DLC Release Date


New member
May 16, 2012
The worst part of it is the patronizing tone in which you choose to deliver your message. Most of us are critical adults here if they forum survey regarding age is to be believed, so feel free to approach us like that. Just because we disagree with your viepoints doesn't mean we are sulking teenagers that need to be put in their place.

I have to fully agree with bavelb here, Franky. I think that you almost always manage to bring an interesting and noteworthy point of view into the discussion but you always manage to ruin it with the way you deliver the message. Maybe you should try to be a little less "on the job" on here and more "in the pub", might help... ;)


Ok i see the 40K was my mistake i misunderstood the article at first but now i get it - but anyway it didn't really change a thing - sure it is a lot of money but the idea behind it is a good one. And as i've said they bring in millions of users so i think the price is not that bad. And if you still refuse to work more carefully than you must be a rich man.

mostly i comment to such ..... like the user above "The Amazing Psych-Man" who obviously still have no idea what is all about and still believes microsoft want the programm to go on without the content present. just without words.

probably will just plain out put you on ignore, ... , I might not be replying to your posts in the future anymore.

and now? i don't care about it, it's all up to you, you don't have to. what do you think? i hang myself then?

don't claim you are objective

of course i am or at least i try but you guys are so far away from being objective that it makes no sense to talk about it, but that's just the way it is in a fan forum. Keep lying to yourselfs and go on believing microsoft are the bad guys and farsight are the good ones. And that it's microsofts fault that after almost 4 month we are still without patch, without tables...

And don't forget when time goes by and less and less gets fixed and no cabinet mode arrives and more problems occur - microsoft is the one to blame.

i'm out of here, whoever is in charge, delete my account please, thanx.



New member
Apr 16, 2012
I don't think you should leave this board. Critical people are very important for a successful product and so you are.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I dont think you need to feel a thing when someone l you they will put you on ignore.. However I find it polite to tell someone I won't be replying to them anymore and why that is.

What you do with that information is yours. I like to know what people think of me and my way of communicating. If people think I'm a tool I'd like to know that.

If you want to be mature about it, tell people you respect their opinion but wont change your tone because thats the way you are...so be it, I put yo on ignore and we avoid arguments about the way you comunicate, which is a relieve to everyone. Or if you want to go emo about it, tell people " I don't care" claim you are fully objective (you aren't, neither am I, but I am realistic, hopeful and respectfully disagree how MS handled this LAST denial) and "I'm gonna leave you fanboys" (probably to reply again on the next error/mistake FS makes...yes I know they will make one, they are fallible as humans) and again be patronizing...well thats also also an option for someone I guess.

@Niceguy. PEople here are plenty critical towards farsight and their product. Not always visible to everyone on these forums, but a lot more constructive then the fingerpointing that goes on with some here and on facebook. You will alos notice that those posts are the ones that get replies and input from the developers.
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New member
May 5, 2012
So, can we get this patch fee issue cleared up?

Polytron had to pay $40,000 for the SECOND patch, only because they ballsed up the FIRST patch. I understand that much. Here's how I see it: It's not so much a fee for a service, despite costing Microsoft time and money to thoroughly test each patch, and then (presumably) host it to every owner of the game. It's more like a fine for having to patch too often, which Microsoft want to avoid. So make sure you get it right the first time.

Is that somewhat accurate?

What confuses me is that (Mike, was it?) mentioned on here that this is an expensive process. So I assume FarSight are having to pay this fee or something similar to it. Is it because; 1) It's classed as an "update" not an "automatic update", or; 2) It's too soon after the last automatic update (I don't remember when that was, if there even was one), or; 3) Because this has had to resubmitted for certification so many times?

If the latter is true, then can it be possible that Microsoft charge per submission, not per patch? I hope not. I worry for FarSight if that's the case.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
another day and i see that again this is still the most entertainng thread,shame to loose Franky i kinda liked him...

i really cant be arsed to play the 4 core tables anymore at the end of the day TOM is the only decent one..if i hear the genie music on ARABIAN again im gonna slit my wrists


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Then I can understand why the process is lengthy after failed submission. Who has 40,000 to keep dishing out?!


New member
Apr 16, 2012
They pay per submission, however that doesnt necessarily mean they pay 40k per submission.

We can assume a succesful submission is 40k, but that could be accumulative costs several fees of something that goes through at once. It could be that if you resubmit you have to pay submission/testing fee twice or even three times, but not everything. It's not cheap for sure though, so being denied due to something so tiny is a tad silly and cutthroat.
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
The fee FarSight has to pay per submission is another reason why I think they should consider submitting four tables every other month instead of two tables every month.

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
I'd be fine with that. I'd be pretty OK with a disc-based release every 6-8 tables if it was between that and their seeing all of their Xbox 360 profits neutralized by certification fees to the point where they abandon the platform altogether. :(


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Discbased would be far more expensive due to production/publishing/distribution costs. Also you limit your nichemarket even more by the price of entry.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
The fee FarSight has to pay per submission is another reason why I think they should consider submitting four tables every other month instead of two tables every month.

If that's the case, then I would be okay with that. Seriously. It also gives them time to work on the bugs as well.

Volitar Prime

New member
Jun 24, 2012
The fee FarSight has to pay per submission is another reason why I think they should consider submitting four tables every other month instead of two tables every month.
The tables are DLC not updates and shouldn't have this fee attached to them. Hopefully in the future they won't have to issue an update to support each DLC release.

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