Black Knight 2000 Beta

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New member
Dec 23, 2013
Anyone got the loop wiz goal? Won't tick off for me.

Edit: and 3 seconds later I got it :p
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New member
May 18, 2012
Since when did it become the thing to post images for iOS users on request during the Android Beta?

Night claims he has an Android device, let him load the APK himself.

You are moody again, aren't you?

My Android device is a slow HTC, playing TPA on it is like watching slow-motion ping pong.
Be friendly man, just give it a try.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Haven't tried it on my tablet, just my phone. So I find that when the ball move slowly in the bottom that the ball is a little bit laggy and it doesn't happen on other tables. Might need to reboot my phone though.
Damn the music is fine ^^


New member
Sep 22, 2013
coooool - wasn't expecting this either. Very nice - love the music. Only had a quick go so far. From the videos I've watched, I'd say the middle rubbers (WAR) are not bouncy enough. Wish there were more sound effects too as the ball goes up the ramps into upper play field - seems a bit quiet.

+1 on WAR rubbers. Too often on an incomplete loop the ball comes back down and just skates by.


You are moody again, aren't you?

My Android device is a slow HTC, playing TPA on it is like watching slow-motion ping pong.
Be friendly man, just give it a try.

And a screen shot plays oh so much faster in comparison :/

Try being patient for once.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
spoilt by the steam release on PC I guess - the letters forming the word BLACK are a little soft. Expect them to be nice and sharp now :)

table plays really well. Easily the fastest TPA table I've played. At times the U turn is just too fast to react to. Not played the real one so can't compare. Magna save is cool idea but not sure my reactions are up to the job.

I've got into a bad habit recently of never reading the table rules. Think I might actually read these.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
When you advance the Kings Ransom and put a ball up the ramp and it goes down the wireform to the Left it will get hung up, and you have to nudge to make the ball pass over the plastic area and into the lock.

just had this happen. Had to tilt and then call the attendant. Cool if it happens on a real machine often?



New member
May 18, 2012
And a screen shot plays oh so much faster in comparison :/

Try being patient for once.

Try being friendly for once. There is no reason for your little lecture here.
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Playing with the HUD off causes some interesting issues.

Turning the HUD off during the EOB count freezes the ROM, but turning the HUD back on will bring it back, and nothing is lost.

If you are playing with the HUD off and you achieve a goal you won't be notified, but during the EOB count things froze, I had to pause and turn the HUD back on. I immediately got notifications for 2 goals, and the EOB count proceeded.

While playing with the HUD off, if you pause the game and try to continue, things will be frozen until you turn the HUD back on, and resume. Then you can turn the HUD back off if you so desire.

I don't think the W-A-R rubbers are less bouncy than any other rubbers/posts in TPA. They seem to perform like any other post rubbers in that unless they are contacted mostly from the top they act as if they are a plane rather than a post. With having the three of them in a row on BK2K it is really noticeable that unless the ball comes down on the top of the post/rubber there is next to no interaction/bounce. However with just a little nudge and slight change in direction so that the ball contacts the top, rather that the side of the post, and suddenly you have the ball bouncing around W-A-R like it's nobodies business.

This is something that has been posted about since the first game with a centre post, but ... IDK how to suggest things get fixed for an issue like this, it's in the underlying wire frame and how contact points for the physics engine are coded in AFAIK, and that's not gunna be a quick fix.
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Staff member
May 8, 2012

Here you go. Some actual Android gameplay footage on my N7 2013. Limited to 3.5 minutes because, well it's nearly a GB to upload.

Link is viewable only to those with the link (that is "not publicly listed").

I would recommend clicking the "Watch on YouTube" Button directly so you can see the video outside of the forum video container frame constraints.

Ensure you enable the maximum resolution when viewing the video - the video looks sharp when it has loaded completely.
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New member
May 18, 2012
What a great post jaredmorgs! Something to look forward to, thanks for posting this.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
What a great post jaredmorgs! Something to look forward to, thanks for posting this.

You're welcome, mate.

I'll try and do this for each beta, however Australian ISP non-business upload speeds are so poor (sub 1mb/s) that I have to wait until a Thursday or Friday to upload (my in-office days). Otherwise uploading this video would quite literally take all day.

If future beta builds fall close to one of these days, I'll upload a short video similar to this each time.


Feb 13, 2013
Just see the new beta and try till after midnight..... tomorrow is a normal workingday....

ok here you are:

seen 2 times in around 1,5h
the 2nd ball hangs and does not fall down to the first one. Only seen 2 times with the 2ball. reproducable ~ 5-10%

The assistant must be called, the ball will be served a 2nd time, but you must shoot one tome more into this goal to active multiball
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Doesn't a forward nudge free the ball when it's hung up in the lock for anyone else?

When it occurs to me a single forward nudge and the ball bounces a bit then continues on its way.

Has anyone seen a bad shot the the upper ramp magically appear on the wireframe and then proceed to the lock? I find it happens more when the shot is on the ramp but more towards the post and would have been a wobbler.

I have also experienced hard shots to "multiball" lock on the lower playfield where the ball passed through the lock and wound up on the upper playfield by the upper R Flipper.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Hmm, I wonder if the music is scripted, after watching your video some of it doesn't seem right, I mean as far as when certain bits are supposed to stop and start. A couple of the sound effects seem off too.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Hmm, I wonder if the music is scripted, after watching your video some of it doesn't seem right, I mean as far as when certain bits are supposed to stop and start. A couple of the sound effects seem off too.

The ROM is emulated, the sound board is not. FarSight extracts the audio files directly from the chip so the samples are all authentic. It's been this way since the beginning.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Hmm, I wonder if the music is scripted, after watching your video some of it doesn't seem right, I mean as far as when certain bits are supposed to stop and start. A couple of the sound effects seem off too.

The sound delay you hear is a result of running a recording app that shares CPU and GPU cycles for recording grunt work. The audio is already a little latent on android anyhow (see stickied posts), but the native screen recording causes some audio sync issues.

If you want to see how it really plays, download the .apk and install it ;)

Video for illustrative purposes only.
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