Enhanced version of the Star Trek: The Next Generation table on PS4 to be shown at E3

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
anyway Plus is excellent value if you like games, I already got it a few months ago for my Vita and I've already got a ton of free stuff waiting to be played on both Vita and ps3. So not unduly bothered about having to have it for online stuff on ps4, I'm happy with it even if I never use the online stuff.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Oh, ok, sorry for my mistake. Whatever, the mandatory subscription for online play stays a very bad news. :(

Sony could have continued with the same online model that they had with doing multiplayer on ad hoc peer to peer networking with one of the players randomly chosen to host or they could upgrade to an infrastructure that Sony would host. The former was free but the latter costs money. I can appreciate people not wanting to spend more money but we get what we pay for. I also appreciate that Sony is only making people subscribe to Plus for multi-player online and not ancillary things like Netflix.

Sony tried the free model for the entire run of the PS3 but decided that it wasn't ever going to deliver the online experience that we deserve.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
Farsight, hello? Still many people who would like confirmation/clarification. It's not like the whole company is at E3, and its not like this isn't going to be about the most common question they are getting there (E3), on the 'net, and just in general (at the moment)... well other than all the still hanging on "What abouts the's Xboxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!" folks.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Watching the video is it just me or does it look like the ball has a little more weight to it?

I agree about the lighting, it definitely looks like a work in progress. Some areas look a little "fake".

Edit: So still no direct capture videos yet?

I think the lighting looks tremendous and I agree that the ball seemed weightier...in a good way. Does this pinball make me look weightier? :D
Jul 2, 2012
The glow effect applied to playfield inserts looks odd… Look at the white mission inserts around the Enterprise saucer, for example. It almost looks like the playfield is made out of translucent plastic and the light bleeds through the areas around the inserts.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
From Facebook, in response to someone asking if it was true that someone who owned the PS3/Vita version would get the PS4 version for free:

The Pinball Arcade That is not true, the PS4 version is going to be considered a new game.

And further clarification:

The Pinball Arcade We feel that the game will be updated to match the new PS4 very well. Reactions from our demo at E3 were very positive, and we're working to make it even better. Our programmers and artists have been working very hard on it. Rest assured it will definitely look "next gen". One common misunderstanding that we'd like to clear up is just how much power it takes to run the emulation that makes our game possible. With the additional horsepower of the PS4 we're able to run the emulation using a far lower percentage of total resources of the machine, leaving plenty of resources free for graphical enhancements.

Although I'm poor as heck, I can live with this. I want the game to be rebuilt and look really next-gen, not just like a smoothed PS3 version with fancy lights floating over it--I was getting worried that was all it was going to be. Now that I know they're considering it an entirely separate game I'm much more confident it will really be taking advantage of the new hardware. Since this game is the primary reason I'd even consider plunking down the money for a new console, I'd much rather pay a little more for a game actually built for it than for a spit-shined port of a game I already have. And it sounds like the PS4 version will be getting some real, dedicated attention, whereas the PS3 version (and most of the current TPA versions, from what I've seen of what others say on this board) has always felt a bit like a red-headed stepchild--and I can admit that because I still love it. : P


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
FarSight confirmed today on Facebook that the PS4 version of The Pinball Arcade will be considered a new "next gen" game with "next gen" graphics which means we'll all have to purchase the new version and tables again which is fine by me.

FarSight is putting alot of work into enhancing The Pinball Arcade to take advantage of the new hardware and they need to get paid for the work they're putting into it. If they gave it away for free, there would be no reason for them to even put any extra work into the tables that they have already released. So, you might want to ask yourself..."Do I want to play a "next gen" version of The Pinball Arcade which will bring the experience even closer to real world pinball, or do I want to play a straight port of the current version of The Pinball Arcade which will look the same as it does on my PS3?"

As far as the E3 Demo of Star Trek : The Next Generation goes, that is just a peek at how the tables on The Pinball Arcade will look and play once the final product is released on the PS4 which is still months away.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
FarSight confirmed today on Facebook that the PS4 version of The Pinball Arcade will be considered a new "next gen" game with "next gen" graphics which means we'll all have to purchase the new version and tables again which is fine by me.

