Classic Stern Poll - Official FarSight Poll (Closed)

Which classic Stern table would you like to see released?

  • Catacomb (1981) - [URL=] Link[/URL]

    Votes: 78 18.4%
  • Flight 2000 (1980) - [URL=] Link[/URL]

    Votes: 98 23.2%
  • Galaxy (1980) - [URL=] Link[/URL]

    Votes: 20 4.7%
  • Meteor (1979) - [URL=] Link[/URL]

    Votes: 52 12.3%
  • Nine Ball (1980) - [URL=] Link[/URL]

    Votes: 35 8.3%
  • Seawitch (1980) - [URL=] Link[/URL]

    Votes: 94 22.2%
  • Star Gazer (1980) - [URL=] Link[/URL]

    Votes: 39 9.2%
  • Trident (1979) - [URL=] Link[/URL]

    Votes: 7 1.7%

  • Total voters

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
Quote from PiN WiZ:

Bally's classic table Centaur is currently in production and on its way to The Pinball Arcade thanks to the pinball community making their voice heard by voting on which Classic Bally table they wanted to see first!

FarSight Studios is once again turning to the pinball community to help them decide which Classic Stern pinball table to release first on The Pinball Arcade.

Has anyone else noticed this? Could this mean that eventually all of those tables will make it to The Pinball Arcade but FS wants to know which one fans want to be released first???


New member
Aug 30, 2012
We don't know exactly what their plans are until there is a concrete announcement but "first" implies there will at least be a "second".

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Oh, that makes a lot of sense.

Maybe they plan on doing all of them, and using them as companion tables for next year.

They will be done with Williams PHOF and Gotlieb PHOF by the end of this year. So maybe next year they plan on making PBA the unofficial Stern hall of fame.

Just to clarify, Sorcerer, PinBot (next month) and Whirlwind are all that's left of Williams. Victory, Tee'd Off might be all that's left of Gotlieb depending on what they intend on doing. Some of the Gotliebs won't make it because they were made from pictures, not the actual tables, and I think Farsight is on record saying they won't be adding those.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Some of the Gotliebs won't make it because they were made from pictures, not the actual tables, and I think Farsight is on record saying they won't be adding those.

All of the Gotliebs were made from photos actually.

Stern PHOF...that's a good way of putting it by the way. Hopefully it isn't all classic Stern, but then I'm not crossing my fingers either.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
All of the Gotliebs were made from photos actually.

Stern PHOF...that's a good way of putting it by the way. Hopefully it isn't all classic Stern, but then I'm not crossing my fingers either.

Everything modern Stern is licensed. Won't be a problem for stuff like Roller Coaster Tycoon, or Tales from the Crypt, or maybe say (and I'm just throwing this out there) Monopoly since those are cheap licenses ala Ripley's and Harley Davidson. But stuff that we all really want, like Lord of the Rings, or Simpsons, or Family Guy, would most definitely need kickstarted.

Since they most likely want to add many more Bally/Williams games, and since they are limited as far as how many of them they can actually do, makes sense they would start using Stern classics to round out the rest of the product. Would like to see more Bally classics personally, but Centaur/8 Ball and (was it Fireball or something?) is pretty good. I say bring on the classic Sterns if it means more room for modern Bally/Williams games.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
So just to clarify what I am trying to say. It is my current belief that they are going to use Stern to round out the rest of Pinball Arcade. I'd say that once Gotlieb/Williams re-releases are done, which is another 6 months give or take, it's going to be classic Stern as the companion boards from then on out. Can't say for 100% certainty, but if I had to guess I'd say yes, as this makes a lot of sense.

So everyone freaking out that Space 2000 or whatever is going to lose to Sea Witch can take a major chill pill since it's doubtful they'd only do one of these.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Never said they weren't going to release Flight 2000. I just don't want to wait another year. I would prefer it be released now so that eventually it will make it over to the cab version sooner rather than later. That is the real goal for me. To see Flight 2000 released for cabs.
The only tables I haven't played now are Catacomb, Star Gazer and Trident. Flight 2000 being the best followed by Meteor and than Sea Witch.
Just a few more days and we will find out the winner.


New member
Apr 13, 2013
Everybody has equally valid reasons why they want their table to win. Some just like the pretty pictures while some prefer one table's gameplay over another... Let's just hope they actually do release 'em all at some point, in a timely manner, so that everybody can be happy and Farsight can make a buck to boot. That's my 2 cents.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
So just to clarify what I am trying to say. It is my current belief that they are going to use Stern to round out the rest of Pinball Arcade. I'd say that once Gotlieb/Williams re-releases are done, which is another 6 months give or take, it's going to be classic Stern as the companion boards from then on out. Can't say for 100% certainty, but if I had to guess I'd say yes, as this makes a lot of sense.

So everyone freaking out that Space 2000 or whatever is going to lose to Sea Witch can take a major chill pill since it's doubtful they'd only do one of these.

It's gonna be Stern mixed with Data East and Sega. Bobby mentioned in the Jeff's last interview that those are probably a year out, which ties in with when FS will have to get a new list of tables from WMS. So Stern for the 'b' table, unlicensed WMS for the 'a', and Data East and Sega sprinkled in for easy licenses.

And with that, I think I've talked out my butt for long enough, since I'm just completely spinning wild speculation there!

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Just a reminder, the results will be visible tomorrow and Sunday, then hidden Monday and Tuesday before the poll closes.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Im guessing all these table will be released for TPA at some point, FS must has sourced or know they can get all of these tables before starting the pool otherwise they wouldnt have included them if they wouldnt be able to get hold of the table


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Im guessing all these table will be released for TPA at some point, FS must has sourced or know they can get all of these tables before starting the pool otherwise they wouldnt have included them if they wouldnt be able to get hold of the table

Welllllll... The last time they did this, Centaur won. A couple of weeks went by and then FS asked this forum if we here knew of any Centaur that was available for a reasonable price.

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