Request General Wish List Thread


New member
Aug 10, 2012
Welcome to the forums! I love the score chasing idea. I always really enjoy that feature in games like Shadow Complex. And to your point, it's even more relevant and exciting in pinball, where score is king (goals are fun too though; thanks for those, FarSight). Though I hate that we keep comparing to Zen, seeing something in TPA like what they do in this regard would be super.

Cross-platform leaderboards, on the other hand, are perhaps not as great an idea. I believe that there is an inherent advantage to the platforms with tactile flipper inputs and analog nudge control over the phone and tablet touchscreens. It doesn't seem fair to lump them in together. If you were playing a first-person shooter with a dual-analog stick gamepad, you wouldn't want to be matched up against someone with 1,000+ DPI mouse aiming capability. It's a moot discussion anyway, however, as many of the platform holders will never allow this.

Thanks :) But I still think cross-platform would work well. It's pinball, not an FPS. I don't see what kind of advantage people would have (other than hacking, if possible) since it's basically hitting flippers. The only concern would be lag, and I think that's a moot point also. Still, it would be pretty cool to have an "all-time greatest" leaderboard, even if it's not directly built into the game (ie. web-accessible).


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Thanks :) But I still think cross-platform would work well. It's pinball, not an FPS. I don't see what kind of advantage people would have (other than hacking, if possible) since it's basically hitting flippers. The only concern would be lag, and I think that's a moot point also. Still, it would be pretty cool to have an "all-time greatest" leaderboard, even if it's not directly built into the game (ie. web-accessible).

consoles will have 2-step flippers to independently control upper level flippers for tables luke FH, RBION and TZ, and have analog, good working nudge (and can nudge upward) which alltogether make for a big advantage.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Not sure if this is the right place, but maybe it would help to take the glass off and test out features on unscripted tables to compare to the TPA versions? It would probably help out with the missing sounds. I think ipdb may have some of the rulesets, as well and I'm sure someone on the VP forums could help with the rulesets, as well. I would like to see emulation if possible, but while I like the recreation, some aspects of the older unscripted tables have been disappointing, so I hope they will get more accurate soon.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
Rollover lights displayed on screen

After playing some Monster Bash on the PS3, I noticed the rollover lights are rather difficult to see unless I start straying from my preferred view. I found manipulating the lights for a skill shot or bonus multipliers to be rather random, at best.

Could the rollover lights be made to display on screen in the same way as the DMD? (3 little lights at the edge of the TV screen above the rollovers)

Nik Barbour

All I can say is accurate simulation...

I don't want anything like that on the HUD.

I don't think Squid means on the HUD (correct me if im wrong Squid). I think he's after an on-screen indicator (at some edge of the display) similar to whats done in the lower level of black hole, a text indicator which says 'gate open' / 'gate closed'. Speaking of which....
I wish the lower level of black hole, showed you which upper level roll over status was active via a similar text prompt, (ie 10,000 / Extra Ball / Special) as I nearly always forget how many times I complete the right lower level bank of drop targets!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Here's what I'd like to see:

Time Attack Mode:

This would show me who REALLY is the best in the world. Who can score the most points in 2 hours tells me a lot more about a players skills than the general leaderboards we have now.

Replay upload/download:

Again would be a great way for beginners to get to see top level strategy and up their game. Also, who doesn't love watching other people play pinball?

Book Keeping:

Please oh please get this in here. I love checking my stats.

Access to Dipswitches (or whatever they are called in Pinball machines):

I'd like to change the number of balls to 5, or set up PAPA-esque Tournament rules for my own home tournaments.

Online Multiplayer with 4 players:

This one is a no brainer. Lag should be non-existant if programmed properly. For instance, there should be zero latency for the player but if there is lag/delay for the people watching that's no big deal since they are, well, watching.

General Replay Save feature:

Let me save replays of my own gameplay so that I can pause, rewind, and take complete control of the camera and examine how I'm ****ing up shots and what have you. This would also let people just check out the gorgeous art of these tables up close just like in real life.

Day/Night Lighting:

This is already in some versions, no?

