- Jun 4, 2014
- 330
- 0
FS did a fantastic job with TAF. Ever since TPA is released, I wondered how would it play if the table gets ever released, since it has an complex and very unique game flow. I must say I'm astonished on how good they did that job! This is the table I played the most in my youth, and it was (and still is) my favorite pinball machine of all time.
Thing Flips working just like in RL, after some time when it learns to play. Amazing, this was one of the features i doubted they'll ever get simulated right.
Haven't discovered any major bugs by now, ok the sounds on bonus can sometimes be a little out-of-sync, but i don't find that annoying.
The only thing I think it's not simulated 100% right is a manual shot with upper left flipper to the graveyard. It's a little too easy compared to the RL, I can remember this being very hard to do on a real machine 1/10, maybe even less. Here you can easily score 5-6/10.
My conclusion is, far better than expected, I personally think it can't get better than this in a videogame. In my opinion the best simulated table in TPA so far, at least from those I've played in RL.
Thank you again FS, you made this man feel like a kid again!
Nice review.