FarSight is putting alot of work into enhancing The Pinball Arcade to take advantage of the new hardware and they need to get paid for the work they're putting into it. If they gave it away for free, there would be no reason for them to even put any extra work into the tables that they have already released. So, you might want to ask yourself..."Do I want to play a "next gen" version of The Pinball Arcade which will bring the experience even closer to real world pinball, or do I want to play a straight port of the current version of The Pinball Arcade which will look the same as it does on my PS3?"

As far as the E3 Demo of Star Trek : The Next Generation goes, that is just a peek at how the tables on The Pinball Arcade will look and play once the final product is released on the PS4 which is still months away.

So the question is will the PC version be 'next gen' or 'this gen'. I am happy to pay again for PA2, however I really hope the PC version is at least the same quality as the PS4 from day 1. If it costs double to get that then I would pay it.

Would I buy a PS4 if that's the only way to get PA2? Yes if it supports portrait mode and a maybe a second screen.


New member
May 10, 2012
Silverballs: The good thing about the PC version is that even if it does not look like the PS 4 version now, they will be able to update it to look just as nice or even better as time goes by. Do you really want to wait another 6 months for the pc version when you can have it soon, already looking better than the current consoles and by the time the ps 4 version is ready have them update it? I am not that patient ;)


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I wonder how they'll do the table releases. Will all tables be available on day one? Will they release in the same order as before with the TOTAN, RBION, BH and TOM as the first set of tables?

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
there would be no reason for them to even put any extra work into the tables that they have already released.

Doesn't this statement perfectly sum up why Farsight are completely happy to release knowingly broken tables (Firepower beta - the ball count is FUBAR'd (and this is one of many broken releases)) and yet knowingly put them onto platforms where updates are damned near impossible to resubmit (PS3).
I am so sick of beta reported bugs being released despite being reported before submission.
Farsight it is beyond time you clean up your own Sh1t.

Anyone who thinks Next Gen or PC is going to fix current quality issues is sadly deluded.
Farsight have had at least 2 platforms where fixes are free and also unlimited, and yet unexploited (Android & ios).


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Doesn't this statement perfectly sum up why Farsight are completely happy to release knowingly broken tables (Firepower beta - the ball count is FUBAR'd (and this is one of many broken releases)) and yet knowingly put them onto platforms where updates are damned near impossible to resubmit (PS3).
I am so sick of beta reported bugs being released despite being reported before submission.
Farsight it is beyond time you clean up your own Sh1t.

Anyone who thinks Next Gen or PC is going to fix current quality issues is sadly deluded.
Farsight have had at least 2 platforms where fixes are free and also unlimited, and yet unexploited (Android & ios).

I understand your argument, but I was referring to visual and gameplay enhancements...not bug fixes.

...and thanks for taking one of my comments out of context.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Silverballs: The good thing about the PC version is that even if it does not look like the PS 4 version now, they will be able to update it to look just as nice or even better as time goes by. Do you really want to wait another 6 months for the pc version when you can have it soon, already looking better than the current consoles and by the time the ps 4 version is ready have them update it? I am not that patient ;)

6 more months! No I will take it as it is now :)


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
So the question is will the PC version be 'next gen' or 'this gen'. I am happy to pay again for PA2, however I really hope the PC version is at least the same quality as the PS4 from day 1. If it costs double to get that then I would pay it.

Would I buy a PS4 if that's the only way to get PA2? Yes if it supports portrait mode and a maybe a second screen.

From Facebook, in reply to someone asking if the PC version will look as good as the PS4 E3 tech demo:

The Pinball Arcade Not at launch, however dynamic lighting will make its way to the PC version.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
From Facebook, in response to someone asking if there would be an official video of the E3 tech demo:

The Pinball Arcade We're going to post screenshots next week. An official video is probably a month away. Our lighting tech on PS4 looks good, but it's only about 50% complete.
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