 times outta 10 not hitting) a release date, or live with them keeping quiet until it's been uploaded and in Sony's or Nintendo's or Microsoft's or Apple's or Google's or Steam's hands. Personally, I like knowing what they're gunning for well in advance, but I don't hold 'em to it.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Sure, if we were talking about Duke Nukem Forever a few years back, that would be an appropriate approach. But then again, people have already paid for this, which makes them somehow eligible to this kind of information.
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