Elvis Pinball like you have never seen it before.. have a look


New member
May 24, 2013
Thanks Here is the the installer :


The lighting is improved again , I have been messing around with all the physics again .. I keep going back to the papa elvis gameplay video and studying the ball behaviour.. I believe it keeps getting better but still a work in progress. You will find hitting the orbits is now very far down on the flipper , the window between right hand saucer , ramp and orbit is very small .. previously I had it more spread but this new tweak is what I was observing on the real table.

Let me know if all installs and plays ok. I dont know what machine specs you have , it is built for gaming pc's , if your rig is slightly older you can disable SSAO , realtime shadows and the room and cabinet as well which all bring the frame rate up.

Flippers are CTRL keys
Nudge is shift keys
Enter to launch the ball
"M" or "F1" to bring up the menu

press 5 to insert coins and press one 1 to start ( number on the top of the keyboard )

The camera is a standard 3d free roam camera , left mouse to rotate , middle or right mouse to translate , mouse wheel to zoom

chat soon


New member
Apr 25, 2014
The game did not work right for me. I noticed its a 32 bit game I have a 64 bit operating system. Thank you for doing this though. If you want any info from me just let me know. The game came up on screen a ball came out and knocked off the left flipper and the drop targets started floating away as if in zero gravity. I just made a folder and downloaded
everthing to it then clivked elvis_pinball. Let me know if I should try anything else. Thank you


New member
Jul 9, 2013
Looks nice, i tried the current version, but i cant do anything. Only the enter key works to start the ball. Menu, insert coin or start the game, nothing is working. Some elements of the table fly through the room :)
But nice demo, the graphics look very good.


New member
May 24, 2013
Hey Snorzel and crazywolf..

Let me check into it , what you describe happening is what happens when there is a internal error on game launch , I suspect it has something to do with me not installing vpinmame properly via my installer. I did test it locally without issues but then again I also had vpinmame on my system already .. I will get back to you shortly


New member
May 24, 2013
Alright ,I have updated the files , it's the same link but the installer is now named ElvisPinballSetup_v2. I'm pretty sure there was an issue with registering the vpinmame dll .. nothing wrong with the game. I changed the code which does the dll registration and I also added some code which will dump a log file in the installation directory. Please try it again and let me know.



New member
Apr 25, 2014
Alright ,I have updated the files , it's the same link but the installer is now named ElvisPinballSetup_v2. I'm pretty sure there was an issue with registering the vpinmame dll .. nothing wrong with the game. I changed the code which does the dll registration and I also added some code which will dump a log file in the installation directory. Please try it again and let me know.


I will give it another shot soon


New member
Feb 6, 2016
Alright ,I have updated the files , it's the same link but the installer is now named ElvisPinballSetup_v2. I'm pretty sure there was an issue with registering the vpinmame dll .. nothing wrong with the game. I changed the code which does the dll registration and I also added some code which will dump a log file in the installation directory. Please try it again and let me know.


I downloaded and testet just to give feedback. It cant find the Elvis rom file. Thats why the table dont working now. I have Everything installed like Before and the first version you posted some Days ago worked perfect. But this installer dont work for me.


New member
May 24, 2013
I downloaded and testet just to give feedback. It cant find the Elvis rom file. Thats why the table dont working now. I have Everything installed like Before and the first version you posted some Days ago worked perfect. But this installer dont work for me.

Mmm this is challenging haha , I wonder whats going on , Im testing it my side and its always installing correctly. Do me favour , when you installed the game it asked you for a directory to install vpinmame. Go to that directory and inside it you will see a Setup.exe. If you run this exe you will see some buttons on the left. Click the one that says "Setup Paths..." Check the value for "Roms:" . It should be pointing to the folder you installed into. For example my last installation test was into a folder on my desktop named "test6". My rompath is "C:\Users\ian\Desktop\test6\VPinMAME\roms"

You dont have to change it manually just click cancel and quit. I just need to try understnd whats not working.

If you look in the roms directory of the newly installed vpinmame.. do you see a zip named "elvis.zip"?

What version of windows are you running?

Thanks for testing with me.


