

Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Alright guys...let's keep this thread on topic and please cut the personal attacks.


Jun 4, 2014
Sees this thread has become hostile...


Not really.

It just gets tiring having the same people follow your every post, and respond with nothing but attacks and accusations. I'll never understand why they don't just put the people, that they claim to dislike, on IGNORE? I mean, that way they can't see their posts anymore. However, they seem to just want to start petty arguments over pointless nonsense for attention.

I see he's endlessly responding, as expected. Like I said, just use that ignore feature, and all is well. :D

EDIT- Will do, Pin Wiz. Sorry this thread got off track.


New member
Oct 20, 2012

Of these two, I've played Cyclone more.

However, I've always enjoyed Comet much more than either Cyclone or Hurricane. That old school charm still gets me despite the table being nowhere near as deep as the other two theme park games.

"Hey turkey!" "Come on and hit me!"

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Me, I would rather have Stern's Rollercoaster Tycoon, but I know that will never happen, so I pick Hurricane. I love Dunk the Dummy, and that looping ramp.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Of these two, I've played Cyclone more.

However, I've always enjoyed Comet much more than either Cyclone or Hurricane. That old school charm still gets me despite the table being nowhere near as deep as the other two theme park games.

"Hey turkey!" "Come on and hit me!"

I'd rather have Comet than Hurricane.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I think Cyclone will be like High Speed. The people who remember and want it will love it. Many of the others will be like, "This is what you guys are all excited about?.....Really?!?"

This. Heck, I remembered and loved High Speed and had that same reaction to it in TPA. Cyclone's ferris wheel was a neat gimmick on a real machine in 1988 but won't mean anything in a digital version in 2015. And Cyclone's million point shot was fun at the time but now far surpassed by Bride's billion and many others. Same went for High Speed's multiball and jackpot.

Without a doubt, my most wanted table is Jack*Bot. There's been some speculation that it might be coming, but has Farsight ever confirmed or even hinted that they plan to release it?

I remember a Facebook post worded something like "We'd love to complete the Pinbot trilogy". It's an obvious choice to do eventually, the only question is when. I totally want it, Jack*bot was the game where I actually learned to be good at pinball, in my college's game room. Even if it's going to find itself as the easiest table in TPA with all the Casino Run extra balls. Heck, I can just about go infinite on a real Jack*bot and I'm not even all that good at real machines.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
See my sig: I'd rather have Hurricane. My first played-the-heck-out-of-it table, because it was where I hung out during my first year of Uni. (That location saw a pretty good run of tables: Hurricane, Dr Who, TZ, BSD, MSF, probably others I don't recall.)


New member
Apr 28, 2013
I remember a Facebook post worded something like "We'd love to complete the Pinbot trilogy". It's an obvious choice to do eventually, the only question is when. I totally want it, Jack*bot was the game where I actually learned to be good at pinball, in my college's game room. Even if it's going to find itself as the easiest table in TPA with all the Casino Run extra balls. Heck, I can just about go infinite on a real Jack*bot and I'm not even all that good at real machines.

Completely agree. Jack*Bot may be a little easier than, say, TZ, but it's just so much fun to play. If Farsight can recreate that sense of fun, then it'll be one of the best of the recent tables to appear.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
Jack*Bot is one of the tables I'd be really excited about, but I can't say the same thing about Cyclone. I mean, it's a decent table; but just like Bad Cats, it just feels like something is missing. A mutiball would have been nice.

I was disappointed when they didn't reveal The Getaway.
Last edited:


New member
Sep 9, 2013
See my sig: I'd rather have Hurricane. My first played-the-heck-out-of-it table, because it was where I hung out during my first year of Uni. (That location saw a pretty good run of tables: Hurricane, Dr Who, TZ, BSD, MSF, probably others I don't recall.)

I've played Hurricane and loved it, but I do wonder if the machine's gimmicks, like the crazy full-table ramp and the ferris wheels, will be as impressive digitally as in real life.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I've played Hurricane and loved it, but I do wonder if the machine's gimmicks, like the crazy full-table ramp and the ferris wheels, will be as impressive digitally as in real life.

At least we'll have an idea about the ferris wheel when we see Cyclone.

I'd forgotten about that ramp, I've not actually seen a Hurricane in playable condition since 1992!!


New member
Sep 21, 2014
A lot of tables aren't in impressive in PA as they are in real life.

Tables like Fish Tales and Circus Voltaire just aren't the same thing when you aren't able to look above the table. CV has a cannon in the backglasss that fires constantly, and FT has that fish backbox topper that keeps wobbling and making noise when you catch one. And Whilwind actually blows wind on your face with a fan.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Same for both High Speeds, which are much more impressive with the backbox light toppers.

For Hurricane's crazy full table ramp, look at TOTAN and NGG. Did those convert to TPA? Somewhat so but they lose some of the impact. Same goes for TZ's gumball as a roughly similar mechanism to the ferris wheel.

There's also machine size. Black Hole and Haunted House suffer from this bigtime. Their SIZE is a considerable part of the appeal as real tables, but that gets lost on a computer or pocket size phone screen.

Finally, a somber requiem for Strobe Multiball that is just completely sad in TPA.

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