I know this is ALOT to ask for. But this is called a "Wish List", so I figured might as well let my imagination run wild :)


New member
Aug 17, 2012
It would be nice to have some way of adjusting the touch regions on touch-sensitive devices. Nudge is effectively useless on my Galaxy S3 when playing in portrait mode, as I can't reach my thumbs up far enough to activate it. Something as simple as being able to adjust the vertical location of the split between flipper and nudge regions would be very helpful. OR just permanently lower it... I really can't think of a need for the flipper buttons to extend halfway up the screen in portrait mode.


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Here's one I don't know whether it has been brought up. On the Farsight Leaderboards can we get a symbol for the platform that the score was achieved on? My suspicion is some platforms are dominating the high score lists for whatever region... Optionally keep separate platform high score lists so it is apple to apples comparison on scores.


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I'm using a Kindle Fire. I often tilt while in multiball. The flipping is frantic, and the games thinks I'm shaking the table. On a real table, I love the tiny nudges the flipper gives at the jets (maybe it's just my imagination). However, I rarely mean to flipper shake the table during multiball. Could the tilt look for flipper movement and negate the nudge while in multiball? Thanks.

EDIT 09/24/12: I haven't tilted in multiball in a while. I think it might have been due to the initial excitement of playing real world pinball on a portable device. It's like the 1st time I watched Star Wars IV on an mp3 player.
Last edited:


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Can we get a sound/music test? Maybe as an unlockable? I'd love to flip through the music in Bride of Pinbot or the voices in Medieval Madness, for example.


Aug 30, 2012
maybe you can add the national flag in the highscore list beside the name.
It is alway interessting to see where are the players from.


New member
Aug 16, 2012
With the iOS release adding another 4 tables, table selection is getting a bit laborious (not complaining - this is a nice problem to have!!) but maybe it could be changed into collections by manufacturer so you select Bally / Stern / Williams etc and then choose from the tables.

Another request on mobile devices is to have an option to refresh/download all tables from a single request after an update or whatever (rather than wait until you are out of data range before you discover that Bride of Pin*Bot cannot be played because it needs to be downloaded *grumble*).


New member
Aug 12, 2012
This may be a weird comparison, but when I was playing DJ Max Portable the other night, it made me think about how awesome a career mode could be in TPA. You probably wouldn't call it "career", maybe something like Flight, Series, or Champion mode...

Anyway, in DJ Max, when you select the play mode, you have to go through 4 stages, and in each, you pick the song you want to play for that stage from a preset selection of tracks. Stage 1 includes songs of difficulties 1-6, 2 includes 3-8, 3 includes 5-10, and 4 includes 7-12, for instance (so the challenge can be scaled to your skill level based on the tracks you pick). Each stage contains about a dozen songs to pick from, and based on your performance, it gives you a rank for that stage (A-F or S/SS rankings could be used, for instance). And even though different songs may allow higher scores based on a variety of factors, that ranking system evens them out for an average ranking that's accumulated at the end. If you do well enough, you can also compete on a fifth bonus round.

That kind of setup would work really well for TPA, though we may need several more tables before we had enough to organize them into "stages". The ranking system would also work, since there is a huge disparity between the scores you could get on, say, Black Hole vs. Bride of Pin*Bot. Using the current tables, this is an example of how it could be organized:

Stage 1: Ripley's Believe It or Not, No Good Gofers, Funhouse, Monster Bash
Stage 2: Theatre of Magic, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Taxi, Harley-Davidson
Stage 3: Black Hole, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Bride of Pin*Bot, Tales of the Arabian Nights
Stage 4: Medieval Madness, Gorgar, Black Knight, Cirqus Voltaire

I realize that including modes like this, Tournament mode, online Hotseat, or anything else would require several changes to TPA's interface. A frontend menu would be needed, for one thing, and you'd probably need some Williams Collection-style background music to jazz it up a bit.

I think additional modes like this would give you more of an overall objective to your playtime. Just a thought...


New member
Sep 6, 2012
I'm using a Kindle Fire. Could the game please remember that I like to shake to nudge? Thank you.

+1. Both of my androids seem to forget that I change this setting (and the HUD on cirqus Voltaire...) and I end up trying to shake the device only to have nothing happen. Its a frustrating frantic pause game before the ball drains to fix it, then once the game resumes I can attempt to nudge again, hopefully before the ball exits stage left...


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Guess this is covered under controls, but I'd really like to shift the nudge for Xbox onto the bumpers (i.e left nudge left bumper and right nudge right bumper). Using the stick on the left messes with my head.

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