Karl's ego trip


New member
May 10, 2012
OK! Metallica is here. My first NIB machine.

I could go on and on about how Stern has messed me up. The hammer is not working at all. At first there was a loose opto that made it completely unplayable because of a horrible sound coming every 5 seconds. I fixed that, noticed the Metallica sticker on the coin door was not put on 100% correct and the cabinet art on the right, way at the end was also a little bit wrong with a little bit sticking out under the cabinet. All that is very small mistakes and nothing mayor but for the price of a premium I want perfection ;-)

Installed the latest update and off we go. No hammer action whatsoever. Now that is really disappointing. The hammer is the main extra feature in the premium and not having it work at all (yes I tried to switch nr 73 on and off) is really disappointing and makes it impossible to get Coffin multiball.

Anyway, Stern will give me a replacement board for free and that is at least something.

Other than that, What a fun machine. The ramps is super smooth. The artwork is amazing and the open playfield really keeps you on your toes. I am Not very good yet(to say the least) but I have a feeling that this machine and me will be very good friends for a long time and this machine is pure fun. I have a feeling I would like AC/DC even more with all the different song options, but Metallica looks way better art-wise.

I just can't be angry with Stern yet. I am having to much fun :cool:


New member
Mar 12, 2013
The hammer is not working at all.

No hammer action whatsoever. Now that is really disappointing. The hammer is the main extra feature in the premium and not having it work at all (yes I tried to switch nr 73 on and off) is really disappointing and makes it impossible to get Coffin multiball.

Is there a physical block that's securing the hammer mechanism from movement during transport? Something you need to remove once the game is set up in its final location?


New member
May 10, 2012
TomL: Nope. It is working like a charm in attract mode but as soon as you hit that Start button it gives me no satisfaction, there's no action, she's not there.

I have heard this is a common fault with the first premiums batch shipped to Europe


New member
May 10, 2012
Between Pro and Premium? The Fuel target is different, There is the animated cross, the coffin ball lock playfield window (not seen in action yet because of hammer), Led Lighting, (looks killer) metal apron with different art, (I think?) spinners with awesome sound, The snake is also animated. There is probably more but that is all I can think of in my drunken state of mind
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New member
May 10, 2012
Metallicas everywhere have been having hammer problems.

That is true, but I am not talking about phantom hits. It does not react to anything at all. The magnet works (to well I might add) but no Hammer action at all. There is also the usual things, like left orbit rejecting some balls and coffin magnet attracting things when it is not supposed to, but things like that I can live with.

How can I still be happy? Beats me, but I enjoy this game a lot and with more Lyman S. Magic, this will be a close nr 2 S.A.M. machine after AC/DC (closely followed by Spiderman and TRON)
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New member
May 10, 2012
I have not been very active on this forum lately (some of you are probably only happy about that :D )

Next Saturday I will finally get my Shadow and Twilight Zone but I will also pick up another small purchase that day. I decided to sell my Star Trek TNG because of space issues but after only a few days I turned around and bought another Pin (stupid me)
I will never be a banker, I tell ya!

Here is a picture of the playfield that now sits inside this pin and are waiting to be played to death.

Anyone able to guess what it is?? The winner deserves the title "Eagle Eye" and will get 10 virtual points



New member
May 10, 2012
You are the proud winner of best eyesight and detective work of the day!

What gave it away? Was it the Troll holes?

Anyway! Well done, Netizen


If you're going to mention detective work and Troll Holes in the same sentence, then you can find the Tötem-Pöle episode of ATHF your own dam self!! :D

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I was late to the party, but yeah, the openings for the Trolls are pretty distinctive.

So let's see, that's MM and TZ and WH2O and Shadow and IJ and Metallica and LOTR. Do you realize you have about $40,000 worth in machines? Better check your homeowner's insurance and make sure they're covered!


New member
May 10, 2012
Good Idea, Sean. Didn't even think about that.

It was a close call between MM and AC/DC Premium and If I figure out a way, AC/DC will be mine (someday)

Netizen: SWEDISH TROLLS??? Everybody knows all Trolls comes from Norway ;)

and btw: Detective work and Trolls was used in two different sentences but I still had a laugh with that clip :D


Jul 11, 2012
you got to pay the troll toll if you want into this boys soul....say it faster though :p Im so glad It's Always Sunny is back on TV. DAY MAN!


New member
May 10, 2012
Thanks sotie.

SKILL_SHOT: No. I do not. You guys are special and deserves some extra attention ;) Ergo the name of the thread

I will concur that buying a MM is a little mad, but look at it this way. The price I payed is about the same as a new Stern LTD NIB game and after all the work that has been done to it, it plays almost like a NIB game. Actually the playfield, having lots of airbrushing and extra protection layers looks better than new.

Still Madness, I know (Medieval or not)
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New member
May 5, 2012
It's a longshot, but my money's on Evel Knievel.

Congrats on the MM, Karl. Wish I had the money and space to own more than one pin. Someday...

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