Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

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Jan 28, 2013
When is the Steam version being launched??? I want more pinball! :(

Christmas? Not helpful, I know but unfortunately that's where we are at the minute.

I think it would be wise for FarSight to take a little time to consider what Zen have just dropped onto Steam, and look at what areas of TPA could be improved before release. Things seem to have gone a little quiet at the moment, so hopefully they are doing just that.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
@Shaneus: as mentioned in various places, Farsight announced that it will be for those who backed PC inclusively the $100 tier.

@Farsight: Seriously guys. You keep delaying and delaying. You promised a build for two weeks ago. You've announced a status update for last week and not a word. Not a word of apology either. I wonder. Are you satisfied with what you're doing? For you, is it just a "aw just a few more weeks ain't hurting nobody" or are you at least as annoyed as we are?

Perhaps they are working on the game and not wasting their time replying to every person that decides to whine on a message board. As soon as it is on steam, you will be complaining that they aren't putting out new tables or other features fast enough. I'm not sure where your sense of entitlement comes from or why you think you want this game on Steam more than the developers do. Just relax and play some Pinball. The only think Farsite did wrong was letting you know they they were trying to get the game on Steam in the first place. If they would have just kept their mouths shut, you would be perfectly happy.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Yeah, but they didn't. I am numb now. The waiting unfortunately is typical. It comes out when it come out. I wish they would stop with the release dates unless they are set in stone.
Apr 8, 2012
Perhaps they are working on the game and not wasting their time replying to every person that decides to whine on a message board. As soon as it is on steam, you will be complaining that they aren't putting out new tables or other features fast enough. I'm not sure where your sense of entitlement comes from or why you think you want this game on Steam more than the developers do. Just relax and play some Pinball. The only think Farsite did wrong was letting you know they they were trying to get the game on Steam in the first place. If they would have just kept their mouths shut, you would be perfectly happy.



Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I think it is reasonable that people who contributed hard earned money to a Kickstarter have a right to a sense of entitlement after all we aren't all made of money and not many of us are registered charities.

If they said you have to wait for the official Steam release then most of us would accept it. But by keep promising a special build will be sent next week, etc etc and nothing ever materialises, not even an announcement is just frustrating.

I love what Farsight do and have a lot of respect for them. The developers including Bobby King are particularly awesome the way they engage with people in the forums, etc, and this is way above what anyone can expect.

The issues are elsewhere- why doesn't the community manager respond or post something on the Kickstarter page?


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Perhaps they are working on the game and not wasting their time replying to every person that decides to whine on a message board. As soon as it is on steam, you will be complaining that they aren't putting out new tables or other features fast enough. I'm not sure where your sense of entitlement comes from or why you think you want this game on Steam more than the developers do. Just relax and play some Pinball. The only think Farsite did wrong was letting you know they they were trying to get the game on Steam in the first place. If they would have just kept their mouths shut, you would be perfectly happy.

If I was complaining about Steam your response would maybe even have a point.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
I think it is reasonable that people who contributed hard earned money to a Kickstarter have a right to a sense of entitlement after all we aren't all made of money and not many of us are registered charities.

If they said you have to wait for the official Steam release then most of us would accept it. But by keep promising a special build will be sent next week, etc etc and nothing ever materialises, not even an announcement is just frustrating.

I love what Farsight do and have a lot of respect for them. The developers including Bobby King are particularly awesome the way they engage with people in the forums, etc, and this is way above what anyone can expect.

The issues are elsewhere- why doesn't the community manager respond or post something on the Kickstarter page?

Fair point.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
The issues are elsewhere- why doesn't the community manager respond or post something on the Kickstarter page?

Presumably because if they actually came out and said "hey guys, the beta isn't happening anymore so you kinda wasted your $100" then the backlash would be horrific. They've already killed off the Xbox 360 fanbase by not honouring their side of the deal (and from the sounds of things, their switches to PC) so they definitely don't want to kill off the premium PC backers too when the next Kickstarter comes along.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Presumably because if they actually came out and said "hey guys, the beta isn't happening anymore so you kinda wasted your $100" then the backlash would be horrific. They've already killed off the Xbox 360 fanbase by not honouring their side of the deal (and from the sounds of things, their switches to PC) so they definitely don't want to kill off the premium PC backers too when the next Kickstarter comes along.
FYI, the beta was originally limited to the $500+ backers, and we did get a beta for TZ, even on the PC if we wanted it. I still have the executable, although it's long since timed out.

