DX11 Public Beta Bugs

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
New build is up, these fixes are in DX9 and DX11 (asside from the lighting one which is DX11 only).

Version 1.37.11
- Various Black Knight fixes (Thanks to Scott)
+ 3rd ball stuck in lock bug fixed
+ During magna save, ball now shakes realistically before coming to a stop
+ Multiball Lightshow added
+ Sound will now play after ball releases from trap
+ When activating multiball from lower lock, the top balls should now release BEFORE bottom ball
+ Lower eject sound is firing when the ball gets released from trap instead of when it enters trap
+ New collision for post added
+ Tuning for ramps so ball is less likely to fly off table on harder shots.
+ After magna save, ball entering inlane should now give the correct score.
+ Fixed DX11 lighting
- Updated JackBot with translations


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
DX11 V1.37.11 Bugs:

  • Muffled music/sounds on Bride of Pin*Bot, Central Park, Cirqus Voltaire, FunHouse, Genie, No Good Gofers, Ripley's, Scared Stiff, Theatre of Magic, TotAN.
  • Missing floodlights on Lights Camera Action.
  • Side GI (texture swap) in AFM has been carried over from DX9.
  • Haunted House: An upper playfield plastic is lit when the ball is in the lower playfield. Should be the other way around.
  • Fullscreen is not functional at this time. Known issue.
  • Missing 1K spinner sound on High Speed. Sound is present in DX9, though.
  • GI on Creature - overall lighting needs brightened.
  • Haunted House's bumpers needs GI.
  • Centaur's backglass isn't lit.
  • Centaur: 60 Bonus bulb is dim, but only at certain times.
  • Tee'd Off: 2nd Golf Ball isn't lighting up.
  • Cirqus Voltaire: Highwire Multiball fails to start after lock 3.
  • Earthshaker: GI activity may need tuning (light brightness is fine; just on features like Match Up)
  • Fish Tales: Captive ball lights are too dim.
  • Dracula: Missing GI show in attract mode.
  • Black Knight 2000: Only half of the backbox is lit.
  • Also on BK2K: RANSOM letters are dim.
  • Cactus Canyon's backglass isn't lit.
  • White Water: Two different colors on the Shoot Again light.
  • Champion Pub: Start Fight light sequence missing on both health bars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzFvBmwIx5g
  • White Water: Occasional ball hops at Bigfoot Bluff's diverter. http://youtu.be/9uFpTJeTld4
  • Whirlwind: Light effects around the flashers remain on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wajnSB882p4
  • Twilight Zone: Wronged Multiball startup light sequence alongside claiming a Jackpot, both being off sync when compared to the actual machine (DX9 has this problem as well). I think it's a problem with emulation in general.
  • Twilight Zone: Brighter flashers, similar to that of Addams Family?
  • Party Zone: There should be two separate types of solid GI color: Red and White. There are flashers in there as well that separate from the GI overall (which are already in there). Refer to the video below.
  • Addams Family's bonus count is a bit off-sync. Sounds are supposed to align with the "animations" on the DMD. Refer to videos on the internet.
  • Cousin It's bonus tune now is lower-pitched, and Mamushka's bonus tune is higher-pitched.
  • Plunging and making the 3-Toll ramp on Whirlwind, a bit less than full power. That ramp needs to feel more steep.
  • Earthshaker's plunger may be too powerful, hitting 100k on max plunge. I noticed the ball rattle a bit on the spiral on max plunge. A tad less works fine for going on the Overpass.
  • Can we have Whirlwind's set of Super Door Values lights to be like Earthshaker and Cyclone?
  • Phantom's right habitrail interferes with the metal piece around the spinner. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=1777&picno=9468
  • Starship Troopers' main music is getting cut off early. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoDUY4AIED4
  • Star Trek's Delta ramp gate isn't aligned to the metal piece below the Lock/Super bulbs. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=2357&picno=13798
  • Pin*Bot's red topper is missing. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=1796&picno=21840&zoom=1
  • Skewed cabinet art on Firepower. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=856&picno=44750&zoom=1
  • Black Knight: A hard 3rd lock causes the ball to hop to in between the first and second locks at times. Acknowledged.
  • Tube at the Re-Entry is really faded on Black Hole.
  • Twilight Zone has a sound missing during the opening Mutliball sequence: (It may have been interrupted by another sound...) http://youtu.be/K5DY_Mr2n3U?t=5m49s
  • Is there supposed to be a metal piece in the lock shot for Twilight Zone? http://youtu.be/00LzUVAzJ8o?t=1m3s
  • Camera wall in Twilight Zone is missing. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=2684&picno=37888&zoom=1
  • Theatre of Magic is missing a switch that plays a sound on the right habitrail: http://youtu.be/PMYdwfq8mng?t=1m4s
  • Not a big deal, but on Creature, as the ball travels along the right ramp, it touches the gate of the left ramp.
  • Class of 1812: The teeth and heart are supposed to be in the rhythm of the music during Multiball.
  • Shutyertrap's and other users' mentions listed.

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New member
Feb 16, 2014
Black Knight:

Have not played this table in a long time, but decided to try again after the new update. The third locked ball got stuck, or didnt seem to settle in the lock properly, several times.

