Flight 2000/Goin Nuts tomorrow?


New member
Apr 20, 2013
Okay, so this is weird. It's available on my iPhone, but not my iPad. Probably I should go to bed and deal with it tomorrow.
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New member
Nov 28, 2012
Downloaded the tables and played the demos..... goin nuts is weird, flight 2000 is ok, but I would have preferred seawitch. :p

Also, appears there are no table fixes this month. :(

Bring on T2!


New member
Apr 5, 2013
I would say they are balanced this time, currently have 264 for GN and 347 for F2000. I still only have 36pts for Whitewarter!

I think they made it a bit easy on the points, I've had it 10 minutes and scored 100 points on Nuts, there's 8 tables I've still not managed that on. Gonna have a go at the other one later after little nipper is in bed


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I must be really obsessed. I checked the App Store as soon as I hit the alarm button this morning before getting out of bed. Nice surprise to wake up to!


New member
Apr 20, 2013
This table pack is just lame. Previous one was ok. Not going to pay for this...

I beg to differ. Goin' Nuts is, well, nuts. Crazy fast multiball, super-frantic. Love it. And come on, Flight 2000 is pretty good too. There's been a lot of outer-space futuristic themed tables, I'll admit: Attack from Mars (kind of), Black Hole, Firepower, Space Shuttle, Pin-bot and his Bride, and of course Star Trek TNG, but science fiction is a popular theme in pinball. What's your favorite table or theme for pinball tables?


New member
Jul 30, 2012
I must be really obsessed. I checked the App Store as soon as I hit the alarm button this morning before getting out of bed. Nice surprise to wake up to!
same for me except my alarm is a rambunctious 2 year old girl


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
It's hard not to enjoy Flight 2000. Classic game and style. Huge replay value on this pin. Games are not overly long, yet there is plenty to do to keep you interest. Outlanes can get you, but they are not the unfair vacuum style. This pin will improve your accuracy. Tough to have two very good games in a row. The kind of game that keeps you coming back.

Goin Nuts is strange. Can't tell if I love it or hate it. Will probably be a pin a play every now and then just to play something different.

PS Garek

New member
Dec 25, 2012
Classic Stern games are great to me. The ones I've managed to play have just enough complexity and interesting designs to keep me coming back pretty regularly. Flight 2000 isn't much different, and I'm really happy to have it.

Like Kolchak, I'm not really sure what to make of Goin' Nuts. I've had fun playing it, and it's certainly weird. I don't know if I'm going to come back to it a lot, but it's certainly an interesting curiosity. Watch a month from now I'll rank Goin' Nuts as one of my most played tables (it happened with Black Hole after a while).


New member
Sep 29, 2012
Flight2000 is fast. Crazy fast! I've played two different ones in real life and they are not anything like that fast. Think big old slow wide body, like Genie. Still, good job on the conversion. Goin Nuts is... Well, lets just say its nice to have some variety and oddities every once in a while. I wouldn't want a steady diet of that but it's ok from time to time.


New member
Sep 23, 2012
Enjoying Flight 2000 the more I play it. The speed and fluidity at times reminds me of Taxi and Firepower... pretty good company IMO.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Flight 2000 is deadly fast, will definitely be getting more time on this one.

First thoughts on Goin Nuts is that it is fun and a certain challenge to keep Multiball going, the location of flippers makes it trickier, actually like the table and think it would be quite a bit of fun to play the real thing.

Overall not the best pack, but not the worst either.

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