New member
May 24, 2013
AH HA! I figured out the problem with the installer!!!!! It was a silly race condition , the installer was trying to register the dll .. before it had unpacked it .. doh! Silly mistake glad I found it.

I have not uploaded a new file yet , I deleted the previous link and I will give a new link once I have uploaded.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
AH HA! I figured out the problem with the installer!!!!! It was a silly race condition , the installer was trying to register the dll .. before it had unpacked it .. doh! Silly mistake glad I found it.

I have not uploaded a new file yet , I deleted the previous link and I will give a new link once I have uploaded.

Sounds great! Have you shared this on any Elvis fan sites? If not I bet you could make a bunch of people happy, after we test your installer first of course :)


New member
May 24, 2013
Here we go good people , the working installer. Tested on a fresh machine with win 7 and win 10.

but that's not all folks there was a heap of stuff changed / added as well.

P key to toggle pause the game and emulation.

C key will now cycle through some preset camera views. The camera remains free to manipulate as before. These are just added for convenience and also sets me up to add a button to save a custom view in the next build.

B key is to recover when a ball gets lost and the emulation starts search for a ball, It will find it and drain it for now. Sorry about that. I will continue to look to see where this glitch happens, it doesnt happen often. I'm suspecting the drop targets reset but im still not sure.

The lighting has being overhauled using new post filters code amoung other things. Its defaults to night mode now on install.

Physics was overhauled as well, the flippers are using some solenoid power ramp up logic now and the sling shots code was enhanced. Changes to frictions, bounce and mass all around. The table really plays better and better with each refinement.
ok here we go :


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New member
May 24, 2013
Works perfekt now! :)

Do you know how to raise the volume on the Music? I have almost no Music. Thanks! :)

Press the m key or F1 key to bring up the menu , then you can bring up vpinmame volume there , I think the default is on half volume so just make it full volume. You can also bring down all other sounds volumes below that just select a sound change its value , dont forget to click save if you want to keep the settings.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Super amazing! Plays really great, dont forget to add it on nvidia settings. So cool. Really great job shaderbytes,thank you.

I am trying to use a wrapper to play with a controller, but even though I select Lctrl for L1 and Rctrl for R1 but both buttons only flip the right flipper. Any advice how to get it to work? If its not too much work maybe make the left flipper z and right ?/, idk. Or in input can you tell me which one is acctually right ctrl? Thank you again!


New member
May 24, 2013
Hey Snorzel , what do you mean by add it on nvidia settings , does it need anything configured in there Im not aware of? Vsync is enforced within the game itself now. Let me know

I just worked on the input today , I cleared out all the default joystick axis' and buttons presets and added only custom ones now myself. Some of those defaults might have been messing with your mapping. Anyway All game mechanics that require input are now reading keyboard as per usual and reading these new custom controls as well.

When you launch the game , the game launcher screen has a tab for input , if you select this you will see all these custom items I made now. They are labeled and setup to xbox controller configurations, this is because its the prevailing controller used on PC's so I have to cater to the top dog. Good news is you can remap these to your controller right on this screen. Just double click an item to change and then it will prompt you to set the button/axis via your controller. I have both xbox and other gamepads. The difference is the technology that drives them ( and also how the engines use them ) Sadly Unity doesnt like to play nice with some controller mapping tools.

Good news is I managed to map all the buttons except the triggers via this launch screen to my non xbox controller. This is still workable because the flippers are mapped to triggers and bumpers on the controller. So the bumpers worked.

I just need to do a few extra things and then I will compiled and upload a new build and send the link once ready.
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New member
May 24, 2013
Hey Ben

You really have a gift for encouragement. You have been very supportive across forums for this development, so thanks a million ;)


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Shaderbytes I am sorry I should have been more clear, I was more talking to other perspective players, I was so excited to get back to playing I didnt properly edit my post. On my new PC, I have to manually add all games in the nvidia control pannel for them to dispay at their best.

Thank you so much for your work on this. If I get my controller settings I want to work, I will post a link to the wraper and my Elvis Pinball settings.

+ 1 [MENTION=5468]Ben Logan[/MENTION] seems like a great guy

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