Doctor Who Kickstarter


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I wish them luck with the Kickstarter. I will get the table for free since I still buy the season on one last platform, Steam. I also have all the tables but the TAF gold table. It should be available to ALL. Everyone who donated to that Kickstarter made it happen.
If I, and others, had not been burned (Cab support). Maybe I would still be donating to their Kickstarters.
You are right. It doesn't make me special. Just makes me a fool and $200 in the hole.


New member
Feb 21, 2015
I would feel punked as hell if I had shelled out $100 for the Gold version only for them to make it available a year later to anyone. It would totally be unethical in my opinion. There are plenty of ways for Farsight to raise money for this Kickstarter they just have to go after new customers rather than bleeding the existing ones dry.

I honestly wouldn't even mind, but I mind that those who didn't make the choice at the time feel "wronged" for not being rewarded with an opportunity that they ignored and feel deserving of in spite of that. Step the f up at the time or whine quietly in the corner. You failed, and it's real. That twitch stream winners are now given the option to choose this shows that it's a good-hearted company that appreciates the community and responds to a level of this outcry.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I just won on twitch. It should still be available to ALL. Not just a few "special" people when everyone who donated made it happen. Even the person who donated just $1 or only pre purchased season packs. It if wasn't for the collective effort, it wouldn't have happened.


New member
Feb 21, 2015
I look at this, in a thread about the Kickstarter, and boil at how you, and so many others, sit back and wait for everyone else to bring the glory (I feel) every table is to fruition. Again, it's their model, so you've all learned that you can sit idly by and not participate because "you do enough" by picking it up later.


New member
Feb 21, 2015
I just won on twitch. It should still be available to ALL. Not just a few "special" people when everyone who donated made it happen. Even the person who donated just $1 or only pre purchased season packs. It if wasn't for the collective effort, it wouldn't have happened.

Collective being the key point between $1 and, say, $100. Certainly. Totally right with that one....


New member
Feb 21, 2015
I just won on twitch. It should still be available to ALL. Not just a few "special" people when everyone who donated made it happen. Even the person who donated just $1 or only pre purchased season packs. It if wasn't for the collective effort, it wouldn't have happened.

Excuse my confusion, because seven minutes before this post it was the one thing you lacked.
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Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
I just won on twitch. It should still be available to ALL. Not just a few "special" people when everyone who donated made it happen. Even the person who donated just $1 or only pre purchased season packs. It if wasn't for the collective effort, it wouldn't have happened.

Yeah, we heard your argument already, no need to repost it every time someone disagrees. Sure the guy that gave a buck helped and the guy that gave 100 bucks helped a hundred times more. Maybe they did it out of the kindness of their heart or maybe they just wanted the gold edition, in which case they might feel taken advantage of if the gold version was now made available just because some $1 backers and Bernie Sanders supporters feel they are entitled to it. All donors are equal, brah! ;)


New member
Apr 5, 2013
I thank you y'all for all you give to get Dr. Who. Please keep those pebbles pouring in. Don't feed any of the trolls on this.
i'm not a troll just because i voice some disagreement with the concept. good luck with the Kickstarter but don't label please. great to see that this is now making progress, i don't really like the table in real life but will still buy it if and when it comes out.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Right-o, you lot. Step away from the keyboard and chill out for a bit.

Let's focus on positive energy towards the kickstarter. Not negative energy towards each other.


New member
Feb 17, 2015
Or you could buy a PS3 and get the Gold version of TAF unlocked for free. :D

Hopefully the surge of the past weekend continues. Too bad the Kickstarter ends on a Saturday around noon PST.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Why the exclusivity? And making it available to all on PS3 is even more reason to make it available to all who own TAF. It was exclusive for a while, all who donated got their exclusivity for a while but they have a new Kickstarter and want money. They should release the table to everyone.
They never said it would be exclusive forever.
It should be available to everyone by now, even at a cost. If they can't program that into their code, then they should release it to everyone who buys the TAF table. To keep it exclusive and start up the next Kickstarter and beg for money makes me ill.
But please contribute so I can play Dr Who for free. I LOVE that table and would be bummed if it didn't make it.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Why the exclusivity? And making it available to all on PS3 is even more reason to make it available to all who own TAF.

Because PS3 is one the less supported device? Maybe FS has something to be forgiven for? :p A game update every 4 months, and nothing fixed/added except the addition of the new table assets.

- Jump Rope is broken on Champion Pub since day one (the ball doesn't jump at all), and it has never been fixed. Basically, the table is unplayable.
- BH and FH leaderboards are desynchronized with the website leaderboards since almost two years, and it has never been fixed.
- Lights are broken on multiple tables (yellow bulbs on CV for example) since ages, it has never been fixed.
- As starter pack tables are redownloaded with each game update, you could expect to have physics 3.0 implemented at least on ToTAN, ToM, BH and Rbion. But nope, nothing.
I own 64 tables, and only 8 have the new physics.

We pay the same price than everybody else, but for a lot less polished product.

To be honest, TAF: Gold is just TAF with gold bumpers (which look more like yellow plastic on PS3), and a few different rules. One hundred bucks for this, wow. But hey, it's at least better than a Dr. Who T-Shirt. :p (but I agree TAF:Gold should be available now for everybody)

PS: and we stated on the last page that the forum was a quiet place, with nice people. Chaaaaaaarrrge!!! ;)


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Let's not forget that Sony would like it if PS3 support ended, and MS are pretty much trying to kill the X360 themselves. Not all of this is on FS! Sony and MS have never consoles they'd like people to buy. Why support titles on old machines?

As for TAF Gold on PS3... well, add that to the list of "bugs" FS haven't fixed (and which probably gets "fixed" in the next update).

I don't care if TAF Gold is exclusive or not any more. Sure it's nice being "in da klub" but it's no big deal. Let folks buy it. In fact FS could've released TAF Gold for $5 and used some of that to offset the KS, I'm sure people would've bought it.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I already donated $100 to TZ and $100 to STNG. TAF gold was not supposed to be exclusive forever.

"Most real-life pinball tables have an Operator's Menu that lets the operator change table settings (like the number of balls) and get diagnostic information about the table. Since the Pinball Arcade uses ROM-emulation to run the same code as the original table, our Operator's Menu will be identical to the one in real life. We'll have to enforce a rule that scores played on anything other than the default operator settings won't count for leaderboards, though! We have not decided if this feature will be available to purchase later. It seemed like a really cool way to reward our backers."

They did it before. Why not again? That feature is available to all backers now and was from the start even though it was supposed to be a way to "reward our backers" at the beginning.

+1. I was a $100 TZ backer. Not only did they put the pro menu up for sale right away, but they gave it away for free to anyone who pledged $5 or more. They didn't do this to STTNG (I only pledged $30), but I didn't mind. However, I think the fact that they aren't selling TAFG at all (you can't even get it for $100 anymore) is totally messed up


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
In fact FS could've released TAF Gold for $5 and used some of that to offset the KS, I'm sure people would've bought it.

They could actually use all the money earned from it, as obviously it is not part of their projected income. Is it realistic to think they could sell 4000 copies over all platforms? Because that right there is $20,000 being left on the table, which is what is left in the kickstarter.

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