DX11 Public Beta Bugs

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
I'd like a brighter ball. Something that actually reflects the bright lights around it.

I still don't understand why the iOS default ball looks a hell of a lot better than on any other platform, including pc. The entire ball is reflective, not just the bottom.

Fredrik Lundholm

New member
Oct 4, 2014
So I noticed I could input 10:16 resolutions (1200x1920) from the config. The problem with it is that it uses what I'm assuming are 9:16 camera values currently so in portrait mode the camera angle is so low it hides the flippers on most tables partially or entirely. If we could get the camera values from the DX9 version ported over that would be great!


Fredrik Lundholm

New member
Oct 4, 2014
V1.37.7 Bugs:

  • Muffled music/sounds on Bride of Pin*Bot, Central Park, Cirqus Voltaire, FunHouse, Genie, No Good Gofers, Ripley's, Scared Stiff, Theatre of Magic, TotAN.

+1 Sounds are generally better but some samples / music are suddenly distorted. For me even the intro music when you start up PBA. Started dx9 version by mistake, then started dx11, noted a distinct reduced sound quality. V1.37.7.
I have a 1920x1200 screen and the camera height/angles are all to low all, did change windows size to 1920x1152. Have not tried portrait mode yet.

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
+1 Sounds are generally better but some samples / music are suddenly distorted. For me even the intro music when you start up PBA. Started dx9 version by mistake, then started dx11, noted a distinct reduced sound quality. V1.37.7.
I have a 1920x1200 screen and the camera height/angles are all to low all, did change windows size to 1920x1152. Have not tried portrait mode yet.

It's still unclear whether or not FS is building another sandbox build to remedy these issues. They're clearly carried from the XB1 and SP4 builds. I'd like to see a TPA 2.0 before a new UI.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
The new slider for light bulbs makes this sooooooo much better! Thanks for adding this.

Something which should be affected by this slider and doesn't seem to be, are the numbers on Starship troopers on the playfield. This screenshot is with room brightness @ 0% and bulb brightness @ 100%



New member
Aug 17, 2014
Wow, so they're fixing bugs that have been present in the PS4 version for months (like Circus Voltaire's flasher boxes). Hope to see these fixes rolled into that version eventually.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
The new slider is excellent.

I am sorry too say it again, but when playing in portrait the tables are definitely not dark enough on the 0% setting room brightness setting. Is it possible to give it more range so we can go darker, especially now we can up the table lights?

Would anyone else like to see a darker room lighting range, if so would be good to add it in the beta phase.

+1 for this. I think it could be quite a bit darker on a full screen setup. I wider range would be helpful.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
I'm running this in 1024 x 768 dimensions, and I get this:

Also, the window seems to be up in the corner. I can't get to the title bar, at all.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
This makes sense. Thank you for the info :)

What suggestions can you give for a suitable upgrade.

I am running a HD 7790 and all tables at max are 60 FPS.....It's a pretty cheap card to get. It really doesn't take that much to run TPA DX11. I picked mine up last fall for 130 or so. This does assume that you are only playing TPA....other games will need a higher requirement. I should also state that you should have a fairly modern motherboard. A crap bus with big card is still usually crap!
Last edited:


New member
Feb 8, 2014
BK2K I tried twice to change lighting to 0% room/100% bulb and it locked up on hitting "Back".

Once from the pause menu and once from the table main menu.


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
So how long is this public beta running for.I missed the stream.Any mention on a possible final release date ?

Fredrik Lundholm

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Whitewater DX11:
Bulb strenght to high, bulbs look completely washed out despite very low setting
Sounds are Mono, some samples are distorted
Less flipper lag than DX9 version on my machine
Can we increase opacity of water slide as it obscures the lower left playfield due too strong light reflection of overblown "Bulb"

Martians Attack:
Too dark?


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Has anyone else noticed that the physics are a bit wonky across the tables? On some it feels fine (High Speed, for example), others it feels kinda slippery without much friction (Creature) and on another it seems to speed up and slow down as the ball progresses (Taxi).

Taxi I can't quite put my finger on, but I'm sure none of the above problems happened on the DX9 versions of the tables. I'll have to play them again to verify.

Black Knight

New member
Jul 23, 2013
Not listed on the top of the thread:

The LCD Display in Funhouse doesn't show the bonus we've received when we drop a ball into the mystery mirror. Instead, it's blank. It's reproducible each time you land in the mystery mirror slot and qualify for a bonus.

The end of ball counter sound in Black Knight doesn't represent the actual bonus we've earned.

Random issues of balls being stuck in El Dorado and Funhouse with the "attendant" not recognizing the issue, however these are hard to reproduce.


New member
Dec 21, 2012
I've been trying to launch the DX11 Beta on Steam and every time I click the option I get this error message.

"Failed to start game (missing executable)"

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here, if I am doing something wrong?


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I've been trying to launch the DX11 Beta on Steam and every time I click the option I get this error message.

"Failed to start game (missing executable)"

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here, if I am doing something wrong?

right click on the game in the library list
select "properties"
go to the tab "beta"
select "Public DX11 beta" from the drop down menu
wait until the game updates

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