Main Menu :

Using a controller (Logitech F710) I am not able to select the 3 menu options in the middle of the bottom row (Leaderboards, Friends, Head 2 Head)

Leaderboards: My own score does not show up in the friends leaderboard list. It did in the previous versions. Edit: Works now after restarting
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Black Knight's HUD

Jacked up background under HUD when cam moves to mystery wheel. Note: Portrait mode only.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
New build is up, these fixes are in DX9 and DX11 (asside from the lighting one which is DX11 only).

Version 1.37.11
- Various Black Knight fixes (Thanks to Scott)
+ 3rd ball stuck in lock bug fixed
+ During magna save, ball now shakes realistically before coming to a stop
+ Multiball Lightshow added
+ Sound will now play after ball releases from trap
+ When activating multiball from lower lock, the top balls should now release BEFORE bottom ball
+ Lower eject sound is firing when the ball gets released from trap instead of when it enters trap
+ New collision for post added
+ Tuning for ramps so ball is less likely to fly off table on harder shots.
+ After magna save, ball entering inlane should now give the correct score.
+ Fixed DX11 lighting
- Updated JackBot with translations

Insert BK2000's Extra Ball sounder- YEAAAHHHH!

P.S. Also need the Magna Save fix for BK2000


New member
Nov 6, 2013
black rose

- replay is broken (u should get a replay with 30m)
it doesn't matter if u reach 30m during play or with a bonus after 3rd ball went down
the replay animation is shown but u won't get an extra ball

High Roller Casino
- replay is broken too
when u start the machine replay is set to 125m
(when u dont reach 125m it stays at 125m next time u play)
when u reach 125m replay animation is shown and u hear the extra ball sound but u wont get it
(animation is only shown when u reach 125m during play NOT when u reach 125m with a bonus after 3rd ball went down)

when u play the table again after reaching 125m+ replay is set to 250m
when reaching 250m replay animation is shown but u won't get an extra ball

may be free mode is causing the problems and replay means with these 2 tables an extra game and not an extra ball
but this makes no big sence thinking about this reason
i guess its just broken

- when u tilt the machine just after the ball went down
the machine tries to find the ball for 20 sec and then says 1 ball is missing
and is searching again and again and....
so u have to restart the machine

-ball can fly of this machine too

i have a suggestion
why not ad a button to insert a coin and set the pinballs to normal mode instead of free play ?

(and do a proper rom emulation like vp instead of scripting some things ;)

this means
- removing sound and music options from game
- release only pro versions with full rom access

i guess that some of the reported non lighning probs are caused by scripting

(ok may be some new bugs would occur that way
when ball movement / physics / timing is different from what the rom expects to happen on the playfield)
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
In Black Rose and HRC, Replay is set to NOT give an EB. This is correct and how the tables were set up.

Black Rose has another problem in that Special awards 0 points and resets the jackpot value. This has never been revised, though it should be.


New member
Nov 6, 2013
Because some tables don't give Extra Balls for Replays/Specials. That's why. Not a bug.

In Black Rose and HRC, Replay is set to NOT give an EB. This is correct and how the tables were set up.

Black Rose has another problem in that Special awards 0 points and resets the jackpot value. This has never been revised, though it should be.

thx for the info
so the real tables won't give an extra ball either with default settings
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New member
Apr 20, 2012
Again, thanks for BK fixes......But the sound is missing from the eject holes and the magna-save only works if the ball is right on top of it. A strong magnet like those used for magna-save should have an effect-radius of about an inch (like The Power in either TAF or TZ).


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I'll repeat this seeing as it might come in handy should we get The Getaway:
Also, are we going to get more advanced lighting features with DX11? I'm talking the rotating police siren topper on High Speed, the special effect waterfall on the top of the White Water backbox, that sort of thing. Everything looks a bit dull otherwise.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I'll repeat this seeing as it might come in handy should we get The Getaway:

There's also the flood light effects on DX9 for LCA. I don't know if there in the DX11 build, as LCA is one of the tables that runs at 20 fps on my computer.

Kind of funny how we got somewhat of a floodlight effect in DX9, but it took a resource hog like DX11 to get strobe multiball effects that are not possible even on the PS4 and XBOne.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
but it took a resource hog like DX11 to get strobe multiball effects that are not possible even on the PS4 and XBOne.

Once again, just because FS can't do it on PS4 and Xbone, doesn't mean that the hardware on both systems is not capable of doing it.
There is not one way to code a (pinball) game. There are endless ways. PS4 and Xbone offer a lot of games which have better graphics / lighting.
The best hardware is useless, if the coder doesn't know how to, or doesn't want to use it effectivley.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Once again, just because FS can't do it on PS4 and Xbone, doesn't mean that the hardware on both systems is not capable of doing it.
There is not one way to code a (pinball) game. There are endless ways. PS4 and Xbone offer a lot of games which have better graphics / lighting.
The best hardware is useless, if the coder doesn't know how to, or doesn't want to use it effectivley.

I know it's a general statement, but in context that last part probably isn't necessary since it's insulting to Mike and the team. They've made great strides in the past few weeks.

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
Version 1.37.11

1. There is a noticeable difference with table loading. The tables take a few seconds longer to load than the previous build.

2. Anyone have any slowdowns on starting a table? It happens for me on WW and AF. I'll exit and start another game and it works fine.

I believe these there are just frame rate issues.

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