It's Fish Tales!!!!! (and Season 3 discussion)


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
All I can say for now is that FarSight has highly requested tables coming this year, a complete overhaul of the UI and many new long awaited features and modes in the works. This year marks the beginning of a new chapter and there is indeed a bright light at the end of the tunnel.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Fishtales? Didn't see that one coming! Kidding ^^
I never played it but I've watched a few videos and it seems to be a solid table 
Any idea when it is going to be available???


New member
Oct 28, 2012
Is it just me or does this table look leaps and bounds better than anything that's come out so far? Much better sense of three dimensions when I look at it! And the light shining through the plastics looks MUCH better than the flickering plastics in past seasons. Great job FS! Cant wait to see what else is coming in season 3

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
Why CAN'T they?

Face it folks, we've been spoiled with two tables. To expect them to keep up that pace and still be able to fix bugs and add new features just isn't realistic. Tons of people have been clammoring for them to slow down, fix bugs, add muliplayer, a new UI, etc. etc. in many other threads ever since TPA was first released. Plus, they might not be making enough profit to keep up that workload, especially since the PHOF re-releases are dried up.

Word!!! Like Jeff said so well tons of you have wanted them to slow down and fix stuff. The forums are filled with angry players sounding off about bugs and issues they want resolved on every single device TPA is supported on. didn't think they actually read what you all say and wish for in here? I think FS has proven time and time again they are paying attention to what goes on in here, Steam and Facebook. I'm not surprised at all if they do go to one table and then work on bugs and improvements. You got what you wished for. Embrace that reality now, and thank them for it.

However, there is no pleasing everyone as most of us know. Half the people always want something else completely different. Two weeks ago today I died after having a series of heart attacks. The last meal I had before this event was a Big Mac meal with super sized fry and shake. After being brought back to life my priorities changed. Now it's a good salad for me. You might not like what is being served, but you should be happy in that you have at least something being served to you. It's better than a kick in the pants as my Grandfather used to say. :D



New member
Sep 22, 2013
All I can say for now is that FarSight has highly requested tables coming this year, a complete overhaul of the UI and many new long awaited features and modes in the works. This year marks the beginning of a new chapter and there is indeed a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

That's exciting to hear!

BK2K and High Speed! :p

As long as the product is great, people will buy tables. I'd much rather buy a polished, highly sought after table than to get 2 so-so tables just for the sake of getting more tables.

Good news on the UI update as well!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Is it just me or does this table look leaps and bounds better than anything that's come out so far? Much better sense of three dimensions when I look at it! And the light shining through the plastics looks MUCH better than the flickering plastics in past seasons. Great job FS! Cant wait to see what else is coming in season 3

That is because you are looking at the PC version not the usual Xbox 360 shots. I think it looks great too.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
I think the best idea would be to do alternating months of new and old tables. The pattern would be that one month, we'd get a popular table (Alphanumerics / DMDs.) We'd also get one the next month. However, the third month, we'd get a double pack of two pre-alphanumeric tables like Xenon or Embryon. I think this would work well.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Surely we'll be getting an interface update in the next pack anyway, considering that there's physically no room to show a section for S3?


New member
Jul 30, 2012
No complaint from me about getting only one table this month or any other month. We have over 40 tables. Pretty amazing when you think about it.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Two weeks ago today I died after having a series of heart attacks. The last meal I had before this event was a Big Mac meal with super sized fry and shake. After being brought back to life my priorities changed.

Is this an expression, or this actually happened to you?!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Now back to silly fun things like pinball. As I have mentioned before I really don't like video modes in pinball. But I must admit to really liking shooting water skiers in he Fish Tales video mode. Very satisfying.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I don't mind them doing single tables, but I wish they can do two table packs afterwards. Meaning a pack like Red and Ted's Roadshow with maybe a game like Fire!. Or Party Zone and Diner, or High Speed: The Getaway and Humpty Dumpty. I would like a DMD game mixed with a regular Solid State or EM game, I see quite a few people like me don't really like EM games, but if they package them with a big title it would be worth it. One hard game to make, and one kinda easy one to my, again just my opinion. I say whatever they do I will always support them no matter what they decide to do.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I'd take a solid table that's polished and popular over 2 tables just for the sake of 2 tables any day.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
They didn't say that the Pack would be just one table. They just announced only one table. Maybe the other one will be announced in the coming weeks.

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