Yes, FarSight did later promise a beta to $100+ backers, and I too would like to know what happened to it, but at the time the money was pledged, no $100 backer thought he was getting beta access. So it would be illogical to feel that the $100 pledge was "wasted" because one did not receive a beta, as it was not part of the original deal. There are other valid reasons to be upset with FarSight's handling of the kickstarters, but this is not one of them.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Pardon my ignorance. How does one become a PC Kickstarter backer? Was this offered as part as ST-TNG and/or TZ tables? I asked for TZ on Android and PC during the Kickstarter phase. OR, was there a separate KS event that I missed?

Anyway, patience everyone. FS is only a small company. They really don't owe us much. I'm sure there will be a PC version "soon". Delays happen. It's not like we all gave them a hundred bucks, right?

In the interim, use VP or something. I've seen some fine recreations on that and FP. In fact, when FS announces new tables, I test them out on VP to get a feel for the "goods".

I've been patiently waiting for the May table pack, hoping this week at least the beta drops so I can give FS another $5 :)

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Am I right in thinking that those who changed their pledges for TZ/STTNG kickstarter on PC are going to be eligible for the PC Beta or am I sorely mistaken?


New member
Jun 5, 2012
FYI, the beta was originally limited to the $500+ backers, and we did get a beta for TZ, even on the PC if we wanted it. I still have the executable, although it's long since timed out.

Yes, FarSight did later promise a beta to $100+ backers, and I too would like to know what happened to it, but at the time the money was pledged, no $100 backer thought he was getting beta access. So it would be illogical to feel that the $100 pledge was "wasted" because one did not receive a beta, as it was not part of the original deal. There are other valid reasons to be upset with FarSight's handling of the kickstarters, but this is not one of them.

I backed $100 because I wanted to help FarSight, I couldn't care less about anything else but PC. If you start promising things and end up not delivering, don't be surprised when people get upset.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Am I right in thinking that those who changed their pledges for TZ/STTNG kickstarter on PC are going to be eligible for the PC Beta or am I sorely mistaken?

There was in fact an announcement that all backers eligible for a table that chose the PC will get a kickstarter build of their table of choice. I remembering the wording being a bit unclear so someone asked for clarification and it was given, so not just limited to the 100$ + band.

Here is one of the posts saying that (scroll to posts for 3 Jan and 6 Jan):

However as I said before I have no problem waiting, it's just the disappointed after being told you will get a build.
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New member
Nov 28, 2012
I backed $100 because I wanted to help FarSight, I couldn't care less about anything else but PC. If you start promising things and end up not delivering, don't be surprised when people get upset.

OK, so I get your point. $100 is a chunk of change, and certainly you would think twice when the next KS event pops up I bet.

Perhaps FS should have kept a bit more mum then. That's what I do at work when I have a deliverable, I never show any cards until I am certain that I am one or two weeks away. Granted, my deliverables are less complicated than a full PC game release.

I know FS is trying to get everyone excited. Maybe they should have told a white lie and say it'll be out this fall, then deliver it in the summer. That tactic works for me! :p


New member
May 10, 2012
Hoping for some good news soon.

Anyway the most important thing now is that we are probably no more than a month away(hopefully) from a complete pc version on Steam.

If no beta means that Mike gets more time to give us the steam version earlier, then that is ok by me.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
If the Steam version comes in before the PC build, then they'll hopefully send out codes for the DLC.

But yeah, I really hope for great news on release soon.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I've asked Bobby about this a couple times this month, but he hasn't answered back.

My guess is the Steam release will probably get pushed back again. Just a guess, but I'd be surprised if we see it in June.


Jan 28, 2013
Jeff, thanks for trying to clarify the Steam release details with Bobby.

Honestly I'm not surprised at the lack of an update at this stage. Obviously I'd like it to happen soon (along with everyone else!) but if FarSight are taking time to improve the Steam version, I'm happy with that.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
I dont understand this, why does Farsight need time to improve the PC version????, they've 'apparently' been working on the PC version for over a year now, it should be polished to a high sheen by now one would think...or maybe this was another BS story from FS.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Contrary to what most people think, FarSight has not been working on the PC version for the entire past year. They were just geenlit a little over a month ago and hired more help just a few months ago. Until recently, FarSight didn't have the resources to focus on the PC version especially since they didn't know when they would be given an avenue for release. They had to focus their resources on the platforms they already supported to keep the revenue flowing. Now that they've been greenlit, they're working hard to get the PC version ready